

General information

Question text: In the last 12 months, did any of the following new illnesses, injuries, or life events happen to you? Please check all that apply.
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 I suffered the onset of a serious illness
2 I was injured or assaulted
3 A close relative suffered the onset of a serious illness
4 A close relative was injured or assaulted
5 There was a death of someone close to me
6 I experienced the onset of serious relationship difficulties with a romantic partner (this could include a separation or divorce)
7 I experienced the onset of a serious problem with a close friend or relative (including children)
8 I became unemployed, yet I wanted to be employed
9 I retired from my job
10 I made a decision to retire in the next 6 months
11 I experienced the onset of a major financial setback or crisis
12 I experienced the onset of a major legal problem
13 None of the above
Label: new illnesses, injuries, or life events last 12 months
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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