Routing for UAS536

surveyversion := '3'
In this survey, we are inviting UAS participants to take part in a new UAS research study. This study will help researchers understand how people in America balance job demands at work, with activities performed during their leisure time, and how this influences their retirement choices and health.
if randomizer_prompt = empty then
randomizer_prompt := 3
End of if
if randomizer_timeframe = empty then
randomizer_timeframe := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
phone_filter := '0'
smartphone (have smartphone)
Which of the following mobile phones do you currently own or have for personal use? (The phone must be in working condition and have a cell plan or be WiFi-enabled)

I own or have for personal use:
1 An Android smartphone
2 An Apple iPhone
3 Another type of internet-connected phone
4 A mobile phone that can only make calls or send text messages
5 No working mobile phone of any kind
if not(1 in smartphone OR 2 in smartphone) then
Thank you for answering these questions. The project requires people to have an Android or Apple phone in good working condition and with specific kinds of phone plans that work with a UAS phone app. We very much appreciate your being a part of the UAS and we will contact you again when there are more UAS surveys to be completed.

Click "Next" to return to your panel member pages.
Exit the survey
End of if
if 2 in smartphone and not(1 in smartphone) and phone_filter = 2 then
Thank you. At this time, we are only able to offer the project to participants with Android phones. We are likely to be able to expand to Apple phones in the near future. If that happens, we will invite you to read about the project and see if you are interested at that time.

Click "Next" to return to your panel member pages.
Exit the survey
End of if
if 1 in smartphone and not(2 in smartphone) and phone_filter = 1 then
Thank you. At this time, we are only able to offer the project to participants with Apple phones. We are likely to be able to expand to Android phones in the near future. If that happens, we will invite you to read about the project and see if you are interested at that time.

Click "Next" to return to your panel member pages.
Exit the survey
End of if
if 1 in smartphone then
phoneplan_android (phone plan android)
Which of the following types of cell phone plan do you have on your Android phone?
1 A contract for phone and data with a carrier such as Verizon, TMobile, Sprint, AT&T, etc. in which you are billed for the use of the phone on a monthly basis
2 Pay-as-you-go plan, where you purchase a number of minutes in advance that are used up as you use the phone, and replenished as needed
3 Pre-paid plan, where the cell phone comes with a pre-paid number of minutes. When those minutes are used up, you can buy more, or you can stop using the phone
4 I am not sure what kind of plan I have for my mobile phone
End of if
if 2 in smartphone then
phoneplan_apple (phone plan)
Which of the following types of cell phone plan do you have on your Apple iPhone?
1 A contract for phone and data with a carrier such as Verizon, TMobile, Sprint, AT&T, etc. in which you are billed for the use of the phone on a monthly basis
2 Pay-as-you-go plan, where you purchase a number of minutes in advance that are used up as you use the phone, and replenished as needed
3 Pre-paid plan, where the cell phone comes with a pre-paid number of minutes. When those minutes are used up, you can buy more, or you can stop using the phone
4 I am not sure what kind of plan I have for my mobile phone
End of if
if 1 in smartphone and phoneplan_android != 1 and not(2 in smartphone) then
Thank you for answering these questions. The project requires people to have an Android or Apple phone in good working condition and with specific kinds of phone plans that work with a UAS phone app. We very much appreciate your being a part of the UAS and we will contact you again when there are more UAS surveys to be completed.

Click "Next" to return to your panel member pages.
Exit the survey
elseif 2 in smartphone and phoneplan_apple != 1 and not(1 in smartphone) then
Thank you for answering these questions. The project requires people to have an Android or Apple phone in good working condition and with specific kinds of phone plans that work with a UAS phone app. We very much appreciate your being a part of the UAS and we will contact you again when there are more UAS surveys to be completed.

Click "Next" to return to your panel member pages.
Exit the survey
elseif 1 in smartphone and phoneplan_android != 1 and 2 in smartphone and phoneplan_apple != 1 then
Thank you for answering these questions. The project requires people to have an Android or Apple phone in good working condition and with specific kinds of phone plans that work with a UAS phone app. We very much appreciate your being a part of the UAS and we will contact you again when there are more UAS surveys to be completed.

Click "Next" to return to your panel member pages.
Exit the survey
End of if

Congratulations, you qualify for the study! You are invited as a possible participant in this study because you are a member of the UAS online panel and have a compatible phone and phone plan.

About 1,000 UAS members are expected to take part in the study. We are looking for people of all ages and in any health to participate across the country, to make sure everyone is fairly represented.

This study is intended to help us compare how individuals who are retired spend their time relative to those who are working, and how these activities affect the mood, well-being, and decisions of individuals during working and non-working days. The study focuses on the activities and tasks people engage in, how much interaction they have with others, and how they feel during the day.

For that reason, we hope you will participate, no matter how much activity you do or don’t do, or how much interaction you may have with other people.

If you decide to take part in this study, this is what will happen:
  • You will answer a few survey questions on your phone during three days out of a seven day period. You will be able to choose a seven-day period that works for you. We will randomly select two weekdays and one weekend day during that seven days.

  • On each of the three survey days, you will be prompted to answer the questions on your phone five times a day. You will receive these prompts at any time between 8am and 8pm. The questions take about 3 minutes to answer each time, so that is a total of 15 minutes per day.

  • You will answer the survey questions through the UAS phone app called "Zemi." We will provide instructions for how to get the app and log in using your usual UAS login number and password. The app was developed by the UAS team, so we can guarantee that it is private and secure.

  • At the end of each of the three survey days, preferably after 8 pm, you will also complete an End-of-Day (EOD) online survey the way you usually fill out UAS surveys (using your smartphone or a laptop/computer). The EOD survey will have two parts. In the first part, you will be asked questions about your current or last job, as well as preferences for job amenities. In the second part, you will fill in a time diary survey, where we will ask you toreport the activities you performed during that day until the time you complete the survey, and the activities you expect to perform until the time you go to bed. You will be asked to specify the start and end times for each activity. This EOD survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.

  • If you decide to participate, at the end of this survey, you will be able to schedule a start date that is convenient for you. You will receive an email by the next day verifying your participation dates. The email will also provide you with a participant guide that includes step-by-step instructions on how to install and use the UAS Zemi phone app.

  • On the first day of the study and for three days total, you will be notified by the app when it is time to fill out the questions. The app will use your phone’s notification system and text message reminders. You will get these prompts at five random times each day. You will have up to [randomizer prompt duration[]] after the prompt to find a quiet, safe place to respond, in case you are driving or busy. If you miss one prompt, that is not a problem. You will just do the next one. We will pay you for every prompt that you can answer.

  • At the end of each of the three survey days, we will send you an e-mail reminder to complete the end of day time diary survey.

  • After the end of the study, you will delete the app from your phone.

Answering each prompt takes about 3 minutes. Answering the end of day time diary survey takes about 15 minutes. So, answering all five EMA prompts and the EOD survey in a day takes about 30 minutes.

You will earn $2 each time you answer a 3-minute survey and $10 for answering the EOD survey. Hence, you can earn up to $20 per day or up to $60 for the week participating in this study.

We will credit your UAS account within 10 working days after the end of your participation week. Earnings from this project will be loaded onto your ClinCard, along with any other rewards you may have earned, following the usual monthly schedule.

Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. If you do not wish to join the study, just answer the question in this survey by telling us that you do not want to participate.

We very much appreciate your participation in our UAS surveys. Whether or not you decide to participate in this or any other UAS project, you will continue to be a valued member of the Understanding America Study.


If you decide to take part in this study, the risks are the same as for any UAS survey. There is a small chance that your identity could be disclosed along with your survey answers. However, we work hard to safeguard your data and your privacy. If you have questions or want to learn more about what we do to protect you, we will tell you more about it on the next screen. You can also ask us at


You will be compensated for the time you spend answering questions in each of the surveys you complete during the study week. There are no direct benefits to you. However, your participation could help researchers understand how job demands and leisure activities influence one another and how they jointly affect current mood and well-being, and future work and health.

The information you provide during the study through the phone app will be collected and protected in the same way we protect all UAS survey data.

Only the UAS helpdesk staff who are authorized to communicate with you will know who you are, and they do not have access to your answers. Researchers at USC will not have access to your name or other identifiers.

We keep your data confidential. The UAS has a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health that allows us to keep your identity confidential.

Your information may be made available in certain cases. For example, the Brany Institutional Review Board (Brany IRB) or Federal representatives could access your research records for the purpose of protecting human subjects in research projects. They will not disclose your personal identifying information to anyone else.

Data from the study will be used only to produce research articles (scientific and popular), manuscripts, research posters, student theses, research briefs, and presentations at research meetings.

UAS staff may combine the data from this study with data from other UAS studies that you have participated in and contributed to. This includes UAS surveys and other UAS projects such as tracking activity or measuring the environment.

After the study, the UAS will securely store the data for use by this study team or other researchers doing similar or different kinds of research in the future.

If you do not wish for your data from this project to be used for these purposes, you should not participate in this study.

It is your choice whether to participate in this study. You can choose not to participate in this study and continue to be invited to take UAS surveys and participate in future UAS studies.

If you choose to join the study, you may change your mind and leave it at any time. Refusal to participate or stopping your participation will involve no penalty. You can either contact the UAS helpdesk to withdraw, or simply delete or log out of the app.

If you decide to withdraw from the study, you will be compensated for any part of the study that you completed.


Note that we will provide you with a study information sheet that includes this information.

If you have questions, concerns, or complaints about the study, or if you choose to withdraw after you have decided to participate, contact the UAS helpdesk by phone (855) 872-8673 or by email (

This research has been reviewed and approved by the Brany Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB is a research review board that reviews and monitors research studies to protect the rights and welfare of research participants. Contact the IRB if you have questions about your rights as a research participant or if you have complaints about the research. You may contact the IRB at 516-318-6877.
if sizeof(whyrefused_order) = 0 then
whyrefused_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10, 11 => 11, 12 => 12, 13 => 13))
whyrefused_order[14] := 14
End of if
consent := empty
refused := empty
consent1 (initial consent)
Now that you have read about the study, please answer the question below.

I have read and understood the information about this study and:
1 I agree to participate in the study
2 I do not agree to participate in the study
3 I have more questions before I can decide
if consent1 = 1 then
consent := 1
elseif consent1 = 2 then
consent := 2
refused := 1
Group of questions presented on the same screen
whyrefused (why refused)
We understand and respect that you have your own reasons for not wanting to participate, and are hoping you will share those with us. Help us learn! Check all that apply, and add your own if needed.
1 No reason, I just don't want to do it
2 What I do for a living, or what I do all day, will not allow me to answer prompts during the day
3 I don't know how to download or use phone apps or I am not sure what they are
4 I don't want another app on my phone / I don’t use apps
5 I don't really understand what the project is asking me to do
6 It will take too much time
7 It will be too much trouble
8 It doesn't pay enough
9 Three days is too many / I would do it if it were fewer days
10 I have medical or health issues
11 I am concerned about privacy
12 I can't always get a cell or wireless connection on my phone
13 I don't always have my phone with me so I wouldn't know if it was beeping
14 Some other reason (write in):
whyrefused_other (other why refused)
End of group of questions
Thank you for taking the time to read about our new study and for being a part of the Understanding America Study! We will let you know when there are more UAS surveys ready for you to take.

Click "Next" to return to your panel member pages.
Exit the survey
elseif consent1 = 3 then
Thank you for considering participating in our study! Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.

Q: Do I have to download something to my phone? Is it safe?
A: Yes, we have created our own safe and simple phone app, which has been approved for use by Android and Apple phones. Android users download the app from Google Play Store, and iPhone users from the Apple store. Simply type "Zemi" in the search box and download it on your phone. When the 7 days are over, you can remove the app from your phone.

Q: What exactly will I be doing?
A: If you decide to join this study, you will first indicate the date when you wish to start. Next, you will receive an email confirming your participation dates and providing you with detailed instructions about how to install the Zemi app on your phone and use it to answer survey questions. You will also receive instructions on how to access the online time diary to be completed at the end of each day you receive prompts. To start the study, you will have to log into the Zemi app using your UAS login number and password.

On each of the three days during the study week, you will receive five random prompts on your phone. The prompts will be sent between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM. After each prompt, you will answer a short 3-minute survey using the Zemi app. You will have 15 minutes to complete a survey after the prompt. At the end of each of the three survey days, you will also complete an "End of Day" survey. The survey will take about 15 minutes.

Q: What if I can't respond to every prompt during the day?
A: We are asking you to only participate in the study if you think you will be able to answer all or most of the survey prompts each day. Of course, we do not want you to answer if you are driving, or at any time when it is not safe. To make sure you don’t miss a prompt, you should keep your phone nearby during the day while you are participating in this study. If you miss one prompt, that is not a problem. You will just do the next one. We will pay you for every prompt that you can answer.

Most participants find that they are able to manage to answer the prompts quite easily. However, if your work or your duties will not allow you to answer most or all of the beeps during the day, then this project may not be for you.

Q: What is the end of day time diary survey?
A: The end of day (EOD) survey is an online time diary survey that we will ask you to complete at the end of each of the three days you will receive prompts. You can complete this survey in the same way you usually fill out UAS surveys (using your smartphone or a laptop/computer). The survey has two parts. In the first part, you will be asked questions about your current or last job, your preferences for job amenities, and any issues you experienced that prevented you from answering all prompts. In the second part, you will be asked to report the activities you performed during that day, divided in 15-minute time slots and starting at 4 AM, until the time you complete the survey, and the activities you expect to perform until the time you go to bed. This EOD survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.

Q: How much time does it take and how much will I earn for participating?
A: Answering survey questions takes about 3 minutes per prompt. Completing the time diary takes about 15 minutes. So, answering the five prompts and the time diary in a day takes about 30 minutes. You will earn $2 each time you answer a 3-minute survey and $10 for completing the time diary. Hence, you can earn up to $20 per day or up to $60 for the week of this study.

If you have any other questions about the study before you decide, please give us a call at 855-872-8673 or send an email to the UAS helpdesk:
consent2 (consent after further information)
Having read more about it, are you interested in participating in this study?
1 Yes, I agree to participate in the study
2 No, I do not agree to participate in the study
if consent2 = 1 then
consent := 1
elseif consent2 = 2 then
consent := 2
refused := 1
Group of questions presented on the same screen
whyrefused (why refused)
We understand and respect that you have your own reasons for not wanting to participate, and are hoping you will share those with us. Help us learn! Check all that apply, and add your own if needed.
1 No reason, I just don't want to do it
2 What I do for a living, or what I do all day, will not allow me to answer prompts during the day
3 I don't know how to download or use phone apps or I am not sure what they are
4 I don't want another app on my phone / I don’t use apps
5 I don't really understand what the project is asking me to do
6 It will take too much time
7 It will be too much trouble
8 It doesn't pay enough
9 Three days is too many / I would do it if it were fewer days
10 I have medical or health issues
11 I am concerned about privacy
12 I can't always get a cell or wireless connection on my phone
13 I don't always have my phone with me so I wouldn't know if it was beeping
14 Some other reason (write in):
whyrefused_other (other why refused)
End of group of questions
Thank you for taking the time to read about our new study and for being a part of the Understanding America Study! We will let you know when there are more UAS surveys ready for you to take.

Click "Next" to return to your panel member pages.
Exit the survey
End of if
End of if
if consent = 1 then
Fill code of question 'FLPeriod_check' executed
Fill code of question 'FLPeriod_check_end' executed
Fill code of question 'FLPeriod' executed
preferred_startdate (preferred start date)
Thank you for agreeing to participate in our study!

Please choose your start date. We suggest picking a 7-day period during which:
  • You will have your phone with you most of the time.
  • You will have either a cell or WiFi connection most of the time.
  • You will be able to answer 5 prompts throughout 3 days of the study week, each one taking about 3 minutes (you have 15 minutes to find the time to respond).
  • You will be able to complete an online 15-minute EOD survey at the end of each day that you receive prompts.
Please select your preferred start date:
Fill code of question 'FLScheduled' executed
preferred_timezone_new (timezone of assigned week)

Please select the time zone you will be in during this week:
1 Eastern
2 Central
3 Mountain Daylight
4 Mountain Standard
5 Pacific
6 Alaska
7 Hawaii
Group of questions presented on the same screen
End of group of questions
dummy := addToTimeuse(prim_key, phonenumber, preferred_timezone_new, preferred_startdate, randomizer_prompt, randomizer_timeframe)
if randomizer_prompt = 1 then
Thanks again for agreeing to participate in our study!

Within 24 hours, you will receive an email verifying your participation dates. The email also provides information about the project and how to get the Work and Leisure Study Guide. You can also click the link to download and print the Study Guide here (Note: clicking the link will open a new window, don't forget to come back and click "Next" to finish the survey). If you do not receive the verification email, contact the UAS helpdesk to let us know! (

Please click "Next" to provide any comments you may have, and to return to your panel member page.
elseif randomizer_prompt = 2 then
Thanks again for agreeing to participate in our study!

Within 24 hours, you will receive an email verifying your participation dates. The email also provides information about the project and how to get the Work and Leisure Study Guide. You can also click the link to download and print the Study Guide here (Note: clicking the link will open a new window, don't forget to come back and click "Next" to finish the survey). If you do not receive the verification email, contact the UAS helpdesk to let us know! (

Please click "Next" to provide any comments you may have, and to return to your panel member page.
Thanks again for agreeing to participate in our study!

Within 24 hours, you will receive an email verifying your participation dates. The email also provides information about the project and how to get the Work and Leisure Study Guide. You can also click the link to download and print the Study Guide here (Note: clicking the link will open a new window, don't forget to come back and click "Next" to finish the survey). If you do not receive the verification email, contact the UAS helpdesk to let us know! (

Please click "Next" to provide any comments you may have, and to return to your panel member page.
End of if
End of if
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)