
Variable Question text Label
sp001In October 2023, we launched a new feature on your study page. It is called the "UAS Spotlight," and you can access it by selecting the corresponding tab on your study page (it would have appeared like one of the images below). Did you ever notice this tab on your study page?

noticed UAS Spotlight
sp002Did you ever click on the "UAS Spotlight" tab on your study page?ever clicked UAS Spotlight
sp004Did you ever scroll through a list of posts on the UAS Spotlight?ever scroll through posts on UAS Spotlight
sp005Please rate your experience with the posts on a scale from 0 meaning an extremely negative experience, and 100 meaning an extremely positive experience.rate experience with UAS spotlight posts
sp006The three images below are real posts on the UAS Spotlight tab. Please select which of the three posts you find the most interesting: which post more interesting UAS spotlight
sp006_orderorder which post more interesting UAS spotlight
sp007In general, do you believe your participation in the UAS surveys contributes to the common good?believe participation in UAS surveys contributes to common good
uas_spotlightwhether uas spotlight tab was available for respondent whether uas spotlight tab was available for respondent