
Variable Question text Label
PD100Did you make any other payments or buy anything else yesterday using a computer (laptop or desktop)?any other payments
numberofpaymentsnumber of payments
pay001Please tell us who you paid.

daily purchases merchant
pay002Is this payment a bill payment?bill payment
pay003Is everything correct?everyting correct
payamntdaily purchases amount
paydevicedaily purchases device
paymethoddaily purchases payment method
paytimedaily purchases time
paytime_hhdaily purchases time
paytime_mmdaily purchases time
q98Think about the payments and purchases that you made yesterday.

Did you make any payments or buy anything yesterday using a computer (laptop or desktop)?
any payments today
q101_paypalHow did you fund this mobile app (PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, etc.) payment? how is your paypal funded
q104Which mobile payments app did you use to make this payment?which mobile payments app to make payment