UAS 611


Access to Alzheimer Treatments

Section Description
Base Base questions
Demographics Demographics
information Information
medicare_pay Measuring Willingness to Pay – Medicare contributions
flat_pay Measuring Willingness to Pay - Flat Fee
background Background
understanding Understanding the treatment questions
Closing Closing questions
UAS 611 - Response Overview #
Size of selected sample 8260
Completed the survey 5725
Started but did not complete the survey 53
Did not start the survey 2482
Response rate 69.31%
Timing Distribution
Additional Information
Sample selection Custom selection of active respondents (1,610 Hispanics; 1,610 Non-Hispanic Blacks; 3,220 Non-Hispanic Non-Black)
Language(s) English/Spanish
Field dates April 04, 2024 to June 09, 2024
Under embargo Yes
Average Time 6 minutes