Variable | Question text | Label |
AO001 | Were you wearing the Atmo tube the whole day yesterday? | wearing atmo tube whole day |
AO002_intro | At what times did you take it off?
Please check all period that you were not wearing the atmo tube | At what times atmo tube off |
AO003 | In your opinion, how safe is the air quality in your home for breathing? If you’re not sure, please give your best guess. | how safe air quality inside |
AO004 | In your opinion, how safe is the air quality in your neighborhood for breathing? If you’re not sure, please give your best guess. | how safe air quality neighborhood |
AO005 | How often, if ever, did you check the air quality on your Atmo phone app this week? | how often check air quality on atmo app |
AO006 | Have you moved to a new residence since ^FLSinceLast? | have you moved since last iwer |
AO007 | The next two questions ask you about streets near your home. Please answer for the busiest street next to your home, where there is no building between your home and the street.
Are your bedroom windows facing an: | bedroom windows facing an |
AO008 | Are your living room windows facing an: | living windows facing an |
AO009 | The next questions are about your primary residence
What type of building do you live in? | What type of building r lives in |
AO010 | What floor do you live on? | what floor r lives |
AO011 | Which floor? | what floor r lives greater than 3 |
AO012 | Does your residence have air conditioning? | r residence has ac |
AO013 | How often did you use the air conditioning in the last seven days? | how often use ac |
AO014 | Which of these heating sources is used in your residence? Check all that apply | heating sources used |
AO015 | Is an air cleaner/filter used in your residence (stand-alone or central)? | air cleaner in residence |
AO016 | What type of air cleaner/filter is used? (please check all that apply) | what kind of air filter |
AO018 | How often do you replace or clean your filter? | how often replace filter |
AO018_other | Other filter change | |
cntAO | AO counter |