Variable | Question text | Label |
FL_q1 | ||
FL_q2a | ||
FL_q2b | ||
FL_q5 | ||
FL_q6a | ||
FL_q6a_b | ||
q1 | Now we have a few questions about preparing for retirement. How well prepared financially ^FL_q1 you for retirement? Please give yourself a grade from A to D, where A means you are very well prepared and D means not prepared at all. | well prepared financially for retirement |
q2a | How inflation ^FL_q2a your retirement income | How inflation will affect your retirement income |
q2b | How much you ^FL_q2b to have saved to retire comfortably | How much you will need to have saved to retire comfortably |
q2c | How the Social Security system works | How the Social Security system works |
q2d | How long you might live in retirement | How long you might live in retirement |
q2e | How to invest your retirement money | How to invest your retirement money |
q2f | How to manage your spending in retirement | How to manage your spending in retirement |
q3 | Please tell us which of the following statements comes closest to what you believe Social Security should provide to Americans like you during retirement. Do you think it should provide...? | what you believe Social Security should provide to Americans like you during retirement |
q4a | How Social Security retirement benefits are calculated | How Social Security retirement benefits are calculated |
q4b | The eligibility age for full Social Security retirement benefits | The eligibility age for full Social Security retirement benefits |
q4c | Whether working after you claim Social Security retirement could affect the benefit you receive | Whether working after you claim Social Security retirement could affect the benefit you receive |
q4d | How much your monthly Social Security retirement benefits will be | How much your monthly Social Security retirement benefits will be |
q4e | How Social Security retirement benefits change based on how old you are when you claim | How Social Security retirement benefits change based on how old you are when you claim |
q4spa | How much your spouse’s monthly Social Security retirement benefits will be | How much your spouse’s monthly Social Security retirement benefits will be |
q4spb | How your decision about when to claim Social Security retirement benefits can affect your spousal benefits | How your decision about when to claim Social Security retirement benefits can affect your spousal benefits |
q4spc | How your spouse’s decision about when to claim Social Security benefits may affect your benefits | How your spouse’s decision about when to claim Social Security benefits may affect your benefits |
q5 | ^FL_q5 | provide you with the level of benefits you are supposed to get under current law in the future |
q6a | ^FL_q6a | how confident SS pays at least some of benefits |
q6a_b | ^FL_q6a_b | how confident SS pays more than two thirds of benefits |
q6b | What do you think is the percent chance that you will live to age 75? | percent chance live to 75 |
q6c | What do you think is the percent chance you will live to age 85? | percent chance live to 85 |
q7a | In your opinion, will the retirement benefits you expect to receive from Social Security be enough to maintain a good standard of living? Please rate these benefits on a 1 to 5 scale, where 1 means "less than enough" to maintain a good standard of living and 5 means "more than enough" to maintain a good standard of living. | retirement benefits you will receive from Social Security |
q7b | In your opinion, is the retirement benefit you currently receive from Social Security enough for a good standard of living? Please rate these benefits on a 1 to 5 scale, where "1" means much less than enough and "5" means much more than enough. | retirement benefits you are currently receiving from Social Security |
q8a | Prior to retiring from work, did you ever (select all that apply): | retired ever interact SSA |
q8b | Prior to retirement from work, did you (select all that apply): | retired investment actions |
q8c | Have you ever (select all that apply): | not retired ever interact SSA |
q8d | Have you ever (select all that apply): | not retired investment actions |
q9 | Which of the following best describes how a worker’s Social Security benefits are calculated? If you are unsure, please give your best guess. | how a worker’s Social Security benefits are calculated |
q10a | Someone who has never worked for pay may still be able to claim benefits if his or her spouse qualifies for Social Security. | benefits if their spouse qualifies for SS |
q10b | The amount of Social Security retirement benefits is not affected by the age at which someone starts claiming | Social Security benefits are not affected by claiming age |
q10c | Social Security benefits are adjusted for inflation | Social Security benefits are adjusted for inflation |
q10h | If a worker who pays Social Security taxes dies, any of his/her children under age 18 may claim Social Security survivor benefits | children under 18 get SS benefits |
q10i | If a worker who pays Social Security taxes dies, his/her spouse may claim Social Security survivor benefits only if they have children | spouse entitled to benefits |
q10j | A divorced person is never entitled to receive retirement benefits on their ex-spouse's record | divorces person never entitled |
q10k | People have to claim Social Security retirement benefits as soon as they retire from work. | People have to claim Social Security retirement benefits as soon as they retire from work. |
q11 | In general, how confident are you that the responses you just gave to these true or false questions are correct? | confidence true, false |
s4 | Are you married? | married |
s6a | Do you think you will be eligible to receive benefits from Social Security in the future? | ever be eligible to receive benefits from Social Security |
s7a | Do you currently receive Social Security retirement benefits? | currently receive Social Security benefits |
s7b | Does your spouse currently receive Social Security benefits? | spouse currently receive Social Security benefits |
s8a | Which of the following best describes your employment status? Are you currently...? | current employment status |
s8b | Which of the following best describes your spouse's employment status? Is your spouse currently...? | spouse current employment status |
s8c | You mentioned that you are retired, but are you...? | retired work status |
s9c | You mentioned that your spouse is retired, but is he or she...? | spouse retired work status |
s11 | Between you and your spouse, on average whose annual earnings would you say are higher? | retired whose annual earnings higher |
s12a | At what age did you claim your Social Security retirement benefits? | age started receiving benefits |
s12b | How satisfied are you now with your decision to start claiming benefits at this age? | how satisified with decision |
s12c | Do you feel you had sufficient information about when to claim Social Security benefits to make the best decision for yourself and your family? | had sufficient information about when to claim |