

General information

Question text: Have you ever sought information about retirement planning from any of the following sources? Please select all that apply.
Answer type: Check boxes
Answer options: 1 Family, friends and/or colleagues
2 Employer
3 Television, radio, newspaper and other media
4 Social Security Administration website
5 Social Security Administration office
6 Social Security Administration mailed information
7 Social Security Administration phone line
8 Websites of other government agencies (e.g. Department of Labor, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
9 Offices of other government agencies’ (e.g. Department of Labor, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
10 Financial advisors/planner, accountant, insurance agent, banks and/or broker
11 Websites of nonprofit organizations e.g. AARP
12 Offices of nonprofit organizations e.g. AARP
13 Community organizations such as churches, libraries and community centers
14 None of the above
Label: ever sought information about retirement planning
Empty allowed: Allowed without warning
Error allowed:
Multiple instances: No

Data information

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