

General information

Question text: Now, in that same typical month, what kinds of activities did you use a Dial-A-Ride (paratransit) service (solely or in combination with other forms of transportation, like a bus or train) for? Please check all that apply.
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 Job or school related activities (e.g. attending a class, commuting to an office, worksite, or work-related meeting)
2 Personal or caretaking activities (e.g. grocery shopping, errands, medical care, taking child to school, taking a relative to an appointment)
3 Social or leisure activities (e.g. visiting family, seeing a movie, going out to dinner)
4 Transportation to or from the airport
5 Other. Please specify: ~tr022_other
Label: activities with Dial-A-Ride (paratransit) service
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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