Routing for UAS192

version_flag := 2
sc_001 (ever set up access to online banking)
We are launching an important new project in the UAS. If you use online banking, or go online to check any of your financial accounts, you can review the information about the project and decide if you would like to participate.

Online banking is a method of accessing a bank account via the website of a bank. With online banking, you can access your bank account, transfer money between accounts, and pay bills - over the Internet or through a mobile device.

Have you ever set up access to online banking for any of your bank accounts?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if sc_001 != 1 then
Thank you. We will be in touch when we have other surveys or projects that you may participate in.
Exit the survey
End of if
treatment := 1
treatment_flag := 1
Fill code of question 'FLAmounts' executed
consent (consent)
We are looking for volunteers for an important new research study about how people in America manage their money. We plan to use this information to identify solutions that can help people lead financially healthy lives.

If you agree to participate, we will ask you to sign up to a secure website where you can conveniently see all your financial transactions. There is no cost to using this service. In fact, we will pay you in return for allowing UAS researchers to learn from a simplified version of your everyday transactions.

Your financial information will be secure, protected, and confidential. As with all Understanding America Study surveys you take, the information you share with us is combined with other participants’ data, and never linked to you individually. We have developed the website in collaboration with Plaid, a company trusted by millions of users to connect their financial accounts to help them manage their money.

Researchers will see only limited account information. By agreeing to participate in this study, you are giving UAS researchers permission to view your account history and activity, without seeing your passwords, or any indication of who you are, for research purposes only. Data is collected to be used for research purposes only. We will only see account type, institution holding the account, account balance, transaction dates, amounts, and descriptions (like you see on your credit card statement). Our information technology manager may be provided with access to the name and contact information associated with the account, but will never access, view, use, or store that information, as it is not needed for our research.

Your credentials (username and password) will also remain private. Plaid securely protects your credentials and will not share them, or any other personal information, with UAS or anyone else. We at UAS always follow strict procedures to protect your privacy and keep your private data confidential. For example, if identifying information such as name, address, or specifics about the transaction are ever included in the information we obtain from Plaid, we delete it before we store the data. No personal identifiers will ever be stored with your transaction data. When we write up results, we only ever publish tables and graphs that do not identify anyone individually.

Time required: Your participation in this study will require very little of your time. After you add your accounts, we will ask you to periodically review and update them as needed. You can remove your accounts from the study at any time without consequences.

You will be paid for your participation, now and monthly: You will earn $[[]] for each financial institution that you add. After that you will continue to earn $[[]] every month for each active institution that you have added.

To get started: You will simply create your own private password for the secure website and then follow prompts to log in and add your accounts.

If you have any questions about this study or about how we are storing and using this data, please let us know. You can find out more information about Plaid here: For other questions, just call our help desk at 855.872.8673 (9am to 5pm Pacific; Monday through Friday) or send an email to

I am interested in participating in this research study:
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if consent = 1 then
link := getUasfinLink()

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this study!

We have set up a secure website which requires that you set up a new password that only you will know.

Please click on the link below to create the new password for your account on the secure website. Once your password is set, you will be asked to login to the study site – Called UASFin - using username [PRIMARY KEY[]] and the new password you created. Please write it down and keep it in a secure place so you will be able to log in to the study site in the future.

SETUP PASSWORD (opens in a new window)

IMPORTANT: After creating your password and adding your accounts, Please remember to return to this page and complete the rest of this survey, to get your $2 reward in addition to the rewards you will earn from linking your accounts in the UASFin site.

Group of questions presented on the same screen
consentno (why no consent)
Thank you for your help. While you are never obligated to participate in any UAS study, we would like to understand why some people chose not to participate in this particular study. We would like to learn about why you are not interested in participating in this study at this time, if you don’t mind.

Which of the following are reasons why you are not interested in participating in this study?

Please check all that apply.
1 I don't trust the security of your website
2 I don't want to share information about my financial transactions
3 It seems like too much work
4 I don't know how to log into my online accounts
5 Something else:
consentno_other (other why no consent)
End of group of questions
consentno_call (call about why no consent)
People have all kinds of reasons for not wanting to participate in a study like this one. We would like to learn more about those reasons. Would you be willing to participate in a short telephone interview with a friendly UAS staff member? We would schedule the call at your convenience, and you would earn $20 for your time.
1 Yes, you may contact me to schedule an interview
2 No, please do not contact me for an interview
if consentno_call = 1 then
dummy := yesInterview()
End of if
End of if
dummy := doPayout(2)
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)