

General information

Question text:
Answer type: Radio buttons
Answer options: 1 I am not a registered voter or I did not get registered in time.
2 I rarely or never vote in these type of elections.
3 I rarely or never vote in any elections.
4 I did not know about the election or thought it was on another day.
5 I thought about voting this time but just did not get around to it.
6 I would have voted if there were any good candidates or issues to vote for.
7 I was unable to vote this time for personal or work-related reasons.
8 I was unable to vote this time due to illness, injury or disability.
9 I did not vote this time for some other reason.
10 I am certain that I voted in one or more of the governor, U.S. Senate, statewide and congressional races, or for/against propositions.
Label: Did you vote in June 5 primary
Empty allowed: One-time warning
Error allowed: Not allowed
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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