Knowledge and Attitudes Concerning Aducanumab Among Older Americans After FDA Approval for Treatment of Alzheimer Disease

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Knowledge and Attitudes Concerning Aducanumab Among Older Americans After FDA Approval for Treatment of Alzheimer Disease
Julie Zissimopoulos; Mireille Jacobson; Yi Chen, MS; Soo Borson, M5
Publication Type
Other publication
JAMA Network Open
On June 7, 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved aducanumab (Aduhelm), the first new drug for Alzheimer disease in decades. Response to the decision among clinical and research communities was immediate.1-4 Enthusiasm was outweighed by concerns that included uncertain efficacy, serious adverse effects, a broad target patient population, high costs, and potential association with demand for diagnostics. While the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has proposed a restrictive coverage decision, patients and their doctors may still choose aducanumab. Informed use decisions should weigh potential benefits and harms associated with the drug, which presumes that individuals understand these issues. Soon after aducanumab’s approval, when publicity was high, we studied older Americans’ understanding of aducanumab and attitudes toward its potential outcomes.