

General information

Question text: Please read the ballot title and text and indicate how you would vote if the election were held today.

Proposition 6: Eliminates Recently Enacted Road Repair and Transportation Funding by Repealing Revenues Dedicated for those Purposes. Requires any Measure to Enact Certain Vehicle Fuel Taxes and Vehicle Fees be Submitted to and Approved by the Electorate. Initiative Constitutional Amendment:

  • Repeals a 2017 transportation law’s tax and fee provisions that pay for repairs and improvements to local roads, state highways, and public transportation.
  • Requires the Legislature to submit any measure enacting specified taxes or fees on gas or diesel fuel, or on the privilege to operate a vehicle on public highways, to the electorate for approval
If the election were held today, given what I know now I would...
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 Vote yes
2 Vote no
3 Undecided
Label: Prop 6 Gas Tax Vote Only
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

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