

General information

Question text: ^fl_pu013, how many times has your household been late or missed a rent or a mortgage payment?
Answer type: Drop down
Answer options: 0 0 times
1 1 time
2 2 times
3 3 times
4 4 times
5 5 times
6 6 times
7 7 times
8 8 times
9 9 times
10 10 times
11 11 times
12 12 times
13 13 times
14 14 times
15 14 times
16 15 times
17 17 times
18 18 times
19 19 times
20 20 times
21 21 times
22 22 times
23 23 times
24 24 times
Label: how many times late with rent or mortgage
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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