Routing for UAS634

In a recent survey, you told us that you are currently assisting someone (parent, grandparent, wife, husband, child, another family member, neighbor, or close friend) with basic personal activities because they cannot handle them without help. We are interested in how people in the U.S. provide care for a family member or close friend and how caregivers are faring during these times.
a002 (how many people spend assisting)
How many people do you spend time assisting with basic personal activities because they are unable to handle them without help?
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5 or more
if a002 > 1 then
For the following questions, please think about the person you primarily care for, that is the person who requires the most time and energy from you as a caregiver.
End of if
Fill code of question 'FL_ca003' executed
a003 (name care recipient)
Could you provide a name, nickname, or initials for the person you[ primarily] care for? We will use your chosen name, nickname or initials to refer to this person throughout the rest of the survey. If you prefer not to provide a name, nickname, or initials, you may leave this blank and we will refer to this person as the care recipient.

Fill code of question 'FLRecipient' executed
Group of questions presented on the same screen
b001_dummy (who is care recipient)
Who is [^a003/the care recipient] to you?

1 Husband
2 Wife
3 Female romantic partner
4 Male romantic partner


5 Mother
6 Father
7 Stepmother
8 Stepfather


9 Mother-in-law
10 Father-in-law
11 Stepmother-in-law
12 Stepfather-in-law

Son or daughter (including biological or adopted)

13 Son
14 Daughter
15 Stepson
16 Stepdaughter

Son or daughter-in-law

17 Son-in-law
18 Daughter-in-law
19 Step son-in-law
20 Step daughter-in-law


21 Grandfather
22 Grandmother
23 Step-grandfather
24 Step-grandmother


25 Grandson
26 Granddaughter
27 Step-grandson
28 Step-granddaughter


29 Brother
30 Sister
31 Step-brother
32 Step-sister

Aunt or Uncle

33 Aunt
34 Uncle


35 Female cousin
36 Male cousin
37 Other relatives, please specify:

Friend/companion, roommate, or neighbor

38 Friend/companion
39 Roommate
40 Neighbor
41 I am employed as a paid caregiver
42 Other, please specify:
b001_relative (other relative who is care recipient)
What other relative is [^a003/the care recipient] to you?
b001_other (other who is care recipient)
What other relationship does [^a003/the care recipient] have to you?
End of group of questions
b001 := b001_dummy
if not(41 in b001) then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
b002 (paid to caregive)
Are you paid to provide care to [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Other, please specify:
b002_other (other paid to care)
End of group of questions
End of if
b003 (age care recipient)
How old is [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 0 -10 years
2 11 to 17 years
3 18 to 29 years
4 30 to 49 years
5 50 to 64
6 65 to 79
7 80 to 89
8 90+
Group of questions presented on the same screen
b004 (conditions or disabilities care recipient)
Which of the following conditions or disabilities, if any, apply to [^a003/the care recipient]? Please check all that apply, or write in an answer if it is not in the list below.
1 Alzheimer's disease, other dementia or cognitive impairment, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or memory problems
2 Cancer
3 Stroke
4 Intellectual or developmental disability
5 Physical disability or injury
6 Mental health or psychiatric disability
7 Diabetes
8 Heart disease
9 Other chronic illness
10 Vision impairment, blindness
11 Other age-related impairments
12 Long-term effects of COVID-19 lasting more than 3 months
13 Frailty
14 Other, please specify:
15 None of the above. Please specify the reason you are assisting the person you provide care for:
b004_other (other conditions or disabilities care recipient)
b004_none (none conditions or disabilities care recipient)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
c001 (insurance coverage care recipient)
Does [^a003/the care recipient] have any of the following types of insurance coverage (please check all that apply):
1 Medicare
2 Medicare Advantage
3 Medicaid
4 Medigap
5 Employer-sponsored retiree coverage
6 Employer-sponsored health plan
7 VA
9 Private insurance
10 Does not have insurance
11 Don't know
12 Other, please specify:
c001_other (other insurance coverage care recipient)
End of group of questions
if c001 = response and c001 != 10 and c001 != 11 then
Fill code of question 'FLc002' executed
c002 (insurance cover home health services)
Does[ any of] their insurance cover home health services, such as home health aids or skilled nursing care?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
3 (DONTKNOW) I don't know
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
c003 (where care recipient lives)
Where does [^a003/the care recipient] live?
1 With me
2 With other family members
3 With other non-family members
4 By themselves
5 In a nursing home
6 In an assisted living facility
7 Other, please specify:
c003_other (other where care recipient lives)
End of group of questions
if c003 > 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
c004_minutes (minutes to get to home of care recipient)
How long does it usually take to get to the home of [^a003/the care recipient]?
RANGE 0..59
c004_hours (hours to get to home of care recipient)
RANGE 0..24
End of group of questions
End of if
Next, we would like to ask how you may have helped [^a003/the care recipient] in the last month.
d001 (help with laundry, cleaning, making hot meals)
In the last month, did you help [^a003/the care recipient] with laundry, cleaning, making hot meals, or do these chores for them?
1 Yes
2 No
3 They do not need help with this
d002 (shop for groceries or personal items)
In the last month, did you shop with [^a003/the care recipient] for groceries or personal items or shop for them?
1 Yes
2 No
3 They do not need help with this
d003 (drive places)
In the last month, did you drive [^a003/the care recipient] places?
1 Yes
2 No
3 They do not need help with this
d004 (help with handling bills or banking)
In the last month, did you help [^a003/the care recipient] with handling bills or banking, or do this for them?
1 Yes
2 No
3 They do not need help with this
d005 (help with personal care such as eating, showering or bathing, dressing or grooming, or using the toilet)
In the last month, did you help [^a003/the care recipient] with personal care such as eating, showering or bathing, dressing or grooming, or using the toilet?
1 Yes
2 No
3 They do not need help with this
d006 (help get around, that is, getting in and out of bed, getting around inside home, or leaving home to go outside)
In the last month, did you help [^a003/the care recipient] get around, that is, getting in and out of bed, getting around inside their home, or leaving their home to go outside?
1 Yes
2 No
3 They do not need help with this
d007 (help keep track of their medications)
In the last month, did you help [^a003/the care recipient] keep track of their medications? By keeping track, we mean making sure they take the correct amount at the right time.
1 Yes
2 No
3 They do not need help with this
d008 (assist with medical equipment)
In the last month, did you assist [^a003/the care recipient] with medical equipment (for example, oxygen tanks, injections) or managed medical care (for example, ostomy care, IVs, or blood testing)?
1 Yes
2 No
3 They do not need help with this
d009 (assist with healthcare-related assistance)
In the last month, did you assist [^a003/the care recipient] with healthcare-related assistance, including making appointments for them, driving them to appointments, or assisting them with health insurance changes or applications?
1 Yes
2 No
3 They do not need help with this
d010 (provide emotional support)
In the last month, did you provide emotional support to [^a003/the care recipient], that is listening to their concerns or being available when they are upset?
1 Yes
2 No
3 They do not need help with this
Group of questions presented on the same screen
d011 (help other activity)
In the last month, did you help [^a003/the care recipient] with any other activity we haven't mentioned?
1 Yes, please specify:
2 No
d011_other (specify help other activity)
End of group of questions
d012 (how stressful helping care recipient)
How stressful do you find helping [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 Not at all
2 A little
3 Somewhat
4 Quite a bit
5 A great deal
d013 (how rewarding helping care recipient)
How rewarding do you find helping [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 Not at all
2 A little
3 Somewhat
4 Quite a bit
5 A great deal
e001 (how long helping)
How long have you been helping [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 A year or more
2 Less than a year
if e001 = 1 then
e001_years (years helping care recipient)
For how many years?
1 1 year
2 2 years
3 3 years
4 4 years
5 5 years
6 6 years
7 7 years
8 8 years
9 9 years
10 10 years
11 11 years
12 12 years
13 13 years
14 14 years
15 15 years
16 16 years
17 17 years
18 18 years
19 19 years
20 20 years or more
e001_months (months helping care recipient)
For how many months?
1 1 month
2 2 months
3 3 months
4 4 months
5 5 months
6 6 months
7 7 months
8 8 months
9 9 months
10 10 months
11 11 months
12 12 months
End of if
e002 (regular schedule or not)
Thinking about all the ways you helped [^a003/the care recipient] in the last month, did you help on a regular schedule or did it vary? By regular schedule, we mean the same days and times every week.
1 Regular schedule
2 Varying schedule
if e002 = 1 then
e002a (number of days per week help care recipient)
How many days per week did you help [^a003/the care recipient]?
RANGE 0..7
e002b (number of days in last month help care recipient)
In the last month, how many days altogether did you help [^a003/the care recipient]?
RANGE 0..31
End of if
e002c (hours help care recipient on days helped)
On the days when you helped [^a003/the care recipient], about how many hours did you spend helping?
RANGE 0..24
e003 (only one assisting care recipient)
Are you the only one assisting [^a003/the care recipient] or are other people providing care?
1 I am the only caregiver
2 I do most of the caregiving activities, but other people provide care occasionally
3 I equally share caregiving activities with other people
4 Other people do most of the caregiving activities, but I provide care occasionally
e004 (needs care recipient met)
Do you think that all the needs of [^a003/the care recipient] are adequately met?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
3 (DONTKNOW) I don't know
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Have you made any of the following changes to schooling or work due to your caregiving responsibilities?

Subgroup of questions
e005a (I stopped working)
I stopped working
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
e005b (I dropped out of school)
I dropped out of school
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
e005c (I cut down on hours of work/schooling)
I cut down on hours of work/schooling
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
if e005a = 1 OR e005b = 1 OR e005c = 1 then
e006 (changes caused financial strain)
Have any of these changes caused financial strain?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
e006b (how many hours miss from work or school because of caregiving responsibilities)
During the past seven days, how many hours did you miss from work or school because of your caregiving responsibilities?
RANGE 0..168
e006b_dk (dk how many hours miss from work or school because of caregiving responsibilities)
1 Not applicable; I’m not working or in school
End of group of questions
e006c (how much caregiving responsibilities affect your ability to get things done)
During the past seven days, how much did your caregiving responsibilities affect your ability to get things done at work, at school, or at home?

Consider whether your caregiving responsibilities limited the amount of work you could accomplish, the number of tasks you could complete, and how thoroughly you could complete your tasks. Please select a number on the scale below, where 0 indicates no negative impact and 10 the highest negative impact on your productivity.

0 0
No impact
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
Highest impact
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Have you done any of the following due to your caregiving responsibilities?

Subgroup of questions
e007a (Missed doctor appointments)
Missed doctor appointments
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
e007b (Reduced or stopped exercising)
Reduced or stopped exercising
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
e007c (Reduced or stopped eating healthy meals)
Reduced or stopped eating healthy meals
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
e007d (Reduced or stopped doing things you enjoyed)
Reduced or stopped doing things you enjoyed
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
e007e (Reduced or stopped spending time with friends)
Reduced or stopped spending time with friends
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
e007f (Reduced or stopped spending time with family)
Reduced or stopped spending time with family
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
e007g (Reduced or stopped spending time with spouse or romantic partner)
Reduced or stopped spending time with spouse or romantic partner
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
e007h (Other changes)
Other changes, please specify:
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
End of subgroup of questions
e007h_other (specify other changes)
Other changes
End of group of questions
Next, we would like to know your feelings about helping [^a003/the care recipient].
f001 (don't have enough time for yourself)
How often do you feel that because of the time you spend with [^a003/the care recipient] you don't have enough time for yourself?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Quite frequently
5 Nearly always
f002 (feel stressed between caring and other responsibilities)
How often do you feel stressed between caring for [^a003/the care recipient] and trying to meet other responsibilities (work/family)?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Quite frequently
5 Nearly always
f003 (how often feel angry around care recipient)
How often do you feel angry when you are around [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Quite frequently
5 Nearly always
f004 ( caregiving responsibilities affect relationship with family members or friends in negative way)
How often do you feel that your caregiving responsibilities affect your relationship with family members or friends in a negative way?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Quite frequently
5 Nearly always
f005 (feel strained around care recipient)
How often do you feel strained when you are around [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Quite frequently
5 Nearly always
f006 (health has suffered because of caregiving responsibilities)
How often do you feel that your health has suffered because of your caregiving responsibilities?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Quite frequently
5 Nearly always
f007 (not have enough privacy)
How often do you feel that you don't have as much privacy as you would like because of [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Quite frequently
5 Nearly always
f008 (feel social life has suffered)
How often do you feel that your social life has suffered because of your caregiving responsibilities?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Quite frequently
5 Nearly always
f009 (lost control of life since started helping care recipient)
How often do you feel that you have lost control of your life since you started helping [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Quite frequently
5 Nearly always
f010 (feel uncertain what to do about care recipient)
How often do you feel uncertain about what to do about [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Quite frequently
5 Nearly always
f011 (feel should be doing more for care recipient)
How often do you feel you should be doing more for [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Quite frequently
5 Nearly always
f012 (feel could be diong better job for care recipient)
How often do you feel you could be doing a better job in caring for [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Quite frequently
5 Nearly always
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Next, we have a few questions about your experience helping [^a003/the care recipient]. For each statement, please mark whether this describes your situation not so much, somewhat, or very much.

Subgroup of questions
f013 (Helping care recipient has made more confident about abilities)
Helping [^a003/the care recipient] has made you more confident about your abilities
1 Not so much
2 Somewhat
3 Very much
f014 (Helping care recipient has taught to deal with difficult situations)
Helping [^a003/the care recipient] has taught you to deal with difficult situations
1 Not so much
2 Somewhat
3 Very much
f015 (Helping care recipient has brought closer to them)
Helping [^a003/the care recipient] has brought you closer to them
1 Not so much
2 Somewhat
3 Very much
f016 (Helping care recipient gives satisfaction that they are well cared for)
Helping [^a003/the care recipient] gives you satisfaction that they are well cared for
1 Not so much
2 Somewhat
3 Very much
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Subgroup of questions
se001 (I know where to get the caregiving services I need)
I know where to get the caregiving services I need
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
se002 (I have people I can turn to when I need help with my problems that come from caregiving)
I have people I can turn to when I need help with my problems that come from caregiving
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
se003 (I feel confident that I can manage future caregiving challenges)
I feel confident that I can manage future caregiving challenges
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
There are many ways to try to deal with stressful situations. We would like to know how often you use the following strategies when you are experiencing stress. Don't answer on the basis of whether each strategy seems to work or not, just report how often you do it.

Subgroup of questions
co001 (I try to see the situation in a more positive light )
I try to see the situation in a more positive light
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Almost always
co002 (I do something to think about the situation less, such as watching TV, reading, sleeping, or shopping)
I do something to think about the situation less, such as watching TV, reading, sleeping, or shopping
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Almost always
co003 (I concentrate my efforts on doing something about the situation I'm in)
I concentrate my efforts on doing something about the situation I'm in
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Almost always
co004 (I accept there is nothing I can do)
I accept there is nothing I can do
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Almost always
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Next, we have some questions regarding your relationship with [^a003/the care recipient]. Please check the answer that best shows how you feel about each statement:

Subgroup of questions
h001 (How much do they really understand the way you feel about things)
How much do they really understand the way you feel about things
1 Not at all
2 A little
3 Some
4 A lot
h003 (How much can you open up to them if you need to talk about your worries)
How much can you open up to them if you need to talk about your worries
1 Not at all
2 A little
3 Some
4 A lot
h004 (How often do they make too many demands on you)
How often do they make too many demands on you
1 Not at all
2 A little
3 Some
4 A lot
h007 (How much do they get on your nerves)
How much do they get on your nerves
1 Not at all
2 A little
3 Some
4 A lot
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Next, we have some questions about your close family members and friends (not including [^a003/the care recipient]). Please check the answer that best shows how you feel about each statement:

Subgroup of questions
h008 (close family members and friends how much do they really understand the way you feel about things)
How much do they really understand the way you feel about things
1 Not at all
2 A little
3 Some
4 A lot
h010 (close family members and friends how much can you open up to them if you need to talk about your worries)
How much can you open up to them if you need to talk about your worries
1 Not at all
2 A little
3 Some
4 A lot
h011 (close family members and friends how often do they make too many demands on you)
How often do they make too many demands on you
1 Not at all
2 A little
3 Some
4 A lot
h014 (close family members and friends how much do they get on your nerves)
How much do they get on your nerves
1 Not at all
2 A little
3 Some
4 A lot
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
h022 (choice in taking on caregiving responsibility for care recipient)
Do you feel you had a choice in taking on the caregiving responsibility for [^a003/the care recipient]?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if h022 = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
h022a (why no choice to provide caregiving to care recipient)
What was the main reason you had no choice?
1 [^a003/the care recipient] expected me to provide care
2 Others, including family members, expected me to provide care
3 There is no one else available to provide care
4 Financial reasons/ can't afford to pay someone to provide care.
5 Other reason, please specify:
h022a_other (other why no choice to provide caregiving to care recipient)
End of group of questions
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Think of those who need help with basic personal activities because they are unable to handle them by themselves. How do you think the help should be shared between these groups? Give a percentage (from 0% to 100%) for each group, making sure the total adds up to 100%.

Subgroup of questions
h023a (shared with government)
h023b (shared with private companies/for-profit)
Private companies/for-profit
h023c (shared with non-profit/charities/religious organizations)
Non-profit/charities/religious organizations
h023d (shared with family/relatives/friends)
h023_total (Total)
End of subgroup of questions
h023_script (Total)
End of group of questions
if a002 > 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
i001_dummy (who is also care recipient)
You indicated that you currently provide care to more than one person. Besides [^a003/the care recipient] (the one who requires the most time and energy from you as a caregiver), what is your relationship to the other person(s) you provide care for?

This is someone (parent, grandparent, wife, husband, child, another family member, neighbor, or close friend) you spend time assisting with basic personal activities because they are unable to handle them without help. By assisting someone with basic personal activities, we mean daily activities such as dressing, eating, bathing, paying bills, managing medication, food preparation, grocery shopping, doctor visits, emotional support, driving, and other personal assistance. Please exclude assistance given to children who are not yet self-sufficient due to their age (for example, too young to dress themselves or unable to prepare a meal).

Please select all that apply.

1 Husband
2 Wife
3 Female romantic partner
4 Male romantic partner


5 Mother
6 Father
7 Stepmother
8 Stepfather


9 Mother-in-law
10 Father-in-law
11 Stepmother-in-law
12 Stepfather-in-law

Son or daughter (including biological or adopted)

13 Son
14 Daughter
15 Stepson
16 Stepdaughter

Son or daughter-in-law

17 Son-in-law
18 Daughter-in-law
19 Step son-in-law
20 Step daughter-in-law


21 Grandfather
22 Grandmother
23 Step-grandfather
24 Step-grandmother


25 Grandson
26 Granddaughter
27 Step-grandson
28 Step-granddaughter


29 Brother
30 Sister
31 Step-brother
32 Step-sister

Aunt or Uncle

33 Aunt
34 Uncle


35 Female cousin
36 Male cousin
37 Other relatives, please specify:

Friend/companion, roommate, or neighbor

38 Friend/companion
39 Roommate
40 Neighbor
41 I am employed as a paid caregiver
42 Other, please specify:
i001_relative (other relative who also is care recipient)
i001_other (other who also care recipient)
End of group of questions
i001 := i001_dummy
End of if
i002 (in past provide care to anyone else than the person(s) currently providing care for)
In the past, did you provide care to anyone else than the person(s) you are currently providing care for that you no longer provide care for?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if i002 = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
i003_dummy (who is past care recipient)
What is your relationship to the person(s) you provided care for in the past. Please select all that apply.

1 Husband
2 Wife
3 Female romantic partner
4 Male romantic partner


5 Mother
6 Father
7 Stepmother
8 Stepfather


9 Mother-in-law
10 Father-in-law
11 Stepmother-in-law
12 Stepfather-in-law

Son or daughter (including biological or adopted)

13 Son
14 Daughter
15 Stepson
16 Stepdaughter

Son or daughter-in-law

17 Son-in-law
18 Daughter-in-law
19 Step son-in-law
20 Step daughter-in-law


21 Grandfather
22 Grandmother
23 Step-grandfather
24 Step-grandmother


25 Grandson
26 Granddaughter
27 Step-grandson
28 Step-granddaughter


29 Brother
30 Sister
31 Step-brother
32 Step-sister

Aunt or Uncle

33 Aunt
34 Uncle


35 Female cousin
36 Male cousin
37 Other relatives, please specify:

Friend/companion, roommate, or neighbor

38 Friend/companion
39 Roommate
40 Neighbor
41 I was employed as a paid caregiver
42 Other, please specify:
i003_relative (other relative who past care recipient)
i003_other (other who past care recipient)
End of group of questions
i003 := i003_dummy
End of if
i004 (percent chance will provide care, next 5 years, for family member or close friend)
Looking ahead to the next 5 years, what are the chances that you will spend any time assisting a family member or close friend, including the individual(s) you have already mentioned, with basic personal activities because they will be unable to handle them without help?

By that, we mean daily activities such as dressing, eating, bathing, paying bills, managing medication, food preparation, grocery shopping, doctor visits, emotional support, driving, and other types of personal assistance. Please exclude assistance given to children who are not yet self-sufficient due to their age (for example, too young to dress themselves or unable to prepare a meal).

Use the slider below to indicate the percent chance that you will provide care, sometime in the next 5 years, for a family member or close friend.
uasclear_begin := date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
alir := getAlir()
if alir = 2 then
We are about to launch a new study for caregivers called UAS-Caregiving Lifecourse Experiences Assessed in Real-time (UAS-CLEAR). This study, supported by the National Institute of Health, will help researchers understand how people who provide care for a family member or close friend are faring. For this goal, the study will use data from surveys and fitness tracking devices.

Please answer the following questions about the type of phone you have to find out if you are eligible to participate.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q_phone (phone)
Which of the following mobile phones do you currently own or have for personal use? (The phone must be in working condition and have a cell plan or be WiFi-enabled)

I own or have for personal use:
1 An Android smartphone
2 An Apple iPhone
3 Another type of internet-connected phone, please specify:
4 A mobile phone that can only make calls or send text messages
5 No working mobile phone of any kind
q_phone_other (other phone)
End of group of questions
if q_phone in [3,4,5] then
Thank you for answering these questions. You do not qualify to join this study. The project requires participants to have an Android or Apple phone in good working condition with specific phone plans that will work with a UAS phone app. We very much appreciate your participation in the UAS, and we will contact you again when there are more UAS surveys to be completed.
havephone := '2'
havephone := '1'
End of if
if havephone = 1 then
q_phoneplan (phone plan)
Which of the following types of cell phone plan do you have on your phone?
1 A contract for phone and data with a carrier such as Verizon, TMobile, Sprint, AT&T, etc. in which you are billed for the use of the phone on a monthly basis
2 Pay-as-you-go plan, where you purchase a number of minutes in advance that are used up as you use the phone, and replenished as needed
3 Pre-paid plan, where the cell phone comes with a pre-paid number of minutes. When those minutes are used up, you can buy more, or you can stop using the phone
4 I am not sure what kind of plan I have for my mobile phone
if q_phoneplan in [2,3,4] then
Thank you for answering these questions. You do not qualify to join this study. The project requires participants to have an Android or Apple phone in good working condition with specific phone plans that will work with a UAS phone app. We very much appreciate your participation in the UAS, and we will contact you again when there are more UAS surveys to be completed.
haveplan := '2'
haveplan := '1'
End of if
reward := '6'
End of if
if havephone = 1 and haveplan = 1 then
reward := '9'
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Great! You qualify to participate in UAS-CLEAR. We now describe what the study involves. After learning more about the study, if you are interested in participating, you can let us know below and we will follow up with you if you are selected to participate.

One more thing before we move on:
q_sw0 (currently use fitness tracking device)
Do you currently use a fitness tracking device such as an Apple Watch, Samsung Watch, Fitbit, Google Watch, Garmin, Oura, etc.?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
End of group of questions
if q_sw0 = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q_sw1 (fitness tracker you use)
Which fitness tracker(s) do you use? If you have more than one device, please list the one that you consider your primary device and wear the most often.
1 Apple Watch
2 Samsung fitness tracker or smartwatch
3 Fitbit
4 Google fitness tracker or smartwatch
5 Garmin fitness tracker or smartwatch
6 Oura ring
7 Other, please specify:
q_sw1_other (other which fitness tracker(s) currently use)
End of group of questions
if q_sw1 in [1,2,3,4] then
if q_sw1 = 1 then
havedevice := '1'
elseif q_sw1 = 2 then
havedevice := '2'
elseif q_sw1 = 3 then
havedevice := '3'
elseif q_sw1 = 4 then
havedevice := '4'
End of if
havedevice := '5'
End of if
havedevice := '5'
End of if
if havedevice in [1,2,3,4] then
Fill code of question 'FLFitbitApple' executed
Congratulations! You have a compatible fitness tracking device and you can use it for this study. We ask that you participate for at least one year starting when you connect your personal [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] with the study. After the year is over, you may continue to participate as long as the study continues and you remain enrolled in the UAS.
Group of questions presented on the same screen

Participants' Selection: We will randomly select 1,000 interested UAS members to participate in this study. To ensure everyone is fairly represented, we are looking for people across the country of all ages, health, and economic backgrounds.

Enrollment: If you are selected to participate, you will connect your personal [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] to the study. This should take about 5 minutes, and the UAS help desk will be available to provide assistance if you need it.
if havedevice in [1,2,4] then
Study activities:

If you are selected to participate:
  • We will ask you to install the UAS phone app called "Zemi" (instructions about how to do that will be provided).
  • We will ask you to use the Zemi app in order to enroll and connect your [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] to the study. This should take about 5 minutes. We will send you instructions for doing this and the UAS help desk will be available if you need assistance.
  • Once you are enrolled, we will ask you to wear your [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] on your wrist at all times, including when you are sleeping. You can take it off for charging, special occasions, or other reasons—just please wear it as much as possible. You will earn up to $5 per month for wearing the [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] and keeping it synced with your phone or tablet.
  • We will ask you to complete a short survey every three months, for which you will be paid $3 per survey.
  • Within the first four months of your participation, we will ask you to answer a short survey through your smartphone five times a day for one week. We will call this the "week assessment." To do this, you will use the Zemi app. You will earn $2 for each short survey you complete.
Study activities:

If you are selected to participate:
  • We will ask you to use the UAS study pages to enroll and connect your personal Fitbit to this study (instructions about how to do that will be provided).
  • Once you are enrolled, we will ask you to wear your Fitbit on your wrist at all times, including when you are sleeping. You can take it off for charging, special occasions, or other reasons—just please wear it as much as possible. You will earn up to $5 per month for wearing the Fitbit and keeping it synced with your phone or tablet.
  • We will ask you to complete a short survey every three months, for which you will be paid $3 per survey.
  • Within the first four months of your participation, we will ask you to answer a short survey through your smartphone five times a day for one week. We will call this the "week assessment." To do this, you will use the Zemi app. You will earn $2 for each short survey you complete.
End of if
End of group of questions
Communication: During the study, we will send you notifications and reminders to wear and sync your [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] through your UAS study pages or via email.

Data Collected: The [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] typically collects the following health information, although this may vary with the type of [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] you have:
  • Steps, activity, and exercise
  • Heart rate
  • Breathing rate
  • Sleep
  • Oxygen saturation
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Cardiac Fitness
  • Temperature
  • Skin temperature
  • GPS (only if you consent)
  • Device information like model and charging frequency
  • [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] may be able to collect more health information in the future such as blood pressure or glucose
If you agree to participate, we will also have access to the information data that your [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] may have recorded prior to enrolling in the study.

Compensation: You can earn up to $142 if you participate in this study for one year. This includes earning $5 per month for wearing your [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] and syncing the data for at least 20 days each month. You will be able to track how many days of data we have received through your UAS study pages. It also includes earning $3 for answering a short survey once every three months and up to $70 for completing your "week assessment."
Withdrawal: If you decide to withdraw from the study at any point, you will still receive any rewards you earned before withdrawing.

How will your data be kept safe: We take several steps to keep your Study Data confidential. First, only UAS staff will have access to any personally identifiable data. The UAS-CLEAR study team, the funding agency and Biomedical Research Alliance of New York (BRANY) will only have access to DEIDENTIFIED study data that is linked only to your UAS ID number. The BRANY IRB (Institutional Review Board) reviews and monitors research studies to protect the rights and welfare of research participants. When you set up your [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] account, any information (including personal information) you provide on the [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] app will be transmitted to [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] as part of their Terms of Service. However, [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] does not retain personal information, and no personal information will be sent from [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] to the study team. UAS will continue to securely maintain your personal or contact information.

Future Use of Information: After removal of any personally identifiable information, your information could be used for future research studies or distributed to another investigator for future research studies without your consent.

Certificate of Confidentiality: To help us protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. The researchers can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings, for example, if there is a court subpoena. The researchers will use the Certificate to resist any demands for information that would identify you.
Risks or Discomforts: This is a minimal risk study, which means that the risk of experiencing any harm or discomfort in this study is no greater than the risk you would encounter in daily life. Some questions may make you feel uncomfortable or distressed. You can choose to stop the study at any time or skip any question. There are potential privacy and security risks. Your study information could be subject to unauthorized access or your data could be linked to you. We plan to minimize the possibility of a breach of confidentiality by instituting data safeguarding procedures and state of the art encryption.

Benefits: You may or may not receive any benefit from being in this study. You may gain new insight about your activity, fitness, sleep, and overall health through wearing your [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] and viewing your [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] data regularly. If you take part in this study, the results may help the investigators study how people who provide care for a family member or close friend fare on a daily basis and how their wellbeing may be improved.

Alternatives: An alternative would be to not participate in this study. Whether you participate in this study or not will not impact your participation in other UAS studies.
Voluntary Participation: It is your choice whether to participate. If you choose to participate, you may change your mind and leave the study at any time. If you decide not to participate, or choose to end your participation in this study, you will not be penalized or lose any benefits that you are otherwise entitled to.

Participant Termination: You may be removed from this study without your consent for any of the following reasons: you do not follow the investigator’s instructions, at the discretion of the investigator or the sponsor, or the sponsor closes the study. If this happens, the investigator will discuss other options with you.

Contact Information: If you have questions or concerns about this study, you can get in touch with your Study Manager, Tania Gutsche, at and (213) 821-1819. If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject or complaints regarding this research study, or you are unable to reach the research staff, you may contact a person independent of the research team at the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York Institutional Review Board at 516-318-6877. Questions, concerns or complaints about research can also be registered with the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York Institutional Review Board at

Thank you so much for being a valued Understanding America Study participant.

If you are interested in UAS-CLEAR, please let us know in the next question.
For this project, we will provide you with a fitness tracking device (Fitbit Charge 6), which is for you to keep.

We ask that you participate for at least one year starting when you connect your study-provided Fitbit with the study. After the year is over, you may continue to participate as long as the study continues and you remain enrolled in UAS.
Group of questions presented on the same screen

Participants' Selection: We will randomly select 1,000 interested UAS members to participate in this study. To ensure everyone is fairly represented, we are looking for people across the country of all ages, health, and economic backgrounds.

Enrollment: If you are selected to participate:
  • UAS staff will contact you to confirm your current mailing address and then mail you a Fitbit.
  • Once you receive your Fitbit, we will ask you to install the Fitbit app on your smartphone or tablet within 1 week.
The enrollment guide included in the package will help you set up your Fitbit device and account and enroll in the study. This should take you about 10 minutes and the UAS help desk will be available to provide assistance if you need it.

The Fitbit app is free, and you can remove it whenever you wish to withdraw from the study. You will need to share your location information with the Fitbit app to obtain your time zone. However, we will not collect or use this information for research purposes without your consent.
Study activities:

If you are selected to participate:
  • Once you are enrolled, we will ask you to wear your Fitbit on your wrist at all times, including when you are sleeping. You can take it off for charging, special occasions, or other reasons—just please wear it as much as possible. You will earn up to $5 per month for wearing the Fitbit and keeping it synced with your phone or tablet.
  • We will ask you to complete a short survey every three months, for which you will be paid $3 per survey.
  • Within the first four months of your participation, we will ask you to answer a short survey through your smartphone five times a day for one week. We will call this the "week assessment." To do this, you will install and use the UAS phone app called "Zemi" (we will contact you with instructions about how to install and use the Zemi app close to that week). You will earn $2 for each short survey you complete.
End of group of questions
Communication: During the study, we will send you notifications and reminders to wear and sync your Fitbit through your UAS study pages or via email.

Data Collected: The Fitbit typically collects the following health information:
  • Steps, activity, and exercise
  • Heart rate
  • Breathing rate
  • Sleep
  • Oxygen saturation
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Cardiac Fitness
  • Temperature
  • Skin temperature
  • GPS (only if you consent)
  • Device information like model and charging frequency
  • Fitbit may be able to collect more health information in the future such as blood pressure or glucose
Compensation: You can earn up to $302 if you participate in this study for one year. This includes earning $5 per month for wearing your study-provided Fitbit for at least 20 days each month. You will be able to track how many days of data we have received through your UAS study pages. It also includes earning $3 for answering a short survey once every three months and up to $70 for completing your "week assessment." Finally, it includes the $160 value of the study-provided Fitbit, which is yours to keep.
Withdrawal: If you decide to withdraw from the study at any point, you will still receive any rewards you earned before withdrawing.

How will your data be kept safe: We take several steps to keep your Study Data confidential. First, only UAS staff will have access to any personally identifiable data. The UAS-CLEAR study team, the funding agency and Biomedical Research Alliance of New York (BRANY) will only have access to DEIDENTIFIED study data that is linked only to your UAS ID number. The BRANY IRB (Institutional Review Board) reviews and monitors research studies to protect the rights and welfare of research participants. When you set up your Fitbit account, any information (including personal information) you provide on the Fitbit app will be transmitted to Fitbit as part of their Terms of Service. However, Fitbit does not retain personal information, and no personal information will be sent from Fitbit to the study team. UAS will continue to securely maintain your personal or contact information.

Future Use of Information: After removal of any personally identifiable information, your information could be used for future research studies or distributed to another investigator for future research studies without your consent.

Certificate of Confidentiality: To help us protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. The researchers can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings, for example, if there is a court subpoena. The researchers will use the Certificate to resist any demands for information that would identify you.
Risks or Discomforts: This is a minimal risk study, which means that the risk of experiencing any harm or discomfort in this study is no greater than the risk you would encounter in daily life. Some questions may make you feel uncomfortable or distressed. You can choose to stop the study at any time or skip any question. There are potential privacy and security risks. Your study information could be subject to unauthorized access or your data could be linked to you. We plan to minimize the possibility of a breach of confidentiality by instituting data safeguarding procedures and state of the art encryption.

Benefits: You may or may not receive any benefit from being in this study. You may gain new insight about your activity, fitness, sleep, and overall health through wearing your Fitbit and viewing your Fitbit data regularly. If you take part in this study, the results may help the investigators study how people who provide care for a family member or close friend fare on a daily basis and how their wellbeing may be improved.

Alternatives: An alternative would be to not participate in this study. Whether you participate in this study or not will not impact your participation in other UAS studies.
Voluntary Participation: It is your choice whether to participate. If you choose to participate, you may change your mind and leave the study at any time. If you decide not to participate, or choose to end your participation in this study, you will not be penalized or lose any benefits that you are otherwise entitled to.

Participant Termination: You may be removed from this study without your consent for any of the following reasons: you do not follow the investigator’s instructions, at the discretion of the investigator or the sponsor, or the sponsor closes the study. If this happens, the investigator will discuss other options with you.

Contact Information: If you have questions or concerns about this study, you can get in touch with your Study Manager, Tania Gutsche, at and (213) 821-1819. If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject or complaints regarding this research study, or you are unable to reach the research staff, you may contact a person independent of the research team at the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York Institutional Review Board at 516-318-6877. Questions, concerns or complaints about research can also be registered with the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York Institutional Review Board at

Thank you so much for being a valued Understanding America Study participant.

If you are interested in UAS-CLEAR, please let us know in the next question.
End of if
consent (consent)
Do you wish to be considered to participate in UAS-CLEAR?
1 Yes, I consent to be considered to participate in UAS-CLEAR
2 No, I do not consent to be considered to participate in UAS-CLEAR.
if consent = 1 then
Thanks! We will follow up with you if you are selected to participate.
if havedevice in [1,2,3,4] then
consent_gps (consent GPS)
[Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch] collects health information and GPS information. If you are selected to participate in UAS-CLEAR, do you give the Understanding America Study permission to use the GPS information collected by the [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch]?
1 Yes, I give the UAS permission to use the GPS information collected by [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch]
2 No, I do not give the UAS permission to use the GPS information collected by [Apple Watch/Samsung tracker/smartwatch/Fitbit/Google tracker/smartwatch]
consent_gps_nodevice (consent GPS no device)
Fitbit collects health information and GPS information. If you are selected to participate in UAS-CLEAR, do you give the Understanding America Study permission to use the GPS information collected by the Fitbit?
1 Yes, I give the UAS permission to use the GPS information collected by Fitbit
2 No, I do not give the UAS permission to use the GPS information collected by Fitbit
consent_gps := consent_gps_nodevice
End of if
elseif consent = 2 then
whyrefused (why refused)
Please let us know why you are not interested in participating in this project.
End of if
reward := '6'
End of if
We are about to launch a new study for caregivers called UAS-Caregiving Lifecourse Experiences Assessed in Real-time (UAS-CLEAR). This study, supported by the National Institute of Health, will help researchers understand how people who provide care for a family member or close friend are faring. For this goal, the study will use data from surveys and Fitbit watches. As a valued participant in the America Life in Realtime (ALiR) project, you are automatically eligible to participate in UAS-CLEAR.

The duration of the UAS-CLEAR study is one year, during which we ask you to keep wearing your Fitbit as you are already doing for the ALiR project and answer additional surveys.
We now describe what the study involves and ask you whether you are interested in participating.

Participants' Selection: We expect about 1,000 UAS members to participate in this study. To ensure everyone is fairly represented, we are looking for people across the country of all ages, health, and economic backgrounds.

Enrollment:If you are interested in participating in this project, you will be automatically enrolled in the UAS-CLEAR study since you are already participating in the ALiR study.
Study activities:

If you are interested in participating:
  • We will ask you to wear your Fitbit on your wrist at all times, including when you are sleeping. You can take it off for charging, special occasions, or other reasons - just please wear it as much as possible. You will earn up to $5 per month for wearing your Fitbit and keeping it synced with your phone or tablet. By wearing your Fitbit, you will contribute data to both ALiR and UAS-CLEAR at once, but will earn the rewards of each study separately, a total of up to $10 a month.
  • We will ask you to complete a short survey every three months, for which you will be paid $3 per survey.
  • Within the first four months of your participation, we will ask you to answer a short survey through your smartphone six times a day for one week. We will call this the "week assessment." To do this, you will install and use the UAS phone app called “Zemi” (we will provide you with instructions about how to install and use the Zemi app close to that week). You will earn $2 for each short survey you complete.
Communication: During the study, we will send you notifications and reminders to wear and sync your Fitbit through your UAS study pages or via email.

Data Collected: The Fitbit typically collects the following health information:
  • Steps, activity, and exercise
  • Heart rate
  • Breathing rate
  • Sleep
  • Oxygen saturation
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Cardiac Fitness
  • Temperature
  • Skin temperature
  • GPS (only if you consent)
  • Device information like model and charging frequency
  • Fitbit may be able to collect more health information in the future such as blood pressure or glucose
Compensation: You can earn up to $142 if you participate in the UAS-CLEAR study for one year. This includes earning $5 per month for wearing your Fitbit for at least 20 days each month. You will be able to track how many days of data we have received through your UAS study pages (separately for the ALiR and UAS-CLEAR projects). It also includes earning $3 for answering a short survey once every three months and up to $70 for completing your "week assessment."
Withdrawal: If you decide to withdraw from the study at any point, you will still receive any rewards you earned before withdrawing.

How will your data be kept safe: We take several steps to keep your Study Data confidential. First, only UAS staff will have access to any personally identifiable data. The UAS-CLEAR study team, the funding agency and Biomedical Research Alliance of New York (BRANY) will only have access to DEIDENTIFIED study data that is linked only to your UAS ID number. The BRANY IRB (Institutional Review Board) reviews and monitors research studies to protect the rights and welfare of research participants. When you set up your Fitbit account, any information (including personal information) you provide on the Fitbit app will be transmitted to Fitbit as part of their Terms of Service. However, Fitbit does not retain personal information, and no personal information will be sent from Fitbit to the study team. UAS will continue to securely maintain your personal or contact information.

Future Use of Information: After removal of any personally identifiable information, your information could be used for future research studies or distributed to another investigator for future research studies without your consent.

Certificate of Confidentiality: To help us protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. The researchers can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings, for example, if there is a court subpoena. The researchers will use the Certificate to resist any demands for information that would identify you.
Risks or Discomforts: This is a minimal risk study, which means that the risk of experiencing any harm or discomfort in this study is no greater than the risk you would encounter in daily life. Some questions may make you feel uncomfortable or distressed. You can choose to stop the study at any time or skip any question. There are potential privacy and security risks. Your study information could be subject to unauthorized access or your data could be linked to you. We plan to minimize the possibility of a breach of confidentiality by instituting data safeguarding procedures and state of the art encryption.

Benefits: You may or may not receive any benefit from being in this study. You may gain new insight about your activity, fitness, sleep, and overall health through wearing your Fitbit and viewing your Fitbit data regularly. If you take part in this study, the results may help the investigators study how people who provide care for a family member or close friend fare on a daily basis and how their wellbeing may be improved.

Alternatives: An alternative would be to not participate in this study. Whether you participate in this study or not will not impact your participation in other UAS studies.
Voluntary Participation: It is your choice whether to participate. If you choose to participate, you may change your mind and leave the study at any time. If you decide not to participate, or choose to end your participation in this study, you will not be penalized or lose any benefits that you are otherwise entitled to.

Participant Termination: You may be removed from this study without your consent for any of the following reasons: you do not follow the investigator’s instructions, at the discretion of the investigator or the sponsor, or the sponsor closes the study. If this happens, the investigator will discuss other options with you.

Contact Information: If you have questions or concerns about this study, you can get in touch with your Study Manager, Tania Gutsche, at and (213) 821-1819. If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject or complaints regarding this research study, or you are unable to reach the research staff, you may contact a person independent of the research team at the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York Institutional Review Board at 516-318-6877. Questions, concerns or complaints about research can also be registered with the Biomedical Research Alliance of New York Institutional Review Board at

Thank you so much for being a valued Understanding America Study participant.

If you are interested in UAS-CLEAR, please let us know in the next question.
consent (consent)
Do you wish to be considered to participate in UAS-CLEAR?
1 Yes, I consent to be considered to participate in UAS-CLEAR
2 No, I do not consent to be considered to participate in UAS-CLEAR.
if consent = 1 then
Thanks! We will follow up with you if you are selected to participate.
elseif consent = 2 then
whyrefused (why refused)
Please let us know why you are not interested in participating in this project.
End of if
End of if
uasclear_end := date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
uasclear_time := (strtotime(uasclear_end) - strtotime(uasclear_begin))/60
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)
dummy := doPayout(634, reward)