
Variable Question text Label
di_randomizerIndicates randomizer for article textrandomizer for article text
md_001After reading this story, which comes closest to your feelings about the future of American society?Future of American Society
md_001_orderorder Future of American Society
md_001_randomizerIndicates order answer options Future of American Societyrandomizer order answer options Future of American Society
md_002_orderorder of md002 series
md_002aWhite Americanscurrent discrimination White Americans
md_002bBlack Americanscurrent discrimination Black Americans
md_002cHispanic or Latino Americanscurrent discrimination Hispanic or Latino Americans
md_002dAsian-Americanscurrent discrimination Asian-Americans
md_003_orderorder of md003 series
md_003aWhite Americansfuture discrimination White Americans
md_003bBlack Americansfuture discrimination Black Americans
md_003cHispanic or Latino Americansfuture discrimination Hispanic or Latino Americans
md_003dAsian-Americansfuture discrimination Asian-Americans
md_004Suppose a person has two white grandparents and two Hispanic grandparents. Is that person best described as...Race/Ethnicity based on grandparents
md_004_orderorder Race/Ethnicity based on grandparents
md_004_randomizerIndicates order answer options Race/Ethnicity based on grandparentsrandomizer order answer options Race/Ethnicity based on grandparents
md_005Several states are considering proposals to raise taxes in order to increase spending on K-12 public education. Would you ^fl_md_005[1] or ^fl_md_005[2] this proposal?Taxes for K-12 public education
md_005_orderorder Taxes for K-12 public education
md_005_randomizerIndicates answer options for K-12 public education taxesrandomizer options taxes for K-12 public education
md_006_randomizerIndicates order of md_006a and md006_border of md_006a and md006_b
md_006aBallots in elections should be printed only in English.Ballots in elections should be printed only in English.
md_006bImmigration threatens traditional American values and cultureImmigration threatens traditional American values and culture