
Variable Question text Label
di001Again, for the app to work best, it would need to have as complete a picture of your health profile as possible and all information you would give to the app will be kept strictly deidentified and confidential.

How willing would you be to log into the app on a weekly basis to answer a few questions (about 3 - 5 minutes) about how you are feeling?
how willing log on a weekly basis to answer questions
di001_3_orderorder of di001/di002/di003/di006 series
di002Again, for the app to work best, it would need to have as complete a picture of your health profile as possible and all information you would give to the app will be kept strictly deidentified and confidential.

How willing would you be to let the app collect health information from your smartphone, wearables, smart devices, and other consumer apps you might use? For example, a Fitbit or Apple Watch, Runkeeper or Noom Coach, etc.
how willing collect health information
di003Again, for the app to work best, it would need to have as complete a picture of your health profile as possible and all information you would give to the app will be kept strictly deidentified and confidential.

How willing would you be to let the app collect health information from your health records (for example, from your doctor's office)?
how willing collect health information from health records
di004_orderorder of di004 series
di004aMakes personalized recommendations about your day-to-day health behaviors, like your sleep, physical activity, or dietMakes personalized recommendations about your day-to-day health behaviors, like your sleep, physical activity, or diet
di004bHelps you choose what type of healthcare to seek, find the right providers, and schedule appointmentsHelps you choose what type of healthcare to seek, find the right providers, and schedule appointments
di004cHelps you make healthcare choices when you are not feeling wellHelps you make healthcare choices when you are not feeling well
di004dAllows you to chat with a virtual agent to answer health questionsAllows you to chat with a virtual agent to answer health questions
di004eProvides reminders to take prescribed medications or when you may be due for appointmentsProvides reminders to take prescribed medications or when you may be due for appointments
di004fHelps you participate in research studies that you may be eligible for, with your consentHelps you participate in research studies that you may be eligible for, with your consent
di004gHelps you to set goals for your health and track your goal progress over timeHelps you to set goals for your health and track your goal progress over time
di004hAllows you to share--if you choose--your data with your healthcare providers, family, friends, and caregivers to support decision making about your healthAllows you to share--if you choose--your data with your healthcare providers, family, friends, and caregivers to support decision making about your health
di004iHelps you connect with your social network to participate in health challengesHelps you connect with your social network to participate in health challenges
di004jOther, please specify: ~di004j_openother important app features
di005Which of the above features would be most important in convincing you to use the app? (Please pick up to three)Makes personalized recommendations about your day-to-day health behaviors, like your sleep, physical activity, or diet
di005_orderorder of di005 series
di006Again, for the app to work best, it would need to have as complete a picture of your health profile as possible and all information you would give to the app will be kept strictly deidentified and confidential.

How willing would you be to let the app collect Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) location information from your smartphones or wearable devices?
how willing app collect Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) location information
randomizer_payThis is a test screen only.

Indicate whether "The app paid you $5 a month?" is asked or not
randomizer ask app paid or not