Routing for UAS176

This survey asks about your probability of working at older ages under various potential changes to Social Security and Medicare.
ba_001 (currently receiving a Social Security benefit)
Are you currently receiving a Social Security benefit?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don't know
if ba_001 = 1 then
ba_002 (type of benefit receiving)
What type of Social Security benefit do you receive?
1 A retirement benefit based on my own work record
2 A retirement benefit based on someone else’s work record (such as a spousal or survivor benefit)
3 A disability benefit
4 Something else
5 I don’t know
End of if
ba_003 (currently working)
Do you currently do any work for pay (either working for an employer or self-employment)?
1 Yes
2 No
if dateofbirth_year = response then
ea_year := dateofbirth_year
End of if
if dateofbirth_month = response then
ea_month := dateofbirth_month
End of if
if ea_year = empty or ea_month = empty then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ea_year (year born)
When were you born?
RANGE 1900..2019
ea_month (month born)
1 January
2 February
3 March
4 April
5 May
6 June
7 July
8 August
9 September
10 October
11 November
12 December
End of group of questions
End of if
Rage := calcAge(ea_year,ea_month,dateofbirth_day)
Fill code of question 'FRA' executed
ea_001 (chances doing any work for pay next year)
What do you think are the chances you’ll be doing any work for pay next year (either working for an employer or self-employment)? Please give us a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you are absolutely certain you’ll be working.
RANGE 0..100
ea_016 (20% more in after-tax wages - chances any work for pay next year)
Suppose that Congress changed the tax system in a way that all workers at your age or older would bring home 20% more in after-tax wages compared to what they currently make. In this case, what are the chances that you will be doing any work for pay next year?
RANGE 0..100
if ba_001 = 1 AND ba_002 in [1,2] AND Rage > 61 AND Rage < FRA then
ea_002 (aware of earnings test provision)
Based on your date of birth, your Social Security full retirement age is [full calculated full retirement age (includes months)[]]. For individuals who have not yet reached their full retirement age, there is a provision known as the "earnings test." Under the earnings test, Social Security withholds a portion of your benefits if your earnings from work are above a certain level. Are you aware of this provision?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if ba_003 = 1 AND ea_002 = 1 then
ea_003 (affect of earnings tests on benefits)
By how much would you estimate that your current annual Social Security benefits are affected by the earnings test because of the work that you do?
1 Not affected
2 Reduced by less than 25%
3 Reduced by 25-50%
4 Reduced by 50-75%
5 Reduced by more than 75%
if ea_003 != 1 then
ea_004 (anticipate reduction due to earnings test will have future impact)
Do you anticipate that the reduction in your current Social Security benefit due to the earnings test will have any impact on the Social Security benefits you receive down the road - above and beyond any cost-of-living adjustments - after you turn [full calculated full retirement age (includes months)[]]?

I would expect my Social Security benefits down the road to
1 Increase
2 Decrease
3 Stay the same
4 Not sure
End of if
elseif ba_003 = 2 AND ea_002 = 1 then
ea_005 (estimate of reduction if to go back to work due to earnings test)
If you were to go back to work today, by how much would you estimate that your current Social Security benefits will be reduced as a result of this provision?
1 Not affected
2 Reduced by less than 25%
3 Reduced by 25-50%
4 Reduced by 50-75%
5 Reduced by more than 75%
if ea_005 != 1 then
ea_006 (anticipate back to work reduction due to earnings test will have future impact)
Suppose you were to go back to work today and your current Social Security benefit were reduced due to the earnings test. Would you expect the reduction in your current benefit to have any impact on the Social Security benefits you receive down the road - above and beyond cost of living adjustments - after you turn [full calculated full retirement age (includes months)[]]?

I would expect my Social Security benefits down the road to
1 Increase
2 Decrease
3 Stay the same
4 Not sure
End of if
End of if
if ea_002 = 1 then
ea_007 (chances working for pay next year)
Suppose Congress were to change the law such that your Social Security benefits are no longer withheld based on the income you earn from work. In that case, what do you think are the chances you’ll be working for pay next year? Please give us a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you are absolutely certain you’ll be working.
RANGE 0..100
End of if
End of if
if ba_003 = 2 then
ea_008 (ever worked for pay)
Have you ever worked for pay in the past?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
End of if
if ba_003 = 1 OR ea_008 = 1 then
ea_009 (access to health coverage in benchmark job)
Think about a significant job you've held either now or in the past. Let’s refer to this job as the "benchmark job." We'll use it as a point of comparison in some of these questions. Did/do you have access to health insurance coverage through this job (regardless of whether you chose to enroll in the health plan)?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don't know
if Rage < 65 then
ea_010 (chances working for pay at age 65)
Suppose that at age 65, you had an opportunity to work (or continue to work) at the "benchmark job" you thought about. In that case, what do you think are the chances you’ll be working for pay at age 65? Please give us a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you are absolutely certain you’ll be working.
RANGE 0..100
ea_011 (chances working for pay next year)
Suppose that next year you had the opportunity to work (or continue to work) at the "benchmark job" you thought about. In that case, what do you think are the chances you’ll be working for pay next year? Please give us a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you are absolutely certain you’ll be working.
RANGE 0..100
End of if
if ea_009 = 1 then
if Rage < 65 then
ea_012a (younger than 65, 20% higher pay, no HI - chances working for pay next year)
Suppose that at age 65, you had an opportunity to work at the same "benchmark job" you thought about, but with 20% higher pay and no employer-sponsored health insurance. You would, however, become eligible for Medicare at age 65. In that case, what do you think are the chances you’ll be working for pay at age 65? Please give us a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you are absolutely certain you’ll be working.
RANGE 0..100
ea_012b (younger than 65, 40% higher pay, no HI - chances working for pay next year)
Suppose that at age 65, you had an opportunity to work at the same “benchmark job” you thought about, but with 40% higher pay and no employer-sponsored health insurance. You would, however, become eligible for Medicare at age 65. In that case, what do you think are the chances you’ll be working for pay at age 65? Please give us a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you are absolutely certain you’ll be working.
RANGE 0..100
ea_013a (65 or older, 20% higher pay, no HI - chances working for pay next year)
Suppose you had the opportunity to work at the same "benchmark job" you thought about, but with 20% higher pay and no employer-sponsored health insurance. However, you are eligible for Medicare. In that case, what do you think are the chances you’ll be working for pay next year? Please give us a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you are absolutely certain you’ll be working.
RANGE 0..100
ea_013b (65 or older, 40% higher pay, no HI - chances working for pay next year)
Suppose you had the opportunity to work at the same "benchmark job" you thought about, but with 40% higher pay and no employer-sponsored health insurance. However, you are eligible for Medicare. In that case, what do you think are the chances you’ll be working for pay next year? Please give us a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you are absolutely certain you’ll be working.
RANGE 0..100
End of if
elseif ea_009 = 2 then
if Rage < 65 then
ea_014a (younger than 65, no HI, 20% lower pay, with HI - chances working for pay next year)
Suppose that at age 65, you had an opportunity to work at the same "benchmark job" you thought about, but with 20% lower pay and employer-sponsored health insurance. At age 65, you also become eligible for Medicare. In that case, what do you think are the chances you’ll be working for pay at age 65? Please give us a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you are absolutely certain you’ll be working.
RANGE 0..100
ea_014b (younger than 65, no HI, 40% lower pay, with HI - chances working for pay next year)
Suppose that at age 65, you had an opportunity to work at the same "benchmark job" you thought about, but with 40% lower pay and employer-sponsored health insurance. At age 65, you also become eligible for Medicare. In that case, what do you think are the chances you’ll be working for pay at age 65? Please give us a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you are absolutely certain you’ll be working.
RANGE 0..100
ea_015a (65 or older, no HI, 20% lower pay, with HI - chances working for pay next year)
Suppose you had the opportunity to work at the same "benchmark job" you thought about, but with 20% lower pay and employer-sponsored health insurance. You are also eligible for Medicare. In that case, what do you think are the chances you’ll be working for pay next year? Please give us a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you are absolutely certain you’ll be working.
RANGE 0..100
ea_015b (65 or older, no HI, 40% lower pay, with HI - chances working for pay next year)
Suppose you had the opportunity to work at the same "benchmark job" you thought about, but with 40% lower pay and employer-sponsored health insurance. You are also eligible for Medicare. In that case, what do you think are the chances you’ll be working for pay next year? Please give us a number from 0 to 100, where "0" means that you think there is absolutely no chance, and "100" means that you are absolutely certain you’ll be working.
RANGE 0..100
End of if
End of if
End of if
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)