RSNT003 | What were the factors that made you choose this restaurant? (choose all that apply) | RESTAURANT FACTORS |
RSNT004 | What meal did you purchase at the restaurant today? | RESTAURANT MEAL |
RSNT005 | Did anyone come with you? | ANYONE JOIN |
RSNT006 | Which of your family members joined you? (check all that apply) | WHO JOINED |
RSNT007 | Who did you order for? (choose all that apply) | ORDER FOR |
RSNT008 | Did the restaurant staff tell you about any healthy items? | STAFF MENTION HEALTHY ITEMS |
RSNT009A | At or around the restaurant entrance? | SEE LOGO AT ENTRANCE |
RSNT009B | At or around the counter where you ordered? | SEE LOGO AT COUNTER |
RSNT009C | At the tables? | SEE LOGO AT TABLES |
RSNT009D | On the menu? | SEE LOGO ON MENU |
RSNT010 | When you decided what to order for yourself, what helped you make your decision? (choose all that apply)
RSNT011 | What did you think about when you decided what to order for your child/children? (choose all the apply) | THOUGHTS WHEN ORDERING FOR CHILDREN |