Routing for UAS172

This survey focuses on attitudes toward scientific research and technological development, and how these activities interact with society and the U.S. economy.
For each of the following questions, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement in the question.
re_001 (necessary to keep the country prosperous)
Scientific research and technological development are necessary to keep the country prosperous.
1 Agree strongly
2 Agree somewhat
3 Disagree somewhat
4 Disagree strongly
5 Not sure
re_002 (main factors in increasing productivity)
Scientific research and technological development are the main factors in increasing productivity.
1 Agree strongly
2 Agree somewhat
3 Disagree somewhat
4 Disagree strongly
5 Not sure
re_003 (will eventually lead to the loss of jobs)
Scientific research and technological development will eventually lead to the loss of jobs.
1 Agree strongly
2 Agree somewhat
3 Disagree somewhat
4 Disagree strongly
5 Not sure
re_009 (necessary and worth supporting)
Even if it brings no immediate benefits, scientific research, which advances the frontiers of knowledge, is a necessary human endeavor worth supporting.
1 Agree strongly
2 Agree somewhat
3 Disagree somewhat
4 Disagree strongly
5 Not sure
re_004 (is necessary and should be supported by the federal government)
Even if it brings no immediate benefits, scientific research which advances the frontiers of knowledge is necessary and should be supported by the federal government.
1 Agree strongly
2 Agree somewhat
3 Disagree somewhat
4 Disagree strongly
5 Not sure
re_005 (government investments pay off)
In your opinion, do government investments in basic scientific research usually pay off in the long run, or are they not worth it?
1 Yes, pay off in the long run
2 No, aren’t worth it
3 Not sure
re_006 (benefits of scientific research)
People have frequently noted that scientific research has produced both beneficial and harmful consequences. Would you say that, on balance, the benefits of scientific research have outweighed the harmful results, are about equal, or have the harmful results of scientific research been greater than its benefits?
1 Benefits have been greater than harmful results
2 Benefits and harmful results have been about equal
3 Harmful results have been greater than benefits
if re_006 = 1 then
re_006a (balance how much in favor)
Would you say that the balance has been strongly in favor of beneficial results, or only slightly?
1 Balance strongly in favor of beneficial results
2 Balance slightly in favor of beneficial results
elseif re_006 = 3 then
re_006b (balance how much harmful)
Would you say that the balance has been strongly in favor of harmful results, or only slightly?
1 Balance slightly in favor of harmful results
2 Balance strongly in favor of harmful results
End of if
The next questions are statements about the whole question of scientific and technological research. For each, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree...
re_007 (results can be applied for more bad)
The trouble with scientific research is that its results can be applied in ways that cause more bad than good for the world.
1 Agree strongly
2 Agree somewhat
3 Disagree somewhat
4 Disagree strongly
5 Not sure
re_010 (attention to morals of society)
Scientific research today doesn't pay enough attention to the moral values of society.
1 Agree strongly
2 Agree somewhat
3 Disagree somewhat
4 Disagree strongly
5 Not sure
re_011 (essential to improving quality of human lives)
Scientific research is essential to improving the quality of human lives.
1 Agree strongly
2 Agree somewhat
3 Disagree somewhat
4 Disagree strongly
5 Not sure
On another subject...The next questions ask about the federal government shutdown that ended January 25.
jd_001 (Financially affected by government shutdown)
Thinking now about the government shutdown that began in December 2018 and ended January 25. Did the shutdown financially affect you or anyone in your household?
1 The shutdown financially affected me
2 The shutdown financially affected someone else in my household
3 The shutdown financially affected me and someone else in my household
4 No one in my household was financially affected by the government shutdown
if jd_001 in [1,2,3] then
jd_003 (Shutdown cause household financial hardship)
Did the government shutdown cause you or your household any financial hardship, or not?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Don't know
if jd_003 in [1,3] then
jd_004 (recovered from shutdown)
Have you recovered financially from the shutdown, or are you still experiencing hardship as a direct result of the shutdown?
1 Recovered financially
2 Still experiencing financial hardship
End of if
End of if
if jd_005_randomizer = empty then
jd_005_randomizer := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
if jd_005_randomizer = 1 then
jd_005_order[1] := 1
jd_005_order[2] := 2
jd_005_order[3] := 3
jd_005_order[4] := 4
jd_005_order[5] := 5
jd_005_order[6] := 6
jd_005_order[1] := 5
jd_005_order[2] := 4
jd_005_order[3] := 3
jd_005_order[4] := 2
jd_005_order[5] := 1
jd_005_order[6] := 6
End of if
Fill code of question 'fl_jd_005' executed
jd_005 (Approve/Disapprove of Trump’s handling)
Do you [approve/disapprove] or [approve/disapprove] of President Trump's handling of the government shutdown?
1 Strongly approve
2 Somewhat approve
3 Neither approve nor disapprove
4 Somewhat disapprove
5 Strongly disapprove
6 Haven't heard enough to say
jd_006 (Approve/Disapprove of Trump’s handling of border)
Do you [approve/disapprove] or [approve/disapprove] of President Trump’s handling of security along the U.S. - Mexico border?
1 Strongly approve
2 Somewhat approve
3 Neither approve nor disapprove
4 Somewhat disapprove
5 Strongly disapprove
6 Haven't heard enough to say
jd_007 (US Mexico Border a matter of national emergency)
Do you consider the situation along the U.S. – Mexico border to be a national emergency?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Haven’t heard enough to say
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)