Routing for UAS616

Thank you for participating in this important study of your community.

The Santa Susana Field Laboratory is a site in Ventura County, California where scientists tested rocket engines from 1947 to 2006. During that time, harmful chemicals and radioactive waste were released into the soil and water around the site.

When people talk about what is in the soil and water, they use words like "carcinogens" (things that can cause cancer), "chemicals", "heavy metals" (like lead or mercury), "pollutants", "radioactive waste" (dangerous waste from nuclear research), and "toxins" (poisons). In this survey, we'll refer to all of this as "contamination".
ssfl001 (heard of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (also known as Rocketdyne) before)
Have you heard of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (also known as Rocketdyne) before?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
Going forward we will refer to the laboratory as the Santa Susana Field Laboratory in this survey.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl002 (year move to home (e.g., house, condo, apartment, ADU) currently live)
In what year did you move to the home (e.g., house, condo, apartment, ADU) where you currently live?
1910 1910
1911 1911
1912 1912
1913 1913
1914 1914
1915 1915
1916 1916
1917 1917
1918 1918
1919 1919
1920 1920
1921 1921
1922 1922
1923 1923
1924 1924
1925 1925
1926 1926
1927 1927
1928 1928
1929 1929
1930 1930
1931 1931
1932 1932
1933 1933
1934 1934
1935 1935
1936 1936
1937 1937
1938 1938
1939 1939
1940 1940
1941 1941
1942 1942
1943 1943
1944 1944
1945 1945
1946 1946
1947 1947
1948 1948
1949 1949
1950 1950
1951 1951
1952 1952
1953 1953
1954 1954
1955 1955
1956 1956
1957 1957
1958 1958
1959 1959
1960 1960
1961 1961
1962 1962
1963 1963
1964 1964
1965 1965
1966 1966
1967 1967
1968 1968
1969 1969
1970 1970
1971 1971
1972 1972
1973 1973
1974 1974
1975 1975
1976 1976
1977 1977
1978 1978
1979 1979
1980 1980
1981 1981
1982 1982
1983 1983
1984 1984
1985 1985
1986 1986
1987 1987
1988 1988
1989 1989
1990 1990
1991 1991
1992 1992
1993 1993
1994 1994
1995 1995
1996 1996
1997 1997
1998 1998
1999 1999
2000 2000
2001 2001
2002 2002
2003 2003
2004 2004
2005 2005
2006 2006
2007 2007
2008 2008
2009 2009
2010 2010
2011 2011
2012 2012
2013 2013
2014 2014
2015 2015
2016 2016
2017 2017
2018 2018
2019 2019
2020 2020
2021 2021
2022 2022
2023 2023
2024 2024
ssfl003 (rent or own home)
Do you or someone in your household rent or own your home?
1 Rent
2 Own
ssfl004 (plan on living in current home for at least next five years)
Do you plan on living in your current home for at least the next five years?
1 Yes
2 No
3 Unsure
End of group of questions
ssfl005 (how close feel like live to Santa Susana Field Laboratory)
For the following question, please indicate how close you feel like you live to the Santa Susana Field Laboratory (without calculating the actual distance to it from where you live).

For me, when thinking about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory...
1 I do not feel like I live close to it at all.
2 I do not feel like I live close to it.
3 I feel like I live somewhat close to it.
4 I feel like I live close to it.
5 I feel like I live extremely close to it.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Tell us how much you agree or disagree with the statements below when you think about living near contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

Subgroup of questions
ssfl006a (When I think about the contamination, I worry about what living in my home will mean for me in the future.)
When I think about the contamination, I worry about what living in my home will mean for me in the future.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl006b (Uncertainty about the effects of living near the contamination scares me.)
Uncertainty about the effects of living near the contamination scares me.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl006c (Living near the contamination doesn't scare me.)
Living near the contamination doesn't scare me.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl006d (I am scared that I will need to leave my home because of the contamination.)
I am scared that I will need to leave my home because of the contamination.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl006e (I am worried that the local environment will never fully recover no matter what is done to try and clean up the contamination.)
I am worried that the local environment will never fully recover no matter what is done to try and clean up the contamination.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl006f (I feel carefree when I think about the contamination.)
I feel carefree when I think about the contamination.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
ssfl007 (desire to stay where live)
On a scale of -5 to 5, where -5 represents a strong desire to move and 5 represents a strong desire to stay, please click on and move the slider to represent how you feel about where you live.
ssfl007a (ability to leave where live )
On a scale of -5 to 5, where -5 represents feeling trapped and unable to move and 5 represents feeling free and able to move, please click on and move the slider to represent how you feel about your ability to move out of your home whenever you want.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Think about the problems you might have living near contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the statements below when thinking about this.

Subgroup of questions
ssfl008a (I could solve most problems related to the contamination if I put in the effort. )
I could solve most problems related to the contamination if I put in the effort.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl008b (I am confident that I could efficiently handle unexpected events caused by the contamination.)
I am confident that I could efficiently handle unexpected events caused by the contamination.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl008c (I could remain calm when facing difficulties posed by the contamination.)
I could remain calm when facing difficulties posed by the contamination.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl008d (I could resourcefully handle unexpected situations caused by the contamination.)
I could resourcefully handle unexpected situations caused by the contamination.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl008e (I could find more than one solution to a problem caused by the contamination.)
I could find more than one solution to a problem caused by the contamination.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
if ssfl001 = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl009a (activities done to avoid contamination)
What activities have you done, if any, to specifically avoid contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory?
1 Stopped eating fruits, vegetables, and/or herbs grown in my yard.
2 Stopped eating farm fresh produce from local farms.
3 Stopped hiking on trails near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.
4 Left shoes outside my home to avoid bringing in dust and dirt.
5 Filtered tap water or used bottled water for drinking and cooking.
6 Avoided time outside in my yard, especially during rain and wind.
7 Used an air purifier in my home.
8 Tested my soil for chemicals and contaminants.
9 Other, please specify:
10 I have not done anything to avoid the contamination.
ssfl009a_other (other activities done to avoid contamination)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl009b (activities would do to avoid contamination)
Had you known about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, what activities, if any, would you have done to specifically avoid the contamination?
1 Stopped eating fruits, vegetables, and/or herbs grown in my yard.
2 Stopped eating farm fresh produce from local farms.
3 Stopped hiking on trails near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.
4 Left shoes outside my home to avoid bringing in dust and dirt.
5 Filtered tap water or used bottled water for drinking and cooking.
6 Avoided time outside in my yard, especially during rain and wind.
7 Used an air purifier in my home.
8 Tested my soil for chemicals and contaminants.
9 Other, please specify:
10 I would not have done anything to avoid the contamination.
ssfl009b_other (other activities would do to avoid contamination)
End of group of questions
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
How effective do you think these activities are in lowering exposure to contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory?

Subgroup of questions
ssfl010a (Not eating fruits, vegetables, and/or herbs grown at home.)
Not eating fruits, vegetables, and/or herbs grown at home.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl010b (Not eating farm fresh produce from local farms.)
Not eating farm fresh produce from local farms.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl010c (Not hiking on trails near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.)
Not hiking on trails near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl010d (Leaving shoes outside the home to avoid bringing in dust and dirt.)
Leaving shoes outside the home to avoid bringing in dust and dirt.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl010e (Filtering tap water or using bottled water for drinking and cooking.)
Filtering tap water or using bottled water for drinking and cooking.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl010f (Avoiding time outside around the home, especially during rain and wind.)
Avoiding time outside around the home, especially during rain and wind.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl010g (Using an air purifier in the home.)
Using an air purifier in the home.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl010h (Testing the soil for chemicals and contaminants.)
Testing the soil for chemicals and contaminants.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
if ssfl001 = 1 then
if ssfl009a_other = response then
ssfl010i (other did how effective)
[other activities done to avoid contamination[]]
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
End of if
if ssfl009b_other = response then
ssfl010j (other would do how effective)
[other activities would do to avoid contamination[]]
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
End of if
End of if
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
if ssfl001 = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl011a (activities done to share concerns)
Which activities have you done, if any, to share your concerns about contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory?
1 Participated in a protest or public demonstration.
2 Attended a city council or neighborhood information meeting.
3 Contacted federal and/or state representatives.
4 Signed or shared a petition.
5 Posted on social media.
6 Donated funds to cleanup advocacy group(s).
7 Volunteered with cleanup advocacy group(s).
8 Fundraised for the cleanup efforts.
9 Other, please specify:
10 I have not participated in any activities.
ssfl011a_other (other activities done to share concerns)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl011b (activities would do to share concerns)
Had you known about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, which activities would you have done, if any, to share your concerns about the contamination?
1 Participated in a protest or public demonstration.
2 Attended a city council or neighborhood information meeting.
3 Contacted federal and/or state representatives.
4 Signed or shared a petition.
5 Posted on social media.
6 Donated funds to cleanup advocacy group(s).
7 Volunteered with cleanup advocacy group(s).
8 Fundraised for the cleanup efforts.
9 Other, please specify:
10 I would not have participated in any of these activities.
ssfl011b_other (other activities would do to share concerns)
End of group of questions
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
How effective do you think these activities are in addressing concerns about contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory?

Subgroup of questions
ssfl012a (Participating in a protest or public demonstration.)
Participating in a protest or public demonstration.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl012b (Attending a city council or neighborhood information meeting.)
Attending a city council or neighborhood information meeting.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl012c (Contacting federal and/or state representatives.)
Contacting federal and/or state representatives.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl012d (Signing or sharing a petition.)
Signing or sharing a petition.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl012e (Posting on social media.)
Posting on social media.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl012f (Donating funds to cleanup advocacy group(s).)
Donating funds to cleanup advocacy group(s).
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl012g (Volunteering with cleanup advocacy group(s).)
Volunteering with cleanup advocacy group(s).
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
ssfl012h (Fundraising for the cleanup efforts.)
Fundraising for the cleanup efforts.
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
if ssfl001 = 1 then
if ssfl011a_other = response then
ssfl012i (other activities done how effective to share concern)
[other activities done to share concerns[]]
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
End of if
if ssfl011b_other = response then
ssfl012j (other activities would do how effective to share concern)
[other activities would do to share concerns[]]
1 Not at all effective
2 Slightly effective
3 Moderately effective
4 Very effective
5 Extremely effective
End of if
End of if
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
ssfl013 (cost lowering personal risk from contamination)
Lowering my personal risk from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory contamination would come at...
1 no financial cost to me.
2 a minimal financial cost to me.
3 a moderate financial cost to me.
4 a significant financial cost to me.
5 an extreme financial cost to me.
ssfl014 (how severe contamination)
On a scale of 0-100, where 0 is not at all severe and 100 is extremely severe, please click on and move the slider to indicate how severe you think the contamination is from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

Severity of Contamination
ssfl015 (level of risk contamination to R health)
On a scale of 0-100, where 0 is not at all risky and 100 is extremely risky, please click on and move the slider to represent the level of risk you think contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory poses to your health.

Risk to Personal Health
ssfl016 (level of risk contamination to community health)
On a scale of 0-100, where 0 is not at all risky and 100 is extremely risky, please click on and move the slider to represent the level of risk you think contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory poses to the health of your community.

Risk to Community Health
Group of questions presented on the same screen
When we use the term “government” in the following, we are generally referring to all local, state, and federal governments and agencies.

Let us know how much you agree or disagree with the following statements when it comes to dealing with the contamination from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

Subgroup of questions
ssfl017a (The government is effective in dealing with the contamination.)
The government is effective in dealing with the contamination.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl017b (The government has the appropriate expertise to deal with the contamination.)
The government has the appropriate expertise to deal with the contamination.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl017c (The government is acting in the interests of its citizens when dealing with the contamination.)
The government is acting in the interests of its citizens when dealing with the contamination.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl017d (The government keeps its commitments when dealing with the contamination.)
The government keeps its commitments when dealing with the contamination.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
ssfl017e (The government is honest when it comes to dealing with the contamination.)
The government is honest when it comes to dealing with the contamination.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly agree
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl018 (groups responsible for contamination)
When thinking about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, please select which groups you believe are responsible for causing the contamination. Check all that apply.
1 Boeing
2 Department of Energy
3 Department of Toxic Substances Control
4 Environmental Protection Agency
5 Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
6 The local government
8 State of California
9 Other, please specify:
10 None of these
11 I don't know
ssfl018_other (other groups responsible contamination)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl019 (groups clean up contamination)
When thinking about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, please select which groups you believe should clean up the contamination. Check all that apply.
1 Boeing
2 Department of Energy
3 Department of Toxic Substances Control
4 Environmental Protection Agency
5 Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board
6 The local government
8 State of California
9 Other, please specify:
10 None of these
11 I don't know
ssfl019_other (other groups clean up contamination)
End of group of questions
ssfl020_intro (I worry about my health.)
The following questions will ask you how you feel about your health.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl020 (I worry about my health.)
I worry about my health.
1 Never
2 Occasionally
3 Much of the time
4 Most of the time
ssfl021 (notice aches and pains)
Compared to other people my age, I notice aches and pains.
1 Less than most other people
2 As much as most other people
3 More than most other people
4 In my body all the time
ssfl022 (awareness of bodily sensations or changes)
Which statement best describes your awareness of bodily sensations or changes?
1 As a rule, I am not aware of bodily sensations or changes
2 Sometimes aware
3 Often aware
4 Constantly aware
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl023 (I can resist thoughts of illness)
I can resist thoughts of illness:
1 Without a problem
2 Most of the time
3 I try to resist thoughts of illness but am often unable to do so
4 Thoughts of illness are so strong that I no longer even try to resist them
ssfl024 (I am afraid of having a serious illness)
I am afraid of having a serious illness.
1 Not at all
2 Sometimes
3 Often
4 Always
ssfl025 (I imagine myself being ill.)
I imagine myself being ill.
1 Never
2 Occasionally
3 Frequently
4 Constantly
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl026 (I have difficulty taking my mind off thoughts about my health)
I have difficulty taking my mind off thoughts about my health.
1 Never
2 Sometimes
3 Often
4 Always - nothing can take my mind off thoughts about my health
ssfl027 (If my doctor tells me there is nothing wrong, I am)
If my doctor tells me there is nothing wrong, I am:
1 Lastingly relieved
2 Initially relieved, but the worries sometimes return later
3 Initially relieved, but the worries always return later
4 Not relieved if my doctor tells me there is nothing wrong
ssfl028 (When I hear about an illness, I think I have it myself)
When I hear about an illness, I think I have it myself.
1 Never
2 Sometimes
3 Often
4 Always
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl029 (If I have a bodily sensation or change, I wonder what it means)
If I have a bodily sensation or change, I wonder what it means.
1 Rarely
2 Often
3 Always
4 If I have a bodily sensation or change, I must know what it means
ssfl030 (I usually feel my risk of developing a serious illness is)
I usually feel my risk of developing a serious illness is:
1 Very low
2 Fairly low
3 Moderate
4 High
ssfl031 (I think I have a serious illness)
I think I have a serious illness.
1 Never
2 Sometimes
3 Often
4 Usually
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl032 (If I notice an unexplained bodily sensation, I)
If I notice an unexplained bodily sensation, I:
1 Don't find it difficult to think about other things
2 Sometimes find it difficult to think about other things
3 Often find it difficult to think about other things
4 Always find it difficult to think about other things
ssfl033 (My family or friends would say I)
My family or friends would say I:
1 Do not worry enough about my health
2 Have a normal attitude to my health
3 Worry too much about my health
4 Am a hypochondriac
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
ssfl034 (health diagnoses received)
Please indicate what health diagnoses, if any, you have received since living in your current home.
1 Autoimmune Disorder or Immunodeficiencies (e.g., arthritis, Hashimoto’s Disease, etc.)
2 Cancer (e.g., leukemia, lymphoma, etc.)
3 Cardiovascular Disorder (e.g., heart attack, stroke, etc.)
4 Respiratory Condition (e.g., asthma, COPD, etc.)
5 Metabolic or Endocrine Disorder (e.g., thyroid issues, diabetes, etc.)
6 Neurological Disorder (e.g., epilepsy, learning disabilities, etc.)
7 Other, please specify:
8 I do not wish to disclose the health diagnoses I received.
9 I have not received a health diagnosis since living in my current home.
ssfl034_other (other health diagnoses)
ssfl035 (Of your friends and family who live near you, how many have received one of the diagnoses above? )
Of your friends and family who live near you, how many have received one of the diagnoses above?
1 None
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 4 or more
End of group of questions
ssfl036 (political ideology)
Please indicate which option most closely aligns with your political ideology.
1 Very liberal
2 Liberal
3 Moderate
4 Conservative
5 Very conservative
6 I prefer not to disclose
CS_005 (feelings or experiences)
Please feel free to tell us anything else about your feelings or experience with the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, including how you feel about the contamination that is associated with the site.
CS_006 (feelings or experiences)
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your input is greatly appreciated as it contributes to our understanding of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory located in Ventura County, California. For more information about the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, please visit
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)