Routing for UAS388

Thank you for agreeing to tell us about some of the payments and purchases (the times you bought or paid for things) you made yesterday.
pa_treatment := getTreatment()
pa_format := getFormat()
if pa_treatment = empty then
pa_treatment := mt_rand(1,3)
pa_format := mt_rand(1,2)
pa_preloaded := 2
pa_preloaded := 1
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLType' executed
if pa_treatment = 1 OR pa_format = 1 then
pa001a_single (computer bought or paid for things)
Think about all the times you bought or paid for things yesterday.

Did you buy or pay for something yesterday using a computer (laptop or desktop)?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
pa001a := pa001a_single
elseif pa_treatment in [2,3] AND pa_format = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
pa001_intro (bought or paid for things)
Think about all the times you bought or paid for things yesterday.

Did you buy or pay for something yesterday [using a computer (laptop or desktop)/using a mobile phone or tablet/at a store or place of business/ or ]?

Subgroup of questions
pa001a (paid using a computer (laptop or desktop))
Using a computer (laptop or desktop)
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if pa_treatment = 2 then
pa001b (paid using a mobile phone or tablet)
Using a mobile phone or tablet
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
elseif pa_treatment = 3 then
pa001c (paid at a store or place of business)
At a store or place of business
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
End of if
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
numberofpayments := '0'
if pa001a = 1 then
paytracker := 1
Fill code of question 'FLPaymore[paytracker]' executed
Loop from 1 to 25
if cnt = 1 OR paymore[payindex] = 1 then
payindex := numberofpayments + 1
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Please enter information for all payments and purchases that you made yesterday [using a computer (laptop or desktop)/using a mobile phone or tablet/at a store or place of business].
  • Do not include payments made ONLY for business purposes.
  • Complete the entire row for a payment, no matter how small, then click Next.
Subgroup of questions
paytime (time of payment)
1 Midnight-6am
2 6am-9am
3 9am-Noon
4 Noon-3pm
5 3pm-6pm
6 6pm-9pm
7 9pm-Midnight
payamnt (amount of payment)
paymerchant_computer (computer payment who paid)
Who did you pay?
1 Giving someone money
2 Paying a person
3 Online shopping at retail store (clothing, furniture, department store, etc.)
4 Paying a bill (utilities, insurance, credit card bill, rent/mortgage, internet/cable, childcare, etc.)
5 Coffee/fast food
6 Restaurant/bar
7 Grocery store or liquor store
8 Convenience store or pharmacy
99 Other
paymethod_computer (computer payment method)
What payment method did you use?
3 Debit card
4 Credit card
5 Prepaid account or money stored in a payment app
6 Prepaid card
7 Bank account number
8 Online banking bill payment
98 Other/multiple methods
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
paymethod[payindex] := paymethod_computer[payindex]
paytype[payindex] := 1
paymerchant[payindex] := paymerchant_computer[payindex]
paydescribe (payment description)
We just asked you to classify your payment based on categories that we provided. Sometimes a payment doesn’t often fit perfectly into our categories.

So we can better understand the nature of the payment you made, please, in your own words, briefly describe this payment.
  • For example, tell us what you bought or paid for, and who you paid.
paymore (another payment)
Did you make any other payments or buy anything else yesterday [using a computer (laptop or desktop)/using a mobile phone or tablet/at a store or place of business]?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
numberofpayments := numberofpayments + 1
End of if
End of loop
End of if
if pa_treatment = 2 AND pa_format = 1 then
pa001b_single (mobile phone or tablet bought or paid for things)
Thank you for telling us about any payments and purchases you made yesterday using a computer (laptop or desktop).

Did you buy or pay for something yesterday using a mobile phone or tablet?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
pa001b := pa001b_single
End of if
if pa001b = 1 then
paytracker := 2
Fill code of question 'FLPaymore[paytracker]' executed
Loop from 1 to 25
if cnt = 1 OR paymore[payindex] = 1 then
payindex := numberofpayments + 1
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Please enter information for all payments and purchases that you made yesterday [using a computer (laptop or desktop)/using a mobile phone or tablet/at a store or place of business].
  • Do not include payments made ONLY for business purposes.
  • Complete the entire row for a payment, no matter how small, then click Next.
Subgroup of questions
paytime (time of payment)
1 Midnight-6am
2 6am-9am
3 9am-Noon
4 Noon-3pm
5 3pm-6pm
6 6pm-9pm
7 9pm-Midnight
payamnt (amount of payment)
paymerchant_mobile (mobile payment who paid)
Who did you pay?
1 Giving someone money
2 Paying a person
5 Coffee/fast food
10 Taxis/Rideshare (Uber, Lyft, etc.)
7 Grocery store or liquor store
8 Convenience store or pharmacy
11 Gas station
6 Restaurant/bar
3 Online shopping at retail store (clothing, furniture, department store, etc.)
4 Paying a bill (utilities, insurance, credit card bill, rent/mortgage, internet/cable, childcare, etc.)
99 Other
paymethod_mobile (mobile payment method)
What payment method did you use?
3 Debit card
4 Credit card
5 Prepaid account or money stored in a payment app
6 Prepaid card
7 Bank account number
8 Online banking bill payment
98 Other/multiple methods
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
paymethod[payindex] := paymethod_mobile[payindex]
paytype[payindex] := 2
paymerchant[payindex] := paymerchant_mobile[payindex]
paydescribe (payment description)
We just asked you to classify your payment based on categories that we provided. Sometimes a payment doesn’t often fit perfectly into our categories.

So we can better understand the nature of the payment you made, please, in your own words, briefly describe this payment.
  • For example, tell us what you bought or paid for, and who you paid.
paymore (another payment)
Did you make any other payments or buy anything else yesterday [using a computer (laptop or desktop)/using a mobile phone or tablet/at a store or place of business]?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
numberofpayments := numberofpayments + 1
End of if
End of loop
End of if
if pa_treatment = 3 AND pa_format = 1 then
pa001c_single (at store bought or paid for things)
Thank you for telling us about any payments and purchases you made yesterday using a computer (laptop or desktop).

Did you buy or pay for something yesterday at a store or place of business?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
pa001c := pa001c_single
End of if
if pa001c = 1 then
paytracker := 3
Fill code of question 'FLPaymore[paytracker]' executed
Loop from 1 to 25
if cnt = 1 OR paymore[payindex] = 1 then
payindex := numberofpayments + 1
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Please enter information for all payments and purchases that you made yesterday [using a computer (laptop or desktop)/using a mobile phone or tablet/at a store or place of business].
  • Do not include payments made ONLY for business purposes.
  • Complete the entire row for a payment, no matter how small, then click Next.
Subgroup of questions
paytime (time of payment)
1 Midnight-6am
2 6am-9am
3 9am-Noon
4 Noon-3pm
5 3pm-6pm
6 6pm-9pm
7 9pm-Midnight
payamnt (amount of payment)
paymerchant_atstore (at store payment who paid)
Who did you pay?
5 Coffee/fast food
7 Grocery store or liquor store
8 Convenience store or pharmacy
6 Restaurant/bar
11 Gas station
9 Retail store (clothing, furniture, department store, etc.)
12 General services (hair dresser, dry cleaning, car repair, etc.)
99 Other
paymethod_atstore (at store payment method)
What payment method did you use?
1 Cash
2 Check
3 Debit card
4 Credit card
5 Prepaid account or money stored in a payment app
6 Prepaid card
98 Other/multiple methods
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
paymethod[payindex] := paymethod_atstore[payindex]
paytype[payindex] := 3
paymerchant[payindex] := paymerchant_atstore[payindex]
paydescribe (payment description)
We just asked you to classify your payment based on categories that we provided. Sometimes a payment doesn’t often fit perfectly into our categories.

So we can better understand the nature of the payment you made, please, in your own words, briefly describe this payment.
  • For example, tell us what you bought or paid for, and who you paid.
paymore (another payment)
Did you make any other payments or buy anything else yesterday [using a computer (laptop or desktop)/using a mobile phone or tablet/at a store or place of business]?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
numberofpayments := numberofpayments + 1
End of if
End of loop
End of if
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)