
Variable Question text Label
v001How closely have you been following news about the presidential campaign?how closely been following news about presidential campaign
v002In the race for President in 2024, will you vote for ^v002_order[1] or ^v002_order[2], or won't you vote for President?who vote for in 2024 presidential election
v002_orderorder of v002 answer options
v003_orderorder v003 series
v003aIllegal immigrationimportance Illegal immigration
v003bThe cost of living and rising pricesimportance The cost of living and rising prices
v003cClimate changeimportance Climate change
v003dAccess to abortionimportance Access to abortion
v003eGun control policyimportance Gun control policy
v003fThreats to democracyimportance Threats to democracy
v003gThe war in Ukraineimportance The war in Ukraine