
Variable Question text Label
q013Over the last 12 months, how much stress, if any, did your finances cause you? stress because of finances
q014To what extent, if any, has financial stress negatively impacted your physical health? phsyical health impact of financial stress
q014_17_orderorder of q014 to q017
q015To what extent, if any, has financial stress negatively impacted your mental health? mental health impact of financial stress
q016To what extent, if any, has financial stress negatively impacted your family life?family life impact of financial stress
q017To what extent, if any, has financial stress negatively impacted your work or school performance?school/work performance impact of financial stress
q018Generally speaking, who in your household is most knowledgeable about your household’s finances? who in household most knowledgeable about finances
q019In the past 12 months, I worried whether our food would run out before I got money to buy more.I worried whether our food would run out before I got money to buy more.
q020In the past 12 months, we had trouble paying our rent or mortgage.we had trouble paying our rent or mortgage
q021In the past 12 months, I or someone in my household did not get healthcare we needed because we couldn’t afford it.I or someone in my household did not get healthcare we needed because we couldn’t afford it.
q022In the past 12 months, I or someone in my household stopped taking a medication or took less than directed due to the costs.I or someone in my household stopped taking a medication or took less than directed due to the costs.