Routing for UAS677

This short survey asks about your views on potential risks to your property and community, as well as the steps you might take to address them.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
cl005 (ranking greatest to least threat)
Thinking about the area where you live, please rank the following five threats from what you believe to be the greatest threat (1) to the least threat (5). To rank, click each box in order of greatest to least threat.
1 Heat (e.g., extreme heat events and rising temperatures)
2 Flooding (e.g., risks from heavy rainfall, river overflows, storm surge, and sea level rise)
3 Wildfires (e.g., risks from vegetation, weather, and embers near structures
4 Air Quality (e.g., risks from wildfire smoke, ozone formation, and other pollutants influenced by environmental changes)
5 Wind (e.g., risks from hurricanes and high-speed winds)
End of group of questions
if cl005 = response then
cl005_ranking[1] := getReason(1,cl005)
cl005_ranking[2] := getReason(2,cl005)
cl005_ranking[3] := getReason(3,cl005)
cl005_ranking[4] := getReason(4,cl005)
cl005_ranking[5] := getReason(5,cl005)
End of if
cl001 (chance property damaged by flood, or by wildfire, sometime in next 10 years)
On a scale from 0% meaning it will never happen and 100% meaning it will definitely happen, how likely would you say it is that your property will be damaged by flood, or by wildfire, sometime in the next 10 years? If you aren't sure, just your best guess will do.
cl002 (how many days daily activities be disrupted over next 12 months)
In the next 12 months, how many days will your daily activities be disrupted by events such as extreme heat, poor air quality, blackouts from wildfires, or heavy rainfall? If you aren't sure, just your best guess will do.
RANGE 0..365
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following steps that can be taken to try to reduce the impact of extreme weather events or natural disasters, please indicate if you have taken that step, or plan to do so.

Subgroup of questions
cl003a (Installing storm shutters or reinforcing roofs and walls to protect against high winds and storms)
Installing storm shutters or reinforcing roofs and walls to protect against high winds and storms
1 Already done
2 Planning to do
3 Not considering doing
4 Not applicable
cl003b (Installing a sump pump or backflow valve to prevent basement flooding)
Installing a sump pump or backflow valve to prevent basement flooding
1 Already done
2 Planning to do
3 Not considering doing
4 Not applicable
cl003c (Adding insulation or reflexive roofing materials to reduce indoor temperatures during heatwaves)
Adding insulation or reflexive roofing materials to reduce indoor temperatures during heatwaves
1 Already done
2 Planning to do
3 Not considering doing
4 Not applicable
cl003d (Creating an emergency preparedness kit and evacuation plan)
Creating an emergency preparedness kit and evacuation plan
1 Already done
2 Planning to do
3 Not considering doing
4 Not applicable
cl003e (Installing air purifiers to improve indoor air quality during wildfire smoke events)
Installing air purifiers to improve indoor air quality during wildfire smoke events
1 Already done
2 Planning to do
3 Not considering doing
4 Not applicable
cl003f (Installing backup generators or solar panels with battery storage to prepare for power outages)
Installing backup generators or solar panels with battery storage to prepare for power outages
1 Already done
2 Planning to do
3 Not considering doing
4 Not applicable
cl003g (Installing air conditioning systems)
Installing air conditioning systems
1 Already done
2 Planning to do
3 Not considering doing
4 Not applicable
cl003h (Replacing a non-fire proof roof with a fireproof roof)
Replacing a non-fire proof roof with a fireproof roof
1 Already done
2 Planning to do
3 Not considering doing
4 Not applicable
cl003i (Clearing vegetation and trimming trees near your home)
Clearing vegetation and trimming trees near your home
1 Already done
2 Planning to do
3 Not considering doing
4 Not applicable
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
cl003j_intro (any other measure done)
Is there anything else that you have already done, or plan to do to try to reduce the impact of extreme weather events or natural disasters? Please briefly describe:
cl003j_done (any other measure already done)
Already done:
cl003j_plan (any other measure plan to do)
Plan to do:
End of group of questions
if cl001 = response then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
cl004 (how certain prediction change flood or fire)
Earlier in this survey you said that there is a [chance property damaged by flood, or by wildfire, sometime in next 10 years[]] percent chance that a flood or fire will endanger you and your loved ones or will cause damage to your property sometime in the next 10 years.

How certain are you about your prediction, on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is extremely uncertain and 10 means you are extremely certain?
End of group of questions
End of if
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)