

General information

Question text: Based on your previous answers, we have chosen 5 bins that indicate possible amounts for your future Social Security retirement monthly benefits. Please think about the chances of each monthly amount.

There are 20 balls that you can put in each of the 5 bins, reflecting what you think are the chances out of 20 that your Social Security retirement benefits fall in each bin. One ball represents one chance out of 20. If you do not put any balls in a bin, it means you are sure that your benefits will NOT be within that range. The more likely you think it is that your benefits fall in a given bin, the more balls you should put in this bin.

Please, put the balls in the bins below to indicate the chances out of 20 that your Social Security retirement benefits fall in each bin
Answer type: Custom
Label: bins balls
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

To download data for this survey, please login with your username and password. Note: if your account is expired, you will need to reactivate your access to view or download data.