Routing for UAS583

wave1_startdate := getM2C2Wave1StartDate()
if wave1_startdate = response then
default_startdate := getDefaultDate(wave1_startdate)
default_startdate := getDefaultDate()
End of if
selected_date := default_startdate
FLStartDate := getDateString(default_startdate)
FLEndDate := getDateString(date('Y-m-d', strtotime(default_startdate . " + 7 days")))
Fill code of question 'FLPeriodStart' executed
Fill code of question 'FLPeriodEnd' executed
Fill code of question 'FLPeriod_check' executed
Fill code of question 'FLPeriod_check_end' executed
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Thank you for setting up the dates for Round Two of the Mobile Assessments in the UAS project.

You are currently scheduled to begin this round on [[]] and end on [[]]. Are you available on those dates? If not, you can choose a different start date below.

As a reminder when choosing a start date: During days 1-8 you will...
  • Have your phone with you every day between 8am and 8pm.
  • Have either a cell or WiFi connection between 8am and 8pm each day.
  • Be able to answer 3 prompts each day on your phone, each one takes about 3- 5 minutes.
On day 9, you will log into your UAS account to complete the final survey.

How much time will it take and how much will you earn? The project takes about 15 minutes per day. You earn $3 each time you answer a prompt, and a $1 bonus if you answer all 3 prompts in a day, for a possible total of $10 a day. With the $7 for filling out the10 minute feedback survey the total you can earn is $87.

If you prefer to start Round Two on a different date, please choose a start date between [[]] and [[]].
selected_date (selected date)

Please select your preferred date:

not_available (not available)
1 Click here if you are not available during this time period
End of group of questions
if not_available = 1 then
Thank you for letting us know. If your situation changes so that you do have time to participate in Round Two, please contact the UAS helpdesk to schedule your start date! (

Click "Next" to return to your panel member pages.
timezone (timezone)
Please select the time zone you will be in during this week:
1 Eastern
2 Central
3 Mountain Daylight
4 Mountain Standard
5 Pacific
6 Alaska
7 Hawaii
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Please enter the phone number of the phone you will be using. We will use this only to send text notification reminders during the project.
Please enter your phone number again.
End of group of questions
dummy := addToM2C2(prim_key, phonenumber, timezone, selected_date)
thanksagain (thanks again)
Within 24 hours, you will receive an email verifying your participation dates. If you do not receive the verification email, contact the UAS helpdesk to let us know! (

If you want to review the project information again, you can download and print the Study Guide and the Study Information Sheet, using the links below.

Note: These links will also be provided in the confirmation email. Clicking the links below will open a new window, don't forget to come back to this window and click "Next" to close this scheduler so your choice is recorded.

Click here to download the Study Guide
Click here to download the Information Sheet
End of if