UAS 108


UAS103 follow up (Trump/Clinton OS)

Section Description
Base Base questions
Demographics Demographics
Feelings US Feeling Survey Questions
income Income
attitudes Attitudes towards professions
political Political questions
Closing Closing questions
UAS 108 - Response Overview #
Size of selected sample 2111
Completed the survey 1355
Started but did not complete the survey 3
Did not start the survey 753
Response rate 64.19%
Timing Distribution
Additional Information
Sample selection All active respondents from the Nationally Representative sample excluding respondents who voted for someone other than Trump or Cilnton in UAS 71 or UAS 91; and who started or completed UAS 103.
Language(s) English/Spanish
Field dates September 01, 2017 to October 11, 2017
Under embargo No
Average Time 3 minutes