
Variable Question text Label
FS001How well does this statement describe you or your situation?

“To have the things I want in life, I would need more education or training.”
To have the things I want in life
FS002How well does this statement describe you or your situation?

“If I decided I needed to go back to school or get more training for a job, I could come up with the financial resources to do that.”
If I decided I needed to go back to school or get more training for a job
FS003How well does this statement describe you or your situation?

“I am working about as much as I need to afford the life I want, but not too much that I can’t have a life outside of work.”
I am working about as much as I need to afford the life I want
FS004How well does this statement describe you or your situation?

“If I needed to go out and find a job right now, I would have trouble finding one with good wages and benefits.”
If I needed to go out and find a job right now
FS005How well does this statement describe you or your situation?

“If I or someone in my household were to experience a major health issue, I am confident we would be okay financially, even if it took some time.”
If I or someone in my household were to experience a major health issue
FS006How well does this statement describe you or your situation?

“My financial situation prevents me from getting the care I need to stay healthy.”
My financial situation prevents me from getting the care I need to stay healthy
FS007How well does this statement describe you or your situation?

“My monthly housing expenses are affordable for me.”
My monthly housing expenses are affordable for me
FS008How well does this statement describe you or your situation?

“My current home is inadequate for my needs.”
My current home is inadequate for my needs
FS009How well does this statement describe you or your situation?

“I feel confident that I have the tools and knowledge I need to manage my money.”
I feel confident that I have the tools and knowledge I need to manage my money
FS010How well does this statement describe you or your situation?

“I am concerned I do not have enough money in savings.”
I am concerned I do not have enough money in savings