
Variable Question text Label
al001aIn the past 12 months, how frequently did you or anyone else in your household pawn an item at a pawn shop? Do not include selling an unwanted item to a pawn often pawn item
al002In the past 12 months, did you or anyone else in your household rent any items such as furniture or appliances from a rent-to-own store? rent items
al003In the past 12 months, did you or anyone else in your household take out a refund anticipation check (RAC) when filing taxes? A RAC is an arrangement in which you agree to pay a fee to delay paying the price charged for tax preparation services. The tax preparation charges and the fee for the RAC itself are then deducted from your tax refund before you receive the money.take out tax refund anticipation check
al004In the past 12 months, did you or anyone in your household take out a loan that requires the borrower to provide the title to their car in exchange for borrowing money for a short period of time? These are often called auto title loans. This is different from a loan used to purchase a car.used auto title loans
al005aIn the past 12 months, how frequently did you or anyone else in your household take out a payday loan or payday advance? If you rolled over or extended a payday loan, please count each rollover as a separate often take out payday loan or payday advance
al006In the past 12 months, did you or anyone else in your household cash a check? (not a deposit) (check all that apply) Yes, at a bank or credit union
al006aIn the past 12 months, which non-bank locations did you or others in your household use to cash a check? (check all that apply)A stand-alone check cashing service or payday lender
al007In the past 12 months, did you or anyone else in your household purchase a money order? (check all that apply)Yes, at a bank or credit union
al007aIn the past 12 months, which non-bank locations did you or anyone else in your household use to purchase a money order? (check all that apply) A wholesale store or big box store (such as Walmart, Costco, etc.)
al008A credit card that is secured by cash held in a bank account is often called a secured credit card. For example, someone deposits $500 and then can charge up to a limit of $500 on the card.

In the past 12 months, did you or anyone else in your household have a secured credit card?
have secured credit card
al009In the past 12 months, did you or anyone else in your household send money to friends or family living outside the US? (check all that apply)Yes, through a bank or credit union
al010In the past 12 months, have you or anyone else in your household had to forfeit a pawned item because you were unable to pay off your loan? Do not include selling an unwanted item to a pawn shop. had to forfeit pawned item in past 12 months
al011Does your employer offer a service to access your earned wages before your actual payday (even if you do not personally use the benefit)? Employers typically partner with a provider like Even, Payactiv, Dailypay, Branch, or Instant Financial to offer such a service.employer offer access to wages pre payday
al012In the past 12 months, have you utilized a service offered through your employer to access your earned wages before your actual payday? utilized access to wages pre payday past 12 months
al013Typically, how frequently do you use a service that allows you to access your earned wages before your actual payday? how often utilized access to wages pre payday
al014Do you pay a monthly fee, a per-use fee, or no fee to access your earned wages? pay fee to access earned wages
al015Do you typically provide a tip when you access your earned wages? typically provide tip when access earned wages
al016aHow much do you pay on a monthly basis to access your earned wages (excluding any tips)?how much pay monthly basis for access earned wages
al016bHow much do you typically pay on a per use basis to access your earned wages (excluding any tips)?how much pay per use basis for access earned wages
al017How much do you typically provide as a tip when you access your earned wages?how much typically provide as tip for access earned wages