
Variable Question text Label
q18Do you have a Twitter account?twitter account
q19Is your Twitter account private or public?private or public twitter account
q20If at some time in the future we would like to learn more about how people interact on Twitter, how likely would you be to share your Twitter account name with us? This would allow us to see what you tweet and who you follow. Note that we are NOT asking you to provide us with your Twitter account name at this time, this is for a possible future survey.public allowed to follow
q21If at some time in the future we would like to learn more about how people interact on Twitter, how likely would you be to share your Twitter account name and allow UAS to follow you on Twitter? This will allow us to see what you tweet and who you follow. Note that we are NOT asking you to provide us with your Twitter account name at this time, this is for a possible future survey.private allowed to follow