
Variable Question text Label
a001The closer your response is to the correct answer, the more you will earn. You may use whatever approaches you would like to answer these questions.

Each time your response is within 10% of the correct answer, you will receive $^amount3; responses within 25% will receive $^amount2; and responses within 50% will receive $^amount1. Responses more than 50% away from the correct answer will not receive a payment for that question.

Example: An asset has an initial value of $0 but its value increases by $10 every period. What is the value of the asset after 6 periods?

The correct answer is $60. Earnings for different responses are shown below:

Response Below $30 $30-$44 $45-$53 $54-$66 $67-$75 $76-$90 Above $90
Earnings $0 $^amount1 $^amount2 $^amount3 $^amount2 $^amount1 $0

Question 1

An asset has an initial value of $100 and grows at an interest rate of 10% each period. What is the value of the asset after 20 periods?
value after 20 periods
a002The closer your response is to the correct answer, the more you will earn. You may use whatever approaches you would like to answer these questions.

Each time your response is within 10% of the correct answer, you will receive $^amount3; responses within 25% will receive $^amount2; and responses within 50% will receive $^amount1. Responses more than 50% away from the correct answer will not receive a payment for that question.

Example: An asset has an initial value of $0 but its value increases by $10 every period. What is the value of the asset after 6 periods?

The correct answer is $60. Earnings for different responses are shown below:

Response Below $30 $30-$44 $45-$53 $54-$66 $67-$75 $76-$90 Above $90
Earnings $0 $^amount1 $^amount2 $^amount3 $^amount2 $^amount1 $0

Question 2

An asset has an initial value of $100 and grows at an interest rate of 5% each period. What is the value of the asset after 50 periods?
value after 50 periods
a003The closer your response is to the correct answer, the more you will earn. You may use whatever approaches you would like to answer these questions.

Each time your response is within 10% of the correct answer, you will receive $^amount3; responses within 25% will receive $^amount2; and responses within 50% will receive $^amount1. Responses more than 50% away from the correct answer will not receive a payment for that question.

Example: An asset has an initial value of $0 but its value increases by $10 every period. What is the value of the asset after 6 periods?

The correct answer is $60. Earnings for different responses are shown below:

Response Below $30 $30-$44 $45-$53 $54-$66 $67-$75 $76-$90 Above $90
Earnings $0 $^amount1 $^amount2 $^amount3 $^amount2 $^amount1 $0

Question 3

An asset has an initial value of $100 and grows at an interest rate of -20% in odd periods (starting with the first), and at 25% in even periods. What is the value of the asset after 24 periods?
value after 24 periods
a004The closer your response is to the correct answer, the more you will earn. You may use whatever approaches you would like to answer these questions.

Each time your response is within 10% of the correct answer, you will receive $^amount3; responses within 25% will receive $^amount2; and responses within 50% will receive $^amount1. Responses more than 50% away from the correct answer will not receive a payment for that question.

Example: An asset has an initial value of $0 but its value increases by $10 every period. What is the value of the asset after 6 periods?

The correct answer is $60. Earnings for different responses are shown below:

Response Below $30 $30-$44 $45-$53 $54-$66 $67-$75 $76-$90 Above $90
Earnings $0 $^amount1 $^amount2 $^amount3 $^amount2 $^amount1 $0

Question 4

An asset has an initial value of $100 and grows at an interest rate of -40% in odd periods (starting with the first), and at 80% in even periods. What is the value of the asset after 14 periods?
value after 14 periods
a005The closer your response is to the correct answer, the more you will earn. You may use whatever approaches you would like to answer these questions.

Each time your response is within 10% of the correct answer, you will receive $^amount3; responses within 25% will receive $^amount2; and responses within 50% will receive $^amount1. Responses more than 50% away from the correct answer will not receive a payment for that question.

Example: An asset has an initial value of $0 but its value increases by $10 every period. What is the value of the asset after 6 periods?

The correct answer is $60. Earnings for different responses are shown below:

Response Below $30 $30-$44 $45-$53 $54-$66 $67-$75 $76-$90 Above $90
Earnings $0 $^amount1 $^amount2 $^amount3 $^amount2 $^amount1 $0

Question 5

Asset A has an initial value of $100, and grows at an interest rate of 8% each period. Asset B has an initial value of $X, and grows at an interest rate of 8% each period. Asset A grows for 10 periods, and Asset B grows for 24 periods. What value of X will cause the two assets to be of equal value?
value after 14 periods
a006As was already explained, you can earn between $0 and $^max_a006 based on your answers to the previous five questions.

  • Each response within 10% of the correct answer earns $^amount3.
  • Each response within 25% of the correct answer earns $^amount2.
  • Each response within 50% of the correct answer earns $^amount1.
You now have a chance to earn a fixed amount of money instead of the amount you would have earned based on your answers. The next screen will explain how this works, but first please answer the following:

How much do you think you would earn if your payment is based on the five previous questions?
expected payment
a006_randomizerSelected line. Appears as a test question here.line selected in table
a007These questions will not affect your payment.

Did you use any tools to help answer the 5 hypothetical investment questions? If so, which ones? (select all that apply)
tools used
a008Did you receive help from anyone to answer the 5 hypothetical investment questions? If so, who? (select all that apply)tools used
payout_alphaPayout for alpha questions. Appears as a test question here. Said to earn: ^a006. Actual earned based on answers: ^totalamount_alpha.payout
pb_010Risk Question

This question is for real stakes. One out of ten participants will be randomly selected for an additional real payment that will be added to your next payment.

The following question asks you to pick between 6 possible pairs of outcomes. If this question is selected for payment, then the computer will flip a virtual coin. There is a 50% chance it will come up "heads" and a 50% chance it will come up "tails". You will receive the amount indicated by the pair you choose.

For example, if you choose Pair 4 and the virtual coin comes up heads, you will receive $11. If you choose Pair 4 and the virtual coin comes up tails, you will receive $2.

Please select one of the following pairs:
risk question coin flip
pb_flipCoin flip. Appears as a test question only.Indicates whether heads or tails was flipped
pb_rewardreward from coin flip question
pb_selected_riskIndicates whether R was selected for risk question. Appears as a test question only.selected for risk question