

General information

Question text: Have you used any of the following forms of medical treatment or therapy within the past five years? Please select all that apply, but only include activities you used as a form of medical treatment or therapy.
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 Ayurveda
2 Unani Medicine
3 Traditional Chinese Medicine
4 Naturopathic Medicine
5 Native American Traditional Medicine
6 Homeopathic Medicine
7 Osteopathic Medicine
8 Acupuncture
9 Hypnosis
10 Reiki
11 Qigong
12 Herbal supplements
13 Tai Chi
14 Yoga
15 Electromagnetic Therapy
16 None of these
Label: used alternative medical treatments in past 5 years
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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