

General information

Question text: The closer your response is to the correct answer, the more you will earn. You may use whatever approaches you would like to answer these questions.

Each time your response is within 10% of the correct answer, you will receive $^amount3; responses within 25% will receive $^amount2; and responses within 50% will receive $^amount1. Responses more than 50% away from the correct answer will not receive a payment for that question.

Example: An asset has an initial value of $0 but its value increases by $10 every period. What is the value of the asset after 6 periods?

The correct answer is $60. Earnings for different responses are shown below:

Response Below $30 $30-$44 $45-$53 $54-$66 $67-$75 $76-$90 Above $90
Earnings $0 $^amount1 $^amount2 $^amount3 $^amount2 $^amount1 $0

Question 1

An asset has an initial value of $100 and grows at an interest rate of 10% each period. What is the value of the asset after 20 periods?
Answer type: Numeric with decimals
Label: value after 20 periods
Empty allowed:
Error allowed:
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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