Routing for UAS517
lastcompletedsurvey := getLastCompletedSurvey(array(514,515,516))
Fill code of question 'FLLastDate' executed
This survey asks about various ways people may or may not communicate with each other, and how that impacts their lives and the community.
Fill code of question 'FLPeriod' executed
Fill code of question 'FLPeriodLower' executed
Fill code of question 'FLPeriodAnswer' executed
if sizeof(us001_order) = 0 then
us001_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10, 11 => 11, 12 => 12, 13 => 13, 14 => 14, 15 => 15, 16 => 16, 17 => 17, 18 => 18, 19 => 19, 20 => 22))
End of if
us001 (which services used in past 4 weeks)
[In the past 4 weeks], which of the following online services have you used? Check the box next to all that apply.
1 Facebook
2 Twitter / X
3 Instagram
4 TikTok
5 Snapchat
6 YouTube
7 Reddit
8 WhatsApp
9 Email
10 Mastodon
11 LinkedIn
12 Pinterest
13 Dating Apps
14 FaceTime
15 Text Messaging
16 Online Gaming
17 Twitch
18 Nextdoor
19 Discord
22 Threads
20 Some other communications service
21 None of these services
if 20 in us001 then
us001_other (other which services used)
Which online communications services that were not listed have you used [in the past 4 weeks]?
End of if
if us001 != 21 and us001 = response then
Loop from 1 to 22
index := us001_order[cnt]
if index in us001 and index != 20 and index != 21 then
us002 (how often you have used service in past 4 weeks)
Please indicate how often you have used [order which services used[]] [in the past 4 weeks].
1 Multiple times per day
2 About once a day
3 A few times per week
4 About once a week
5 Less than once a week
6 I did not use [order which services used[]] [in the past 4 weeks]
if (us002[index] = response and us002[index] < 6) OR us002[index] = empty then
if onlineusage = 2 then
End of if
if index in [1,2,3,4,5,11,12,18,22] then
if asksocial = 2 then
End of if
End of if
End of if
if (us002[index] = response and us002[index] in [1,2]) then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
us019_intro (how often you have used service in past 7 days)
On average, how much time per day did you spend using [order which services used[]] over the past 4 weeks?
us019_hours (hours using service)
RANGE 0..24
us019_minutes (minutes using service)
RANGE 0..60
End of group of questions
End of if
End of if
End of loop
End of if
us018_questions := array(1 => "us018a", 2 => "us018b", 3 => "us018c", 4 => "us018d", 5 => "us018e", 6 => "us018f", 7 => "us018g")
if sizeof(us018_order) = 0 then
us018_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7))
End of if
if us001 != 21 and us001 = response then
Loop from 1 to 22
index := us001_order[cnt]
if index in us001 and index != 20 and index != 21 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
us018_intro (how often you have used service in past 7 days)
Using [order which services used[]] is something...
Subgroup of questions
if us018_order[1] = 1 then
us018a (using that I do automatically)
...that I do automatically
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[1] = 2 then
us018b (using that I do without thinking)
...that I do without thinking
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[1] = 3 then
us018c (using that has a positive effect on me)
...that has a positive effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[1] = 4 then
us018d (using that has a negative effect on me)
...that has a negative effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[1] = 5 then
us018e (using that I spend too much time using)
...that I spend too much time using
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[1] = 6 then
us018f (using that facilitates my learning and growth)
...that facilitates my learning and growth
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[1] = 7 then
us018g (using that strengthens and supports my relationships)
...that strengthens and supports my relationships
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
End of if
if us018_order[2] = 1 then
us018a (using that I do automatically)
...that I do automatically
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[2] = 2 then
us018b (using that I do without thinking)
...that I do without thinking
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[2] = 3 then
us018c (using that has a positive effect on me)
...that has a positive effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[2] = 4 then
us018d (using that has a negative effect on me)
...that has a negative effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[2] = 5 then
us018e (using that I spend too much time using)
...that I spend too much time using
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[2] = 6 then
us018f (using that facilitates my learning and growth)
...that facilitates my learning and growth
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[2] = 7 then
us018g (using that strengthens and supports my relationships)
...that strengthens and supports my relationships
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
End of if
if us018_order[3] = 1 then
us018a (using that I do automatically)
...that I do automatically
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[3] = 2 then
us018b (using that I do without thinking)
...that I do without thinking
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[3] = 3 then
us018c (using that has a positive effect on me)
...that has a positive effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[3] = 4 then
us018d (using that has a negative effect on me)
...that has a negative effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[3] = 5 then
us018e (using that I spend too much time using)
...that I spend too much time using
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[3] = 6 then
us018f (using that facilitates my learning and growth)
...that facilitates my learning and growth
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[3] = 7 then
us018g (using that strengthens and supports my relationships)
...that strengthens and supports my relationships
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
End of if
if us018_order[4] = 1 then
us018a (using that I do automatically)
...that I do automatically
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[4] = 2 then
us018b (using that I do without thinking)
...that I do without thinking
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[4] = 3 then
us018c (using that has a positive effect on me)
...that has a positive effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[4] = 4 then
us018d (using that has a negative effect on me)
...that has a negative effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[4] = 5 then
us018e (using that I spend too much time using)
...that I spend too much time using
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[4] = 6 then
us018f (using that facilitates my learning and growth)
...that facilitates my learning and growth
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[4] = 7 then
us018g (using that strengthens and supports my relationships)
...that strengthens and supports my relationships
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
End of if
if us018_order[5] = 1 then
us018a (using that I do automatically)
...that I do automatically
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[5] = 2 then
us018b (using that I do without thinking)
...that I do without thinking
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[5] = 3 then
us018c (using that has a positive effect on me)
...that has a positive effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[5] = 4 then
us018d (using that has a negative effect on me)
...that has a negative effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[5] = 5 then
us018e (using that I spend too much time using)
...that I spend too much time using
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[5] = 6 then
us018f (using that facilitates my learning and growth)
...that facilitates my learning and growth
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[5] = 7 then
us018g (using that strengthens and supports my relationships)
...that strengthens and supports my relationships
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
End of if
if us018_order[6] = 1 then
us018a (using that I do automatically)
...that I do automatically
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[6] = 2 then
us018b (using that I do without thinking)
...that I do without thinking
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[6] = 3 then
us018c (using that has a positive effect on me)
...that has a positive effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[6] = 4 then
us018d (using that has a negative effect on me)
...that has a negative effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[6] = 5 then
us018e (using that I spend too much time using)
...that I spend too much time using
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[6] = 6 then
us018f (using that facilitates my learning and growth)
...that facilitates my learning and growth
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[6] = 7 then
us018g (using that strengthens and supports my relationships)
...that strengthens and supports my relationships
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
End of if
if us018_order[7] = 1 then
us018a (using that I do automatically)
...that I do automatically
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[7] = 2 then
us018b (using that I do without thinking)
...that I do without thinking
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[7] = 3 then
us018c (using that has a positive effect on me)
...that has a positive effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[7] = 4 then
us018d (using that has a negative effect on me)
...that has a negative effect on me
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[7] = 5 then
us018e (using that I spend too much time using)
...that I spend too much time using
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[7] = 6 then
us018f (using that facilitates my learning and growth)
...that facilitates my learning and growth
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif us018_order[7] = 7 then
us018g (using that strengthens and supports my relationships)
...that strengthens and supports my relationships
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
End of if
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
End of loop
End of if
if us001 != 21 and us001 = response then
if sizeof(us004_order) = 0 then
us004_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10))
End of if
if sizeof(us005_order) = 0 then
us005_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5))
End of if
if sizeof(us008_order) = 0 then
us008_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5))
End of if
Loop from 1 to 22
index3 := us001_order[cnt3]
if index3 in us001 and index3 != 20 and index3 != 21 AND ((us002[index3] = response and us002[index3] < 6) OR us002[index3] = empty) then
us_followup[index3] := '2'
us003 ( personally witnessed or experienced something that affected negatively)
[In the past 4 weeks/Since the last time you answered on ], have you personally witnessed or experienced something that affected you negatively on [order which services used[]]?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if us003[index3] = 1 and exp_cnt < 8 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
us004 (impact negative experience)
What was the impact of your negative experience(s) with [order which services used[]]? Check the box next to all that apply.
1 It made me less likely to express myself online
2 It negatively impacted my psychological well-being
3 It reduced my trust in other people
4 It reduced my trust in societal institutions
5 It made me angry
6 It worried me
7 I felt unsafe
8 I felt attacked
9 It did not affect me a great deal
10 It annoyed me
11 Other, please specify:
us004_other (other impact negative experience)
End of group of questions
us005 (negative experience personally witnessed or experienced related to topics)
Did your experience(s) on [order which services used[]] relate to any of these topics? Check the box next to all that apply.
1 Medical/health information
2 Politics
3 Crime
4 Local news
5 Personal finance
6 None of the above
us006 (describe negative experience personally affected you related to topics)
In a sentence or two, please describe one experience on [order which services used[]] that personally affected you negatively.
Please do not include any names of people, or your location, or other identifying information in what you write.
us_followup[index3] := '1'
End of if
us007 (had societal bad experience platform)
[In the past 4 weeks/Since the last time you answered on ], have you witnessed or experienced content that you would consider bad for the world on [order which services used[]] (examples could include content that is misleading, hateful, or unnecessarily divisive)?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if us007[index3] = 1 and exp_cnt < 8 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
us008 (had societal bad experience platform)
What negative impact do you feel your experience(s) with [order which services used[]] could have on the world? Check the box next to all that apply.
1 It could increase political polarization
2 It could increase hate, fear, and/or anger between groups of people
3 It could increase the risk of violence
4 It could misinform or mislead people
5 It likely would not have much of an effect
6 Other, please specify:
us008_other (other had societal bad experience platform)
End of group of questions
us016 (negative experience bad for the world related to topics)
Did your experience(s) on [order which services used[]] relate to any of these topics? Check the box next to all that apply.
1 Medical/health information
2 Politics
3 Crime
4 Local news
5 Personal finance
6 None of the above
if 2 in us008[index3] then
us009 (which groups likely target of increase in fear, anger, divisiveness, hate)
In a few words, please describe which group(s) would be the likely target of this increase in fear, anger, divisiveness, or hate on [order which services used[]]?
Please do not include any names of people, or your location, or other identifying information in what you write.
End of if
us017 (describe negative experience bad for the world related to topics)
In a sentence or two, please describe one experience on [order which services used[]] with content that you would consider bad for the world.
Please do not include any names of people, or your location, or other identifying information in what you write.
us_followup[index3] := '1'
End of if
us010 (had meaningful connection platform)
[In the past 4 weeks/Since the last time you answered on ], have you experienced a meaningful connection with others on [order which services used[]] (examples could include exchanging emotional support or bonding over shared experiences)?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if us010[index3] = 1 and exp_cnt < 8 then
us011 (describe meaningful connection)
In a sentence or two, please describe one experience on [order which services used[]] where you meaningfully connected with others. Please include who you connected with.
Please do not include any names of people, or your location, or other identifying information in what you write.
us_followup[index3] := '1'
End of if
us012 (learned something useful platform)
[In the past 4 weeks/Since the last time you answered on ], have you learned something that was useful or that helped you understand something important on [order which services used[]]?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if us012[index3] = 1 and exp_cnt < 8 then
us013 (describe experience useful learned)
In a sentence or two, please describe one experience on [order which services used[]] where you learned something useful or which helped you understand something important. Please include what you learned.
Please do not include any names of people, or your location, or other identifying information in what you write.
us_followup[index3] := '1'
End of if
if us_followup[index3] = 1 then
End of if
End of if
End of loop
End of if
The next questions ask about your feelings about technology and technological change.
q_ai7 (used headset that creates a mixed reality)
In the past 4 weeks, have you used a headset that creates a mixed reality (AR/VR) experience (e.g. Meta’s Oculus Quest, Apple’s Vision Pro, Microsoft’s HoloLens)?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if q_ai7 = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q_ai8a_7 (what used headset that creates a mixed reality)
You said earlier that you had used a headset that creates a mixed reality (AR/VR) experience (e.g. Meta’s Oculus Quest, Apple’s Vision Pro, Microsoft’s HoloLens). What did you use it for? Please select all that apply.
1 Gaming
2 Watching movies or TV
3 Social interactions/networking
4 To learn something new about the world
5 Remote meetings/collaboration
6 Virtual tourism and travel
7 Improving physical health
8 Improving mental health
9 Training and education simulations
10 Shopping
11 Sports and fitness
12 Computing
13 Other, please specify:
q_ai8a_7_other (other what used headset that creates a mixed reality)
End of group of questions
if cardinal(q_ai8a_7) > 0 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the activities you selected, please rate how useful or not useful your use of a headset that creates a mixed reality (AR/VR) experience (e.g. Meta’s Oculus Quest, Apple’s Vision Pro, Microsoft’s HoloLens) was to you.
Subgroup of questions
if 1 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7a (useful Gaming a headset)
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
if 2 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7b (useful Watching movies or TV a headset)
Watching movies or TV
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
if 3 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7c (useful Social interactions/networking a headset)
Social interactions/networking
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
if 4 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7d (useful To learn something new about the world a headset)
To learn something new about the world
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
if 5 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7e (useful Remote meetings/collaboration a headset)
Remote meetings/collaboration
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
if 6 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7f (useful Virtual tourism and travel a headset)
Virtual tourism and travel
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
if 7 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7g (useful Improving physical health a headset)
Improving physical health
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
if 8 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7h (useful Improving mental health a headset)
Improving mental health
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
if 9 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7i (useful Training and education simulations a headset)
Training and education simulations
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
if 10 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7j (useful Shopping a headset)
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
if 11 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7k (useful Sports and fitness a headset)
Sports and fitness
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
if 12 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7l (useful Computing a headset)
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
if 13 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai11_7m (useful other a headset)
Other ([other what used headset that creates a mixed reality[]])
1 Not at all useful
2 Not very useful
3 Somewhat useful
4 Very useful
5 Extremely useful
End of if
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
q_ai10_7 (why experience useful or not a headset that creates a mixed reality (AR/VR) experience (e.g. Meta’s Oculus, Apple’s Vision Pro, Microsoft’s HoloLens))
In a sentence or two, please describe why your experience(s) with a headset that creates a mixed reality (AR/VR) experience (e.g. Meta’s Oculus Quest, Apple’s Vision Pro, Microsoft’s HoloLens) was or was not useful.
if cardinal(q_ai8a_7) > 0 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the activities you selected, please rate how harmful or not harmful your use of a headset that creates a mixed reality (AR/VR) experience (e.g. Meta’s Oculus Quest, Apple’s Vision Pro, Microsoft’s HoloLens) could potentially be to you or others in society.
Subgroup of questions
if 1 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7a (harmful Gaming a headset)
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
if 2 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7b (harmful Watching movies or TV a headset)
Watching movies or TV
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
if 3 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7c (harmful Social interactions/networking a headset)
Social interactions/networking
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
if 4 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7d (harmful To learn something new about the world a headset)
To learn something new about the world
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
if 5 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7e (harmful Remote meetings/collaboration a headset)
Remote meetings/collaboration
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
if 6 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7f (harmful Virtual tourism and travel a headset)
Virtual tourism and travel
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
if 7 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7g (harmful Improving physical health a headset)
Improving physical health
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
if 8 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7h (harmful Improving mental health a headset)
Improving mental health
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
if 9 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7i (harmful Training and education simulations a headset)
Training and education simulations
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
if 10 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7j (harmful Shopping a headset)
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
if 11 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7k (harmful Sports and fitness a headset)
Sports and fitness
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
if 12 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7l (harmful Computing a headset)
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
if 13 in q_ai8a_7 then
q_ai13_7m (harmful other a headset)
Other ([other what used headset that creates a mixed reality[]])
1 Not at all harmful
2 Not very harmful
3 Somewhat harmful
4 Very harmful
5 Extremely harmful
End of if
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
q_ai12_7 (why experience harmful or not a headset that creates a mixed reality (AR/VR) experience (e.g. Meta’s Oculus, Apple’s Vision Pro, Microsoft’s HoloLens))
In a sentence or two, please describe why your experience(s) with a headset that creates a mixed reality (AR/VR) experience (e.g. Meta’s Oculus Quest, Apple’s Vision Pro, Microsoft’s HoloLens) could or could not be harmful.
End of if
q_ai13 (how excited increased use of mixed reality)
How excited or not excited are you about the increased use of mixed reality (AR/VR) experiences (e.g. Meta’s Oculus Quest, Apple’s Vision Pro, Microsoft’s HoloLens) in daily life?
1 Not at all excited
2 Not very excited
3 Somewhat excited
4 Very excited
5 Extremely excited
q_ai14 (how concerned increased use of mixed reality)
How concerned or not concerned are you about the increased use of mixed reality (AR/VR) experiences (e.g. Meta’s Oculus Quest, Apple’s Vision Pro, Microsoft’s HoloLens) in daily life?
1 Not at all concerned
2 Not very concerned
3 Somewhat concerned
4 Very concerned
5 Extremely concerned
In this next part, we would like to ask you questions about your feelings toward various groups. Many people in the United States feel very strongly about politics and political groups. We are interested in learning more about people’s real feelings about political groups.
rate_self (Self rated political ideology)
On a scale from 0 to 100 where 0 is the most liberal and 100 is the most conservative, what number would you give to yourself?
if scim_order_cons_lib = empty then
scim_order_cons_lib := mt_rand(1,2)
scim_order_rating_comfort := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
if scim_order_cons_lib = 1 then
if scim_order_rating_comfort = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_THERM_CON (feeling toward conservatives)
Please indicate how you feel toward conservatives using the scale below. 10 means that you feel very favorably or warm toward them, 0 that you feel very unfavorable or cold, and 5 is neutral.
SCIM_THERM_CON_SLID (used slider feeling toward conservatives)
SCIM_THERM_CON_BOX (used text box feeling toward conservatives)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_THERM_LIB (feeling toward liberals)
Please indicate how you feel toward liberals using the scale below. 10 means that you feel very favorably or warm toward them, 0 that you feel very unfavorable or cold, and 5 is neutral.
SCIM_THERM_LIB_SLID (used slider feeling toward liberals)
SCIM_THERM_LIB_BOX (used text box feeling toward liberals)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_FRIENDS_CON (how comfortable having friends who are conservative)
How comfortable are you having friends who are conservative? 10 means that you feel extremely comfortable, 0 means that you do not feel comfortable at all.
SCIM_FRIENDS_CON_SLID (used slider comfortable with conservatives)
SCIM_FRIENDS_CON_BOX (used text box comfortable with conservatives)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_FRIENDS_LIB (how comfortable having friends who are liberal)
How comfortable are you having friends who are liberal? 10 means that you feel extremely comfortable, 0 means that you do not feel comfortable at all.
SCIM_FRIENDS_LIB_SLID (used slider comfortable with liberals)
SCIM_FRIENDS_LIB_BOX (used text box comfortable with liberals)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_FRIENDS_CON (how comfortable having friends who are conservative)
How comfortable are you having friends who are conservative? 10 means that you feel extremely comfortable, 0 means that you do not feel comfortable at all.
SCIM_FRIENDS_CON_SLID (used slider comfortable with conservatives)
SCIM_FRIENDS_CON_BOX (used text box comfortable with conservatives)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_FRIENDS_LIB (how comfortable having friends who are liberal)
How comfortable are you having friends who are liberal? 10 means that you feel extremely comfortable, 0 means that you do not feel comfortable at all.
SCIM_FRIENDS_LIB_SLID (used slider comfortable with liberals)
SCIM_FRIENDS_LIB_BOX (used text box comfortable with liberals)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_THERM_CON (feeling toward conservatives)
Please indicate how you feel toward conservatives using the scale below. 10 means that you feel very favorably or warm toward them, 0 that you feel very unfavorable or cold, and 5 is neutral.
SCIM_THERM_CON_SLID (used slider feeling toward conservatives)
SCIM_THERM_CON_BOX (used text box feeling toward conservatives)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_THERM_LIB (feeling toward liberals)
Please indicate how you feel toward liberals using the scale below. 10 means that you feel very favorably or warm toward them, 0 that you feel very unfavorable or cold, and 5 is neutral.
SCIM_THERM_LIB_SLID (used slider feeling toward liberals)
SCIM_THERM_LIB_BOX (used text box feeling toward liberals)
End of group of questions
End of if
if scim_order_rating_comfort = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_THERM_LIB (feeling toward liberals)
Please indicate how you feel toward liberals using the scale below. 10 means that you feel very favorably or warm toward them, 0 that you feel very unfavorable or cold, and 5 is neutral.
SCIM_THERM_LIB_SLID (used slider feeling toward liberals)
SCIM_THERM_LIB_BOX (used text box feeling toward liberals)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_THERM_CON (feeling toward conservatives)
Please indicate how you feel toward conservatives using the scale below. 10 means that you feel very favorably or warm toward them, 0 that you feel very unfavorable or cold, and 5 is neutral.
SCIM_THERM_CON_SLID (used slider feeling toward conservatives)
SCIM_THERM_CON_BOX (used text box feeling toward conservatives)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_FRIENDS_LIB (how comfortable having friends who are liberal)
How comfortable are you having friends who are liberal? 10 means that you feel extremely comfortable, 0 means that you do not feel comfortable at all.
SCIM_FRIENDS_LIB_SLID (used slider comfortable with liberals)
SCIM_FRIENDS_LIB_BOX (used text box comfortable with liberals)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_FRIENDS_CON (how comfortable having friends who are conservative)
How comfortable are you having friends who are conservative? 10 means that you feel extremely comfortable, 0 means that you do not feel comfortable at all.
SCIM_FRIENDS_CON_SLID (used slider comfortable with conservatives)
SCIM_FRIENDS_CON_BOX (used text box comfortable with conservatives)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_FRIENDS_LIB (how comfortable having friends who are liberal)
How comfortable are you having friends who are liberal? 10 means that you feel extremely comfortable, 0 means that you do not feel comfortable at all.
SCIM_FRIENDS_LIB_SLID (used slider comfortable with liberals)
SCIM_FRIENDS_LIB_BOX (used text box comfortable with liberals)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_FRIENDS_CON (how comfortable having friends who are conservative)
How comfortable are you having friends who are conservative? 10 means that you feel extremely comfortable, 0 means that you do not feel comfortable at all.
SCIM_FRIENDS_CON_SLID (used slider comfortable with conservatives)
SCIM_FRIENDS_CON_BOX (used text box comfortable with conservatives)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_THERM_LIB (feeling toward liberals)
Please indicate how you feel toward liberals using the scale below. 10 means that you feel very favorably or warm toward them, 0 that you feel very unfavorable or cold, and 5 is neutral.
SCIM_THERM_LIB_SLID (used slider feeling toward liberals)
SCIM_THERM_LIB_BOX (used text box feeling toward liberals)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
SCIM_THERM_CON (feeling toward conservatives)
Please indicate how you feel toward conservatives using the scale below. 10 means that you feel very favorably or warm toward them, 0 that you feel very unfavorable or cold, and 5 is neutral.
SCIM_THERM_CON_SLID (used slider feeling toward conservatives)
SCIM_THERM_CON_BOX (used text box feeling toward conservatives)
End of group of questions
End of if
End of if
if sizeof(ls002_order) = 0 then
ls002_order := shuffleArray(array(2 => 1, 3 => 2, 4 => 3, 5 => 4, 6 => 5, 7 => 6, 8 => 7, 9 => 8, 10 => 9, 11 => 10, 12 => 11))
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 12
if ls002_order[cnt5] = 1 then
ls002a (I am satisfied with my physical health)
I am satisfied with my physical health
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif ls002_order[cnt5] = 2 then
ls002b (I am satisfied with my financial situation)
I am satisfied with my financial situation
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif ls002_order[cnt5] = 3 then
ls002c (I am satisfied with my social life)
I am satisfied with my social life
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif ls002_order[cnt5] = 4 then
ls002d (I am satisfied with my mental health)
I am satisfied with my mental health
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif ls002_order[cnt5] = 5 then
ls002e (I am satisfied with the amount of leisure time I have)
I am satisfied with the amount of leisure time I have
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif ls002_order[cnt5] = 6 then
ls002f (I am satisfied with my job or other daily activities)
I am satisfied with my job or other daily activities
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif ls002_order[cnt5] = 7 then
ls002g (I am satisfied with my family life)
I am satisfied with my family life
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif ls002_order[cnt5] = 8 then
ls002h (I feel happy most of the time)
I feel happy most of the time
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif ls002_order[cnt5] = 9 then
ls002i (I feel negative most of the time)
I feel negative most of the time
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif ls002_order[cnt5] = 10 then
ls002j (My life is going well)
My life is going well
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif ls002_order[cnt5] = 11 then
ls002k (In most ways, my life is close to my ideal)
In most ways, my life is close to my ideal
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
elseif ls002_order[cnt5] = 12 then
ls002l (I am satisfied with my life)
I am satisfied with my life
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Somewhat disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Somewhat agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly agree
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Thank you, those were all of our questions.
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)