
Variable Question text Label
consentR consent
consent1Now that you have read about what is required for the Air Quality in Daily Life Study, please let us know if you are interested in participating.

If you say yes, we will notify you by email to confirm your mailing address and send you the device and a user guide.

At that time, you can still say yes or no, or ask to be rescheduled.
initial consent
consent2Having read more about it, are you interested in participating in this project? If you say yes, we will notify you by email to verify your mailing address so that we can send you the Atmotube device. You can still say yes or no at that time, and can quit the study any time during the year.consent after further information
notsureThank you for thinking about participating in our project. We understand that you aren’t sure if you want to do it. To help us learn, please just let us know why. Check all that apply, and add your own if needed. Please feel free to contact us to get any questions answered. No reason, I just don't want to do it
refusedindicates if R refused
whyrefusedWe understand and respect that you have your own reasons for not wanting to participate, and are hoping you will share those with us. Help us learn! Check all that apply, and add your own if needed.No reason, I just don't want to do it
whyrefused_orderorder why refused