This next set of questions will ask about your physical activity level over the last year, since [[]]. We will ask you first about your physical activity level when you were doing regular paid work and then about your physical activity level when you were at other times.
t1_q1 (have a job or regular work in last year)
Did you work for pay either full time or part time in the last 12 months?
1 Yes, I worked for pay six or more months out of the last 12 months
2 Yes, I worked for pay less than six months out of the last 12 months
3 No, I did not do any work for pay in the last 12 months
if t1_q1 in [1,2] then
t1_q2 (job activity)
Physical Activity While Working: Please review the following statements describing your usual physical activity while doing paid work over the last year. Please read all of the statements, then choose the one that best describes you.
1 Statement 1: I spent most of my work time sitting or standing (for e.g. writing, typing, talking on the phone, driving, or doing things that takes very little exertion or strength).
2 Statement 2: I spent most of the work time walking or using my hands and arms for work that required moderate exertion (for e.g. delivering mail, patrolling on guard duty, moderate housekeeping, caregiving, doing laundry, dishwashing, prepping or cooking food at restaurant, mechanical work on automobiles or other large machines, house painting or operating a machine that requires some moderate activity).
3 Statement 3: I spent most of the work time lifting or carrying heavy objects or moving most of my body in some other way, for e.g. stacking cargo or inventory, handling parts or materials, a carpenter builds structures, gardener who does most of the work without machines.
4 Statement 4: I spent most of the work time doing hard physical labor, for e.g. digging or chopping with heavy tools, or carrying heavy loads.
End of if
t1_q3 (free time activity)
Non-work physical activity: Please review the following statements describing your usual physical activity when you were not doing regular paid work. Please think about all your usual leisure and non-paid work activity, including activity you might conduct if/when you regularly volunteer, take-care of a loved one, maintain your home, exercise, relax, etc. Read all of the statements, then choose the one that best describes you.
1 Statement 1: Most of my free time was spent without very much physical activity, for e.g. watching TV, using my phone, reading, playing cards, doing light chores. (Doing vigorous activity no more than once or twice a month should be included here.)
2 Statement 2: I did light activity on weekdays and weekends (e.g. walks, light chores).
3 Statement 3: I did moderate activity about 3 times a week, on average, for e.g. brisk walk, slow jogging, mowing lawn, vacuuming, playing doubles tennis.
4 Statement 4: I did regular vigorous activity, at least 3 times week., for e.g jogging, running or riding fast on a bicycle for 30 mins or more; heavy gardening or other chores for an hour or more; active games such as tennis or soccer for an hour or more.
5 Statement 5: I did regular vigorous activity like in the previous statement, but almost daily i.e. 5 or more times per week.
t1_q4_intro (overall physical activity)
The next question asks about your overall physical activity. Please consider your physical activity at work and your physical activity while not at work.
t1_q4 (overall physical activity)
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means you spend most of each day sitting or lying down and 10 means you spend most of each day moving around on your feet, how physically active are you? If you spend most of your day sitting or lying down, you would choose a number closer to 1, and if you spend most of your day moving around on your feet and being active, you would choose a number closer to 10.
1 1 Spend most of the day sitting or lying down
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10 Spend most of the day moving around on your feet