ne001 | How many years have you lived in your neighborhood? | how many year lived in neighborhood |
ne002 | How satisfied are you with your neighborhood?
| satisfied with neighborhood |
ne003_order | | order of ne003 questions |
ne003a | There are safe and convenient public transit options in my neighborhood. | There are safe and convenient public transit options in my neighborhood. |
ne003b | I am satisfied with the number and quality of businesses and services (grocery stores, health care services, restaurants, etc.) in my neighborhood. | I am satisfied with the number and quality of businesses and services (grocery stores, health care services, restaurants, etc.) in my neighborhood. |
ne003c | I am satisfied with the number and quality of parks and green spaces in my neighborhood. | I am satisfied with the number and quality of parks and green spaces in my neighborhood. |
ne003d | My neighborhood is clean and the roads and sidewalks are in good condition. | My neighborhood is clean and the roads and sidewalks are in good condition. |
ne003e | There is a lot of traffic in or around my neighborhood. | There is a lot of traffic in or around my neighborhood. |
ne003f | My neighborhood is noisy. | My neighborhood is noisy. |
ne003g | Vandalism is common in my neighborhood. | Vandalism is common in my neighborhood. |
ne003h | My neighborhood is affordable for me. | My neighborhood is affordable for me. |
ne003i | In my neighborhood, people watch out for each other. | In my neighborhood, people watch out for each other. |
ne003j | I can trust most people in my neighborhood. | I can trust most people in my neighborhood. |
ne003k | There are too many people hanging around on the streets near my home. | There are too many people hanging around on the streets near my home. |
ne003l | There is a lot of crime in my neighborhood. | There is a lot of crime in my neighborhood. |
ne003m | There is a lot of drug and alcohol use in my neighborhood. | There is a lot of drug and alcohol use in my neighborhood. |
ne004 | What do you think will happen to home prices in your neighborhood a year from now? | what will happen to home prices in neighborhood |
ne005 | Does your household rent or own your current residence? | rent or own current residence |
ne011 | In the next year, do you plan to stay in your current residence or move somewhere else?
| plan to stay in current residence |
ne012 | What are your main reasons for planning to stay in your current residence? Please check all that apply. | reasons for planning to stay in current residence |
ne013 | What are your main reasons for planning to leave your current residence? Please check all that apply.
| reasons for planning to leave current residence |
ne014 | Where do you plan to move to?
| plan to move to |
ne015 | Does your household plan to rent or buy the next residence you move into? | plan to rent or buy the next residence |
ne016 | A year from now, what do you think your household will pay in rent per month? | in year pay in rent per month |
ne017 | Do you plan to sell your current house in the next year? | plan to sell current house in the next year |