
Variable Question text Label
ss000aDo you currently receive Social Security benefits?receive social security benefits
ss000bDoes your spouse currently receive Social Security benefits?spouse receive social security benefits
ss001Up to now, how do the total earnings over your lifetime compare to your ^FLSpouse's total lifetime earnings? Or, if you are retired, how did the total lifetime earnings compare to your ^FLSpouse's total lifetime earnings?primary earner
ss002How confident are you that, when you retire, the Social Security system will be able to provide you with the same level of benefits you are entitled to under current law? confidence SS provide with same level as under current law
ss003aDo you think the following statements are true or false?

A worker’s spouse can receive Social Security retirement benefits, even if the spouse never worked.
worker’s spouse can receive Social Security retirement benefits, even if the spouse never worked
ss003bIn some cases, a worker may receive greater Social Security retirement benefits based on his/her spouse’s lifetime earnings. in some cases, a worker may receive greater Social Security retirement benefits based on his/her spouse’s lifetime earnings.
ss004In the next set of questions, we are going to ask about Social Security retirement spousal benefits. These are retirement benefits available to the spouse of a worker who is eligible to receive Social Security retirement benefits. Have you heard about these benefits?heard of SS spousal benefits
ss005Among current spouses and partners, which statement best describes who is eligible for Social Security spousal retirement benefits? Social Security spousal retirement benefits are available to:current spouses social Security spousal retirement benefits are available to whom
ss006Among divorced spouses, which statement best describes who may be eligible for Social Security spousal retirement benefits? Social Security spousal retirement benefits may be available to:divorced spouses benefits available to whom
ss007If a primary beneficiary’s spouse claims Social Security spousal benefits, then does the primary beneficiary’s own Social Security retirement benefits increase, decrease, or stay the same? spouse claims what happens benefits primary benificiary
ss008Current spouses can claim spousal retirement benefits before the primary beneficiary claims his/her own benefits.spousal benefits can be claimed before the primary beneficiary claims
ss009The maximum Social Security retirement benefit that a spouse can receive is equivalent to: maximum social security benefit spouse can receive
ss010_dkOR Don't know
ss010aAll five correct:five correct
ss010bExactly four correct:four correct
ss010cExactly three correct:three correct
ss010dExactly two correct:two correct
ss010eExactly one correct:one correct
ss010fNo correct answers:none correct
ss011Please indicate which factors you think could influence Social Security spousal retirement benefits. Select all that apply. The primary beneficiary’s earnings over his/her lifetime
ss012Which do you think best describes how spousal benefits will impact the Social Security retirement benefits that you receive?benefits will increase based on spouse earnings'
ss013Which do you think best describes how spousal benefits will impact the Social Security retirement benefits that your ^FLSpouse receives?spouse benefits will increase based on your earnings'
ss014In the next set of questions, we are going to ask about Social Security survivors benefits. These are benefits available to the spouse or family of a worker who is eligible to receive Social Security retirement benefits, in the event of the worker’s death. Have you heard about these benefits?heard of survivor benefits
ss015If the deceased had been married for at least 9 months prior to death, then his/her widow/widower may be eligible for survivors benefits. married at least 9 months, widow eligible for survivor benefits
ss016If the deceased’s widow/widower ever remarries, then the widow/widower is no longer eligible for survivors benefits. widow remarries, no longer eligible survivor benefits
ss017If the deceased had been living with a partner for at least ten years, then the surviving partner may be eligible for survivor benefits.partner for ten years, survivor may be eligible survivor benefits
ss018If the deceased had ever been divorced, then the deceased’s surviving former spouse may be eligible for survivors benefits, if they were married for at least ten years before they divorced.deceased former spoue may be eligible if married ten years
ss019If the deceased did not have any dependents at the time of death, the maximum Social Security retirement benefit that a widow/widower can receive is equivalent to: no dependents at death, maximum widow can receive
ss020_dkOR Don't know
ss020aAll five correct:five correct
ss020bExactly four correct:four correct
ss020cExactly three correct:three correct
ss020dExactly two correct:two correct
ss020eExactly one correct:one correct
ss020fNo correct answers:none correct