
Variable Question text Label
FLQ012fill for q012 question
FLQ014fill for q014 question
q009Which candidate, if any, did you vote for in the election for United States senator for California?
U.S. Senate candidate choice - full ballot
q009_orderorder for q009 answer choices
q010What is the percentage chance that you will vote in the November election? Please indicate by clicking or tapping the slider bar then moving the slider, or by typing in a number.Likelihood of voting in November
q011If the general election for governor of California were held today, would you vote for ^FLQ011[1] or ^FLQ011[2]?Vote for Gov in 2018 CA General Election
q011_rndRandom number for q011 candidate order
1 = candidate1 then candidate2
2 = candidate2 then candidate1
random number for q011 order
q012What number represents how certain you are that you will vote for ^FLQ012 in November, on a scale where 0 means you are not certain at all and 100 means you are extremely certain you will vote for that candidate in November?how certain will vote for preferred governor candidate
q013If the general election for U.S senator for California were held today, would you vote for ^FLQ013[1] or ^FLQ013[2]?Vote for Gov in 2018 CA General Election
q013_rndRandom number for q013 candidate order
1 = candidate1 then candidate2
2 = candidate2 then candidate1
random number for q013 order
q014What number represents how certain you are that you will vote for ^FLQ014 in November, on a scale where 0 means you are not certain at all and 100 means you are extremely certain you will vote for that candidate in November?how certain will vote for preferred senate candidate
slider_labelslabels for q010 slider
slider_labels2labels for q012,014 sliders