

General information

Question text: At present which statement best describes your menstrual cycle?
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 I'm having regular periods
2 I'm having irregular periods
3 I'm not having periods because I’m currently pregnant or my pregnancy ended within the past 6 months
4 I'm not having periods because I’m breastfeeding or pumping milk to feed my baby
5 My periods have stopped on their own (I’ve had menopause)
6 I've had menopause but now have periods because I’m taking hormones
7 I've had an operation (surgery) which stopped my periods
8 I'm taking medication(s) that have stopped my periods
9 I've had chemotherapy or radiation therapy which has stopped my periods
10 Not having periods for another reason: ^preload_wm001_other
Label: preload best description menstrual cycle
Empty allowed: Allowed without warning
Error allowed:
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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