
Variable Question text Label
hd_01Have you ever contacted our Help Desk?contacted help desk
hd_01whyWhy did you contact the Help Desk?why help desk
hd_01why_otherWhy did you contact the Help Desk?why help desk other reason
hd_01yesAbout how often have you contacted the Help Desk, either by email, by leaving remarks in your study pages, or by telephone?help desk frequency
hd_02How would you rate our Help Desk? rate help desk
hd_02averageThank you for this feedback. We would very much appreciate if you could tell us how we can improve in the box below. help desk average or poor
hd_03Have you spoken to or emailed with someone particularly helpful?commendable staff
hd_03_nameDo you remember who that was so we can let him or her know?  If so type the name here or any other comments you may have.commendable staff name or comments