
Variable Question text Label
de011Where does your own personal income rank within your household?PERSONAL INCOME RANK WITHIN HOUSEHOLD
fr001_aPaying monthly bills (rent or mortgage, utilities, cell phone, etc.)Paying monthly bills rent or mortgage, utilities, cell phone, etc.)
fr001_bDoing regular shopping for the household (groceries, household supplies, pharmacy, etc.)Doing regular shopping for the household (groceries, household supplies, pharmacy, etc.)
fr001_dMaking decisions about saving and investments (whether to save, how much to save, where to invest, how much to borrow)Making decisions about saving and investments (whether to save, how much to save, where to invest, how much to borrow)
fr001_eMaking decisions about other household financial matters (where to bank, what payment methods to use, setting up online bill payments, filing taxes)Making decisions about other household financial matters (where to bank, what payment methods to use, setting up online bill payments, filing taxes)
invite001Would you will be willing to participate in a two-part survey that you will take between mid-September and early November? ^FLInvite001

  • Part 1. You will earn $20 for taking a 30-minute survey in mid to late September.
  • Part 2. You will earn $70 for recording information on four consecutive days that will be randomly assigned between September 28 and November 2, 2019.
    • The first day is a 10-minute survey.
    • For the next three days you will record information in a memory aid about your cash on hand, your purchases and bill payments, and cash deposits and withdrawals. Each night you will login online and report your activity. This takes about 20 minutes per day.

You must complete both parts, and you will earn $90 for completing this study.

Will you be willing to participate in this study?
invite002Thank you!

Please note, for this study we are only interested in the spending you do in the United States. We can schedule your survey dates for when you are in the United States.

Do you have any international travel planned for the period between September 28 and November 2, 2019?
international travel
invite003_aPlease let us know what dates you will be travelling internationally between September 28 and November 2, 2019.

I will be leaving on:
leaving travel
invite003_bI will be returning home on: returning travel
invite004We understand that you may be busy or not interested. Could you please tell us the reasons why you declined to participate?
  • Please check all that apply.
why not interested

After considering this new information, would you be willing to participate in this study?
invite010Do you have a checking account?checking account
invite011Do you have a savings account?savings account
invite015Telephone banking
  • You can talk with a teller or use your phone keypad or voice commands.
invite016Online banking
  • You have set up a username and password so you can conduct transactions at your bank's website.
invite017Mobile banking
  • You have downloaded your bank’s mobile app onto your phone or tablet.
invite018Paying bills via online banking

You can use your bank’s website to make electronic payments from your bank account to a merchant, company, government, or private individual.

To do so, you would need to set up online bill pay by entering the name, address, and account number of the company or person to whom you are paying a bill.

Have you set up online bill pay at your bank’s website?
pa015_aHow much cash do you have in your wallet, purse, and/or pocket?

  • Please round to the nearest dollar
  • Do not include cash owned by other members of your household
how much cash in wallet
pa045Some payments can be made by sending a text message.

Examples of these types of payments include making donations to the Red Cross or using PayPal via text messages.

Have you made a text message payment in the past 12 months?
text message payment in past 12 months
pa045_aVia your bankvia your bank
pa045_bUsing a non-bank payment service such as PayPalusing a non-bank payment service such as PayPal
pa045_cAuthorize your mobile phone company to pay for youauthorize your mobile phone company to pay for you
pa189_aI used tap-and-pay at the point of saleTAP PHONE FOR PAYMENT
pa189_bI scanned a QR code or showed my phone to a clerk, driver, or restaurant staff at the point of saleSCANNED CODE FOR PAYMENT
pa189_cI used a mobile app to payMOBILE APP FOR PAYMENT
participated_2015participated in 2015participated in 2015
participated_2016participated in 2016participated in 2016
participated_2017participated in 2017participated in 2017
participated_2018participated in 2018participated in 2018
q115_aPurchases and other non-bill payments preferences

Please tell us the payment method you most prefer to use for making purchases and other nonbill payments.
most preferred method for non bill payments
q115_bBill payment preferences

Please tell us the payment method you most prefer to use for making bill payments.
most preferred method for bill payments
willingwilling to participate