

General information

Question text:

Which of these dog breeds is your personal favorite?
Click on the blue icon next to each option to see an example image of that dog breed.

Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 Retrievers (Labrador)
2 French Bulldogs
3 German Shepherd Dogs
4 Retrievers (Golden)
5 Bulldogs
6 Poodles
7 Beagles
8 Rottweilers
9 Pointers (German Shorthaired)
10 Dachshunds
11 Pembroke Welsh Corgis
12 Australian Shepherds
13 Yorkshire Terriers
14 Boxers
15 Great Danes
16 Siberian Huskies
17 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
18 Doberman Pinschers
19 Miniature Schnauzers
20 Shih Tzu
21 Boston Terriers
22 Bernese Mountain Dogs
23 Pomeranians
24 Other, please specify: ~dog001_other
Label: favorite breed of dog
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

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