Routing for UAS383

This survey consists of two tasks. Please click "Next" to continue.
You are now ready to start the first task.

Please note that this task needs to be completed in one sitting. If you stop before the end you will have to restart the task from the beginning.
Thank you! You are now ready to start the second task. Please click "Next" to continue.
You will now watch a slideshow of pictures. Please view the pictures as if you were watching television.

We will ask you to rate how the picture made you feel emotionally. The rating can go from -4 (extremely negative emotion) to 4 (extremely positive emotion). A rating of 0, in the middle of the range, would indicate neutral emotion (neither negative nor positive).

Please select the number that best represents how the picture makes you feel.

You will have 3 seconds to view the picture. After that the picture disappears and you can provide your rating.

Let’s do some practice. Click the "Next" button to start.
if sizeof(ta_image_order) = 0 then
ta_image_order := getImageOrder()
End of if
Loop from 1 to 3
Fill code of question 'FLImage[cnt]' executed
ta_image (image task)
1 -4 Extremely negative
2 -3
3 -2
4 -1
5 0 Neutral
6 1
7 2
8 3
9 4 Extremely positive
End of loop
You will now start the actual task. Please view each picture and provide your rating by clicking on the number that best represents how the picture makes you feel.
Loop from 4 to 32
Fill code of question 'FLImage[cnt]' executed
ta_image (image task)
1 -4 Extremely negative
2 -3
3 -2
4 -1
5 0 Neutral
6 1
7 2
8 3
9 4 Extremely positive
End of loop
That is the end of the rating task!

We will now ask you to recall the pictures that you just saw and describe them in words. You will have a total of three minutes to recall and describe the pictures.

Please give a short description of 1-3 words for each picture that you remember in the provided text boxes. For example, if you were recalling the picture below, a possible description would be 'Ironing board'. Please provide enough detail so that it would be possible for a person reading your description to determine which picture you are remembering.

Feel free to recall and describe the pictures in any order you want. You do not need to recall the pictures from the practice trials.

Click the "Next" button when you are ready to start.
Group of questions presented on the same screen

Please give a short description of 1-3 words for each picture that you remember in the provided text boxes. Feel free to recall and describe pictures in any order you want.

Loop from 4 to 32
ta_description (description of picture)
End of loop
End of group of questions
ta_seen (seen images before)
That's the end of the recall task. Thank you for your responses.

Please indicate if you have seen any of these pictures in a previous online experiment.
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)