
Variable Question text Label
amntcashwithtotal cash taken out
amntcashwith2related hurricane total cash taken out
amntcashwith3on hand total cash taken out
bh001_aEvacuated your primary residenceEvacuated your primary residence
bh001_bRequired or encouraged to stay inside your homeRequired or encouraged to stay inside your home
bh001_cVolunteered in the preparation or recovery effortsVolunteered in the preparation or recovery efforts
bh001_dWaited in long lines for gasWaited in long lines for gas
bh001_eHad friends, relatives, etc. stay with youHad friends, relatives, etc. stay with you
bh001_fHad other significant life disruptionsHad other significant life disruptions
bh002_aIf you work outside the home, was your work cancelled?work cancelled
bh002_bIf you live with a spouse or partner, was their work cancelled?if live with a spouse or partner, was work cancelled
bh002_cIf you attend school, was your school cancelled?if work outside the home, was work cancelled
bh002_dIf you have school-aged children, was their school cancelled?if have school-aged children, was their school cancelled
bh003Have you returned to live in your primary residence?returned to live in your primary residence
bh004How long were you evacuated or gone from your primary residence?how long gone from primary residence
bh006Please describe the life disruptions caused by Hurricane ^FL_hurricane2:what life disruptions
bh007How long were you required or suggested to stay inside your home?how long required or suggested to stay inside home
bh008How long was your work cancelled?how long work cancelled
bh009_aWas unable to use payment cards (credit, debit, prepaid) to make purchasesunable to use payment cards
bh009_bWaited in long lines for gaslong lines for gas
cb001Between ^FL_hurricane3 did you get or receive cash to prepare for or deal with the aftermath of Hurricane ^FL_hurricane2?got extra cash
cb002_adate cash transaction
cb002_bamount cash transaction
cb002_clocation cash transaction
cb002_dsource cash transaction
cb002_echarged fee cash transaction
cb002_moreDid you get or receive any more cash between ^FL_hurricane3?more cash transactions
cb003Out of the $^amntcashwith that you got or received between ^FL_hurricane3, about how much was for any reason related to Hurricane ^FL_hurricane2?how much cash taken
cb004Please tell us the reasons you got this extra cash for Hurricane ^FL_hurricane2:

  • Check all that apply.
As a precaution in case other methods of payment would not work during or after the hurricane.
cb004_orderorder of cb004 options
cb005As of today, how much of the $^amntcashwith2 that you got or received for Hurricane ^FL_hurricane2 do you have on hand (in wallet or stored elsewhere)??how much cash on hand today
cb007_bBank tellerBank teller
cb007_cCheck cashing storeCheck cashing store
cb007_dCash back at a retail storeCash back at a retail store
cb007_eFrom your employer (you are paid in cash)From your employer (you are paid in cash)
cb007_fFamily or friendFamily or friend
cb007_gPayday lenderPayday lender
cb008_bBank tellerBank teller
cb008_cCheck cashing storeCheck cashing store
cb008_dCash back at a retail storeCash back at a retail store
cb008_eFrom your employer (you are paid in cash)From your employer (you are paid in cash)
cb008_fFamily or friendFamily or friend
cb008_gPayday lenderPayday lender
cb009_bBank tellerBank teller
cb009_cCheck cashing storeCheck cashing store
cb009_dCash back at a retail storeCash back at a retail store
cb009_eFrom your employer (you are paid in cash)From your employer (you are paid in cash)
cb009_fFamily or friendFamily or friend
cb009_gPayday lenderPayday lender
cb010_bBank tellerBank teller
cb010_cCheck cashing storeCheck cashing store
cb010_dCash back at a retail storeCash back at a retail store
cb010_eFrom your employer (you are paid in cash)From your employer (you are paid in cash)
cb010_fFamily or friendFamily or friend
cb010_gPayday lenderPayday lender
cb011Now think about the next seven days.

How much of the $^amntcashwith3 that you have on hand do you expect to spend?
how much cash think to spend
cb012How much of the $^amntcashwith3 that you have on hand do you expect to deposit back into a checking or savings account?how much deposit back
cb013How much of the $^amntcashwith3 that you have on hand do you expect to keep for the future beyond those seven days?how much keep for future
cb014How did the effects of Hurricane ^FL_hurricane2 affect your plans about the average amount of cash you have on hand (in wallet or stored elsewhere)?

Since Hurricane ^FL_hurricane2, I plan to keep on hand...
feelings carrying cash
cb015Suppose another hurricane affects your area next year. In preparing for that hurricane, will your experience with Hurricane ^FL_Hurricane2 cause you to have on hand (in wallet or stored elsewhere)... future hurrican carry cash
cb016In total, how much cash did you hope to get?how much cash hoped to get
cb017In total, how much additional cash did you hope to get?how much additional cash hoped to get
dp007To the best of your recollection, were there payments that you would have likely made during your diary period if it weren’t for Hurricane ^FL_hurricane2? Examples include cancelled shopping trips, medical appointments, or purchases that you make on typical days. cancelled diary payments
dp008To the best of your recollection, were there cash withdrawals that you would have likely made or wanted to make during your diary period if it weren’t for Hurricane ^FL_hurricane2?cancelled diary withdrawals
gov001Did you receive assistance of any kind due to the effects of Hurricane ^FL_hurricane2?

  • Check all that apply
Yes, I got goods and services
gov002From whom did you get the assistance payments (money) due to the effects of Hurricane ^FL_hurricane2?

  • Check all that apply
Government (local, state, or federal)
gov003About how much was the total dollar amount of money you received for assistance due to the effects of Hurricane ^FL_hurricane2?

  • Do NOT include value of goods or services received.
how much assistance
gov004How did you receive most of the payment for the disaster assistance?how received payment
gov004_orderorder gov004 options
gov005How satisfied are you with the payment instrument used to pay you for disaster assistance? how satisfied with payment instrument
gov006In the future, if you are to receive disaster assistance from the government, which way would you most prefer to receive the money?in future preferreed instrument
gov007Please tell us about why you were dissatisfied with the payment instrument used to pay you for disaster assistance:why dissatisfied
numberofpaymentsnumber of preloaded diary payments
numberofwithdrawalsnumber of preloaded diary withdrawals
pr001_aLost electricity, heat or gasLost electricity, heat or gas
pr001_bPrimary residence was physically damagedPrimary residence was physically damaged
pr001_cVehicle(s) was physically damagedVehicle(s) was physically damaged
pr001_dHad other property damage worth more than $1,000Other property was physically damaged
pr003How much destruction occurred to your primary residence?amount of destruction primary residence
pr004Do you plan to continue to live at the address of your primary residence?plan to continue to live at primary residence