Routing for UAS126

testsoundvideo (TEST SOUND VIDEO INTRO)
In this survey you will make savings choices. Short videos will explain how. It is important that you can hear the audio of these videos loud and clear. Make sure that your audio is working before you hit next. Please switch on the speakers and turn up the volume.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
First we will ask you to play the video below and to tell us what you see and what you hear. Click on the video when you are ready to start.

What did you see?
What did you hear?
videoq (WHAT DID R SEE)
What did you see?
1 Dogs running
2 A football game
3 People ice skating
4 A boxing match
5 The weather forecast
6 I did not see anything
soundq (WHAT DID R HEAR)
What did you hear?
1 Baby crying
2 Music
3 Car horn
4 Birds chirping
5 A thunderstorm
6 I did not hear anything
End of group of questions
IF videoq = 3 AND soundq = 2 THEN
The video below explains the choices you will have to make in this survey. Click when ready.

cnt := 1
number_to_show[cnt] := '1'
numbertext_to_show[cnt] := 'Practice Round'
adjust_bars_time := 1
temp_time := getLeandroTimePracticeTwoBars(cnt, 1)
Group of questions presented on the same screen
practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars (experiment)
End of group of questions
tempVar_time := practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars[cnt]
pract_el_time_tb[cnt] := practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars[cnt]
pract_log_el_time_tb[cnt] := practice_log_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars[cnt]
practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars_confirm[cnt] := practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars[cnt]
Group of questions presented on the same screen
practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars_confirm (experiment)
End of group of questions
pract_el_time_tb_cf[cnt] := practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars_confirm[cnt]
pract_log_el_time_tb_cf[cnt] := practice_log_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars_confirm[cnt]
cnt := 2
number_to_show[cnt] := '2'
numbertext_to_show[cnt] := 'Practice Round'
adjust_bars_time := 1
temp_time := getLeandroTimePracticeTwoBars(cnt, 1)
Group of questions presented on the same screen
practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars (experiment)
End of group of questions
tempVar_time := practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars[cnt]
pract_el_time_tb[cnt] := practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars[cnt]
pract_log_el_time_tb[cnt] := practice_log_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars[cnt]
practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars_confirm[cnt] := practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars[cnt]
Group of questions presented on the same screen
practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars_confirm (experiment)
End of group of questions
pract_el_time_tb_cf[cnt] := practice_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars_confirm[cnt]
pract_log_el_time_tb_cf[cnt] := practice_log_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars_confirm[cnt]
One out of 10 survey respondents will be selected to receive real money. At the end of the survey, you will learn if you are one of the people chosen to be paid.

The video below explains how your payment will be determined in case you are selected. Click when ready.

Loop from 1 to 5
numbertext_to_show[cnt] := 'Decision'
number_to_show[cnt] := cnt
adjust_bars_time := 1
temp_time := getLeandroTimeTwoBars(cnt, 1)
Group of questions presented on the same screen
log_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars (experiment)
End of group of questions
tempVar_time := experiment_leandro_time_two_bars[cnt]
el_time_tb[cnt] := experiment_leandro_time_two_bars[cnt]
log_el_time_tb[cnt] := log_experiment_leandro_time_two_bars[cnt]
End of loop
Your next choices will be a little bit different. The video explains how. Click when ready.

redchance := getRedChance();
bluechance := 100 - (redchance * 100)
progress := redchance * 100
if progress = 100 then
In all decisions from now on, the jar will always have 100 red balls. This means that you will receive in 2 years the amount shown above the red bar.

The horizontal bar will be displayed to remind you that all 100 balls in the jar are red.

In all decisions from now on, the jar will always have [[]] red balls. This means that you have a [[]] out of 100 chance of receiving in 2 years the amount shown above the red bar and a [blue chance[]] out of 100 chance of receiving the amount shown above the blue bar.

The horizontal bar will be displayed to remind you that [[]] of the 100 balls in the jar are red.

End of if
cnt := 1
number_to_show[cnt] := '3'
numbertext_to_show[cnt] := 'Practice Round'
adjust_bars_time := 1
temp_time := getLeandroTimePractice(cnt, 1)
Group of questions presented on the same screen
practice_experiment_leandro_time (experiment)
End of group of questions
tempVar_time := practice_experiment_leandro_time[cnt]
practice_experiment_leandro_time_confirm[cnt] := practice_experiment_leandro_time[cnt]
Group of questions presented on the same screen
practice_experiment_leandro_time_confirm (experiment)
End of group of questions
cnt := 2
number_to_show[cnt] := '4'
numbertext_to_show[cnt] := 'Practice Round'
adjust_bars_time := 1
temp_time := getLeandroTimePractice(cnt, 1)
Group of questions presented on the same screen
practice_experiment_leandro_time (experiment)
End of group of questions
tempVar_time := practice_experiment_leandro_time[cnt]
practice_experiment_leandro_time_confirm[cnt] := practice_experiment_leandro_time[cnt]
Group of questions presented on the same screen
practice_experiment_leandro_time_confirm (experiment)
End of group of questions
Let's say that you are one of the people chosen to be paid. The video explains how your payment will be determined if the computer selects for payment one of the decisions that depend on chance. Click when ready.

Loop from 1 to 25
number_to_show[cnt] := (cnt+5)
numbertext_to_show[cnt] := 'Decision'
adjust_bars_time := 1
temp_time := getLeandroTime(cnt, 1)
Group of questions presented on the same screen
log_experiment_leandro_time (experiment)
End of group of questions
tempVar_time := experiment_leandro_time[cnt]
End of loop
numberchoice (choice of number for payment selection)
Please choose a number between 0 and 9.
RANGE 0..9
IF numberselected = EMPTY THEN
numberselected := mt_rand(0,9)
End of if
The computer will now randomly draw a number from 0 to 9. If the number you chose ([choice of number for payment selection[]]) is drawn, you will receive money according to one of your decisions. Otherwise, you will not receive any money.

if numberselected = numberchoice then
IF decisionselected = EMPTY THEN
decisionselected := mt_rand(1,30)
End of if
FLTwoYearsFromNow := date('F j, Y', strtotime('+2 years'));
if decisionselected < 6 then
pay := explode("~", experiment_leandro_time_two_bars[decisionselected])
paytoday := pay[0]
paytwoyears := pay[1]
The computer will now randomly select one of the 30 decisions:

pay := explode("~", experiment_leandro_time[decisionselected-5])
paytoday := pay[0]
paytwoyearsred := pay[1]
paytwoyearsblue := pay[2]
payredballs := fraction[decisionselected-5] * 100
payblueballs := 100 - (fraction[decisionselected-5] * 100)
if payredballs != 100 then
The computer will now randomly select one of the 30 decisions:

if numberballselected = empty then
numberballselected := mt_rand(1,100)
End of if
if numberballselected > payredballs then
ballselected := 2

A blue ball was drawn.

$[payment today[]] will be credited to your debit card by the next business day and $[pay two years blue[]] will be credited to your debit card on [[]].
ballselected := 1

A red ball was drawn.

$[payment today[]] will be credited to your debit card by the next business day and $[pay two years red[]] will be credited to your debit card on [[]].
End of if
The computer will now randomly select one of the 30 decisions:

End of if
End of if
End of if
dummy := payUp(9)
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this interview?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the interview? Please type these in the box below.(If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)
End of if