Routing for UAS629
uas16_endtime := getUAS16Preload("endtime")
uas94_endtime := getUAS94Preload("endtime")
uas231_endtime := getUAS231Preload("endtime")
uas457_endtime := getUAS457Preload("endtime")
Fill code of question 'FL_intro' executed
The following questions are about retirement knowledge, perceptions and behaviors.
Some of these questions may look familiar, as they were included in a previous survey. We repeat these questions periodically because we are interested in how retirement knowledge, perceptions and behaviors change over time.]
currentage := calcAge(dateofbirth_year, dateofbirth_month, dateofbirth_day)
if currentage = empty then
currentage (current age asked if not known)
What is your age?
RANGE 18..120
End of if
if maritalstatus in [1,2] then
elseif maritalstatus = empty then
s4 (married)
Are you married?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
s7a (currently receive Social Security benefits)
Do you currently receive Social Security retirement benefits?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
if s7a != YES then
s6a (ever be eligible to receive benefits from Social Security)
Do you think you will be eligible to receive benefits from Social Security in the future?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
q19b_maximum := currentage
if q19b_maximum = empty then
End of if
s12a (age started receiving benefits)
At what age did you claim your Social Security retirement benefits?
RANGE 0..^q19b_maximum
if s12a = response and s12a < 62 then
You said you claimed at age [age started receiving benefits[]]. If this is correct, click 'Next' to continue. Otherwise, please go back and revise your answer.
End of if
s12b (how satisified with decision)
How satisfied are you now with your decision to start claiming benefits at this age?
1 Very satisfied
2 Satisfied
3 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4 Dissatisfied
5 Very dissatisfied
s12c (had sufficient information about when to claim)
Do you feel you had sufficient information about when to claim Social Security benefits to make the best decision for yourself and your family?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
End of if
if s7a = YES AND s4 = 1 then
s7b (spouse currently receive Social Security benefits)
Does your spouse currently receive Social Security benefits?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
End of if
s8a (current employment status)
Which of the following best describes your employment status? Are you currently...?
1 Employed full-time
2 Employed part-time
3 Not currently employed, but looking for work
4 Not currently employed, and not looking for work
5 Not currently employed due to disability
6 Retired
if s8a = 6 then
s8c (retired work status)
You mentioned that you are retired, but are you...?
1 Not working at all
2 Working part-time
3 Working full-time
End of if
if s4 = 1 then
s8b (spouse current employment status)
Which of the following best describes your spouse's employment status? Is your spouse currently...?
1 Employed full-time
2 Employed part-time
3 Not currently employed, but looking for work
4 Not currently employed, and not looking for work
5 Not currently employed due to disability
6 Retired
if s8b = 6 then
s9c (spouse retired work status)
You mentioned that your spouse is retired, but is he or she...?
1 Not working at all
2 Working part-time
3 Working full-time
End of if
if s8a = 6 AND s8b = 6 then
s11 (retired whose annual earnings higher)
Between you and your spouse, on average whose annual earnings would you say are higher?
1 Myself
2 My spouse
3 Both earn about the same
4 Varies
End of if
End of if
Fill code of question 'FL_q1' executed
q1 (well prepared financially for retirement)
Now we have a few questions about preparing for retirement.
How well prepared financially [are/were] you for retirement?
1 Very well prepared
2 Somewhat well prepared
3 Not too prepared
4 Not prepared at all
Fill code of question 'FL_q2a' executed
Fill code of question 'FL_q2b' executed
Group of questions presented on the same screen
How knowledgeable do you feel about the following financial issues? Do you feel very, somewhat, not too or not at all knowledgeable when it comes to...?
Subgroup of questions
q2a (How inflation will affect your retirement income)
How inflation [will affect/affects] your retirement income
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
q2b (How much you will need to have saved to retire comfortably)
How much you [will need/needed] to have saved to retire comfortably
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
q2c (How the Social Security system works)
How the Social Security system works
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
q2e (How to invest your retirement money)
How to invest your retirement money
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
q2f (How to manage your spending in retirement)
How to manage your spending in retirement
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
q3 (what you believe Social Security should provide to Americans like you during retirement)
Please tell us which of the following statements comes closest to what you believe Social Security should provide to Americans like you during retirement. Do you think it should provide...?
1 Less than you need for the basic necessities of life
2 About what you need for the basic necessities of life
3 More than you need for the basic necessities of life, but not enough to maintain your pre-retirement standard of living
4 At least enough to maintain your pre-retirement standard of living
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Below is a list of aspects of the Social Security system. For each one do you feel you are very, somewhat, not too, or not at all knowledgeable about that aspect?
Subgroup of questions
q4a (How Social Security retirement benefits are calculated)
How Social Security retirement benefits are calculated
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
q4b (The eligibility age to receive Social Security retirement benefits)
The eligibility age to receive full Social Security retirement benefits
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
q4c (Whether working after you claim Social Security retirement could affect the benefit you receive)
Whether working after you claim Social Security retirement could affect the benefit you receive
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
if s7a != YES then
q4d (How much your monthly Social Security retirement benefits will be )
How much your monthly Social Security retirement benefits will be
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
End of if
q4e (How your decision about when to claim Social Security retirement benefits affects the amount of your benefits )
How your decision about when to claim Social Security retirement benefits affects the amount of your benefits
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
if s4 = 1 then
q4spa (How much your spouse’s monthly Social Security retirement benefits will be )
How much your spouse’s monthly Social Security retirement benefits will be
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
q4spb (How your decision about when to claim Social Security retirement benefits can affect your spousal benefits)
How your decision about when to claim Social Security retirement benefits can affect your spousal benefits
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
q4spc (How your spouse’s decision about when to claim Social Security benefits may affect your benefits)
How your spouse’s decision about when to claim Social Security benefits may affect your benefits
1 Very knowledgeable
2 Somewhat knowledgeable
3 Not too knowledgeable
4 Not at all knowledgeable
End of if
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Fill code of question 'FL_q5' executed
q5 (provide you with the level of benefits you are supposed to get under current law in the future)
[How confident are you that, when you retire, the Social Security system will be able to provide you with the same level of benefits you are entitled to under current law?/How confident are you that, in the future, the Social Security system will continue to provide you with the same level of benefits you currently receive?]
1 Very confident
2 Somewhat confident
3 Not too confident
4 Not at all confident
Fill code of question 'FL_q6a' executed
q6a (how confident SS pays at least some of benefits)
[How confident are you that, when you retire, the Social Security system will be able to pay you at least some of the benefits you are entitled to under current law?/How confident are you that, in the future, the Social Security system will be able to pay you at least some of the benefits you currently receive?]
1 Very confident
2 Somewhat confident
3 Not too confident
4 Not at all confident
Fill code of question 'FL_q6a_b' executed
q6a_b (how confident SS pays more than two thirds of benefits)
[How confident are you that, when you retire, the Social Security system will be able to pay you more than two thirds of the benefits you are entitled to under current law?/How confident are you that, in the future, the Social Security system will be able to pay you more than two thirds of the benefits you are entitled to under current law?]
1 Very confident
2 Somewhat confident
3 Not too confident
4 Not at all confident
q6a_c (trust Social Security benefits earned will be available when need them)
I trust that the Social Security benefits I've earned will be available to me when I need them.
1 Strongly agree
2 Somewhat agree
3 Neither agree or disagree
4 Somewhat disagree
5 Strongly disagree
q6d (replacement by social security)
Which of the options below best describes Social Security retirement benefits?
1 Retirement benefits pay back to workers approximately the same amount they contributed in Social Security taxes during their working lives
2 Retirement benefits are approximately equal to a person’s pre-retirement earnings from work
3 Retirement benefits are less than a person’s pre-retirement earnings from work
4 Retirement benefits are more than a person’s pre-retirement earnings from work
if currentage < 70 then
q6b (percent chance live to 75)
What do you think is the percent chance that you will live to age 75?
if q6c_max = empty then
End of if
q6c (percent chance live to 85)
What do you think is the percent chance you will live to age 85?
End of if
if s7a = 1 then
q7b (retirement benefits you are currently receiving from Social Security)
In your opinion, is the retirement benefit you currently receive from Social Security enough for a good standard of living? Please rate these benefits on a 1 to 5 scale, where "1" means much less than enough and "5" means much more than enough.
1 1 Less than enough
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5 More than enough
q7a (retirement benefits you will receive from Social Security)
In your opinion, will the retirement benefits you expect to receive from Social Security be enough to maintain a good standard of living? Please rate these benefits on a 1 to 5 scale, where 1 means "less than enough" to maintain a good standard of living and 5 means "more than enough" to maintain a good standard of living.
1 1 Less than enough
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5 More than enough
6 Don't know
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
if s8a = 6 then
q8a (retired ever interact SSA)
Prior to retiring from work, did you ever (select all that apply):
1 Visit a Social Security office
2 Call the Social Security Administration
3 Visit the Social Security website
4 Use a retirement calculator such as those on the SSA website and other organizations
5 Consult professional sources of advice on retirement planning (such as a financial planner)
6 Discuss financial planning for retirement with family and friends
7 None of the above
q8b (retired investment actions)
Prior to retiring from work, did you (select all that apply):
1 Participate in your employer’s retirement savings program
2 Set aside money for retirement in a savings account
3 Contribute to a 401(k), 403(b) or equivalent
4 Set up an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
5 Purchase Certificates of Deposits (CDs)
6 Invest in mutual funds, stocks and/or bonds
7 None of the above
q8c (not retired ever interact SSA)
Have you ever (select all that apply):
1 Visited a Social Security office
2 Called the Social Security Administration
3 Visited the Social Security website
4 Used a retirement calculator such as those on the SSA website and other organizations
5 Consulted professional sources of advice on retirement planning (such as a financial planner)
6 Discussed financial planning for retirement with family and friends
7 None of the above
q8d (not retired investment actions)
Have you ever (select all that apply):
1 Participated in your employer’s retirement savings program
2 Set aside money for retirement in a savings account
3 Contributed to a 401(k), 403(b) or equivalent
4 Set up an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
5 Purchased Certificates of Deposits (CDs)
6 Invested in mutual funds, stocks and/or bonds
7 None of the above
End of if
End of group of questions
q9 (how a worker’s Social Security benefits are calculated)
Which of the following best describes how a worker’s Social Security benefits are calculated? If you are unsure, please give your best guess.
1 They are based on how long the person worked and his or her pay during the last five years
2 They are based on the average of a person's highest 35 years of earnings
3 They are based on the Social Security taxes paid and the interest on those taxes
4 They are based on a person's income tax bracket when he or she claims benefits
Group of questions presented on the same screen
Next, please tell us if you believe the following statements to be true or false.
Subgroup of questions
q10a (benefits if their spouse qualifies for SS)
Someone who has never worked for pay may still be able to claim benefits if his or her spouse qualifies for Social Security.
1 True
2 False
q10b (Social Security benefits are not affected by claiming age)
The amount of Social Security retirement benefits is not affected by the age at which someone starts claiming
1 True
2 False
q10c (Social Security benefits are adjusted for inflation)
Social Security benefits are adjusted for inflation
1 True
2 False
q10f (Social Security is paid for by a tax placed on both workers and employers)
Social Security is paid for by a tax placed on both workers and employers
1 True
2 False
q10g (if disabled most are entitled to SS)
Workers who pay Social Security taxes are entitled to Social Security disability benefits if they become disabled and are no longer able to work
1 True
2 False
q10h (children under 18 get SS benefits)
If a worker who pays Social Security taxes dies, any of his/her children under age 18 may claim Social Security survivor benefits
1 True
2 False
q10i (spouse entitled to benefits)
If a worker who pays Social Security taxes dies, his/her spouse may claim Social Security survivor benefits only if they have children
1 True
2 False
q10j (divorces person never entitled receive social security retirement benefits)
A divorced person is never entitled to receive Social Security retirement benefits on their ex-spouse’s record
1 True
2 False
q10k (People have to claim Social Security retirement benefits as soon as they retire from work.)
People have to claim Social Security retirement benefits as soon as they retire from work.
1 True
2 False
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
q11 (confidence true, false)
In general, how confident are you that the responses you just gave to these true or false questions are correct?
1 Very confident
2 Somewhat confident
3 Not too confident
4 Not at all confident
q12 (automatically deducted)
Which of the following is automatically deducted from the Social Security benefits that people ages 65 and over receive each month?
1 Medicare Part B premium
2 Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap Policies) Premium
3 Income taxes
Fill code of question 'FL_q13' executed
q13 (N age eligible SS w/o reduction early retirement)
At what age [are you/were you] eligible to receive Social Security retirement benefits without a reduction for early retirement?
1 61 or younger
2 62
3 63
4 64
5 65
6 66
7 67
8 68 or older
9 Never/Not eligible
10 Already eligible
11 Don't know
NP_01 (Early Eligibility Age)
One of the terms used by Social Security is Early Eligibility Age, or EEA. To the best of your knowledge, what is your personal Earliest Eligibility Age for claiming Social Security retirement benefits?
NP_02 (FRA)
Another term used by Social Security is Full Retirement Age, or FRA. To the best of your knowledge, what is your personal Full Retirement Age?
NP_03 (work retirement age)
Based on Social Security guidelines, what is the relationship between the age at which you stop working and the age at which you can begin claiming benefits?
1 Both occur at the same age
2 The age at which you stop working should be first
3 The Social Security claiming age should be first
4 Any of these combinations are acceptable
5 Don’t know
NP_04 (what affects benefits)
One of the factors that can affect your monthly benefits are the so-called Delayed Retirement Credits (DRCs). Which one of the following statements is correct?
1 The Delayed Retirement Credits are a bonus on Social Security benefits for people who have worked for at least 40 years.
2 The Delayed Retirement Credits indicate by what percentage monthly benefits increase if one waits until after FRA to claim benefits.
3 The Delayed Retirement Credits are an increase in benefits that comes from earning income by working after age 62.
4 Don’t know.
Group of questions presented on the same screen
NP_05 (what age first eligible for delayed retirement credits)
When are/were you first eligible to claim Delayed Retirement Credits (DRC) from the Social Security program?
1 Early Eligibility Age (EEA)
2 Full Retirement Age (FRA)
3 OR years old
4 Don’t know
NP_05_age (age first eligible for delayed retirement credits)
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
NP_06 (what age stop earning delayed retirement credits)
At what age would/did you stop earning additional Delayed Retirement Credits (DRC) even if you continued to wait to claim benefits?
1 Early Eligibility Age (EEA)
2 Full Retirement Age (FRA)
3 OR at age
4 Don't know
NP_06_age (what age stop earning delayed retirement credits)
End of group of questions
NP_08 (when should claim)
Imagine an individual, Ms Helen Johnson, who is 68 and earning $50,000 per year from her full-time job. She has never claimed Social Security benefits but has found out that she will be entitled to a $1,600 monthly retirement benefit if she starts claiming when she turns 70. Which of the statements below is correct?
1 She cannot claim before age 70, unless she stops working
2 She should start claiming right away since her monthly benefit will not increase by waiting longer
3 She should start claiming at 72 since her benefit at that age will be higher than if she claims earlier
4 She can claim now, but her benefit will be lower than if she waits until she turns 70.
NP_09 (retirement earnings test statement)
The Retirement Earnings Test (RET) specifies that Social Security withholds benefits if a person below their Full Retirement Age receives benefits while working, and whose earnings from this work exceed a certain amount. To the best of your knowledge, which of the following aspects of the RET is also true?
1 A person's benefit amount is permanently reduced
2 Once a person reaches Full Retirement Age their benefit amount is increased to account for the withheld benefit
3 The withheld benefit is paid as a lump sum once the person reaches Full Retirement Age.
if s8a != 6 then
q17_age_minimum := currentage
q17_age_maximum := currentage
End of if
if q17_age_minimum = empty then
End of if
if q17_age_maximum = empty then
End of if
Fill code of question 'FLQ17' executed
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q17 (age retire)
At what age [do you plan to/did you] retire?
1 years old
6 Don't work/Stay at home/ Not applicable
7 Never, I plan to work as long as possible
8 Don’t know
q17_age (age retire)
RANGE ^q17_age_minimum..^q17_age_maximum
End of group of questions
if Q17 = 8 then
q17_fol (follow up age retire)
You said you do not know when you plan to fully retire. If you had to guess, at what age would you expect to retire?
RANGE ^q17_age_minimum..^q17_age_maximum
End of if
End of if
IF S4 = 1 THEN
Fill code of question 'FLQ18' executed
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q18b (expected age spouse retire)
To the best of your knowledge, at what age [does your spouse plan to retire/did your spouse retire]?
1 years old
6 Don't work/Stay at home/ Not applicable
7 Never, plans to work as long as possible
8 Don’t know
q18_age (spouse age retire)
RANGE 18..120
End of group of questions
End of if
if s7a != 1 then
q19_age_minimum := currentage
if q19_age_minimum = empty then
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q19a (what age claim SS retirement benefits)
At what age do you plan to claim your Social Security retirement benefits?
1 At years old
6 Not eligible
7 Never
8 Don’t know
q19_age (age claim SS)
RANGE ^q19_age_minimum..120
End of group of questions
if q19a = 8 then
q19_fol (follow up age claim SS)
You said you do not know when you plan to claim your Social Security retirement benefits. If you had to guess, at what age would you expect to claim your benefits?
RANGE ^q19_age_minimum..120
End of if
IF S4 = 1 THEN
IF S7b != 1 THEN
Group of questions presented on the same screen
q19c (what age spouse claim SS retirement benefits)
At what age does your spouse plan to claim his or her Social Security retirement benefits?
1 At years old
6 Not eligible
7 Never
8 Don’t know
q19c_age (age spouse claim SS)
RANGE 18..120
End of group of questions
q19d (age spouse claimed SS retirement benefits)
At what age did your spouse claim his or her Social Security retirement benefits?
RANGE 18..120
End of if
End of if
IF S7a != 1 AND Q19_age >= 62 AND Q19_age <= 68 THEN
q20a (estimated monthly benefits)
When you claim your Social Security benefits at age [age claim SS[]], about how much money in total do you think you will receive per month? If you are not sure, please provide your best estimate.
1 Less than $500
2 $500 to $999
3 $1,000 to $1,499
4 $1,500 to $1,999
5 $2,000 or more
Q20a_followup (money per month brackets)
When you claim your Social Security benefits at age [age claim SS[]], about how much money in total do you think you will receive per month? If you are not sure, please provide your best estimate.
1 Less than $500
2 $500 to $999
3 $1,000 to $1,499
4 $1,500 to $1,999
5 $2,000 or more
End of if
End of if
Q21 (expected monthly benefit)
Imagine an individual, Mr. Spencer Wills, who is retired from work and turning 63 today. Spencer expects his monthly Social Security retirement benefit to be about $2,000 if he claims now. How much should he expect his monthly benefit to be if he decides to wait another year and claim when he is 64?
1 It would stay the same
2 Approximately $2,120 (6% higher)
3 Approximately $2,020 (1% higher)
4 Approximately $2,300 (15% higher)
IF S4 = 1 AND S7b != 1 AND Q19c_age >= 62 AND Q19c_age <= 68 THEN
Q22a (spouse money per month brackets )
When your spouse claims his or her Social Security benefits at age [age spouse claim SS[]], about how much money do you think he or she will receive per month? If you are not sure, please provide your best estimate.
1 Less than $500
2 $500 to $999
3 $1,000 to $1,499
4 $1,500 to $1,999
5 $2,000 or more
Q22a_followup (spouse money per month brackets )
When your spouse claims his or her Social Security benefits at age [age spouse claim SS[]], about how much money do you think he or she will receive per month? If you are not sure, please provide your best estimate.
1 Less than $500
2 $500 to $999
3 $1,000 to $1,499
4 $1,500 to $1,999
5 $2,000 or more
End of if
End of if
IF S7a = 2 AND Q19_age = response AND Q19_age < 70 THEN
q22d (maintain reasonable standard of living)
If you were for any reason not able to receive Social Security benefits until age 70, do you think you would be able to draw on other savings or income to maintain a reasonable standard of living until then?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don't know
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is "not at all true of me" and 5 is "very true of me", please rate the statements below.
Subgroup of questions
in001a (I know how to open downloaded files)
I know how to open downloaded files
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001b (I know how to download/save a photo I found online)
I know how to download/save a photo I found online
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001c (I know how to use shortcut keys (e.g. CTRL-C for copy, CTRL-S for save))
I know how to use shortcut keys (e.g. CTRL-C for copy, CTRL-S for save)
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001d (I know how to open a new tab in my browser)
I know how to open a new tab in my browser
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001e (I know how to bookmark a website)
I know how to bookmark a website
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001f (I know where to click to go to a different webpage)
I know where to click to go to a different webpage
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001g (I know how to complete online forms)
I know how to complete online forms
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001h (I know how to upload files)
I know how to upload files
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is "not at all true of me" and 5 is "very true of me", please rate the statements below.
Subgroup of questions
in001i (I know how to adjust privacy settings)
I know how to adjust privacy settings
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001j (I know how to connect to a WIFI network)
I know how to connect to a WIFI network
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001k (I find it hard to decide what the best keywords are to use for online searches)
I find it hard to decide what the best keywords are to use for online searches
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001l (I find it hard to find a website I visited before)
I find it hard to find a website I visited before
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001m (I get tired when looking for information online)
I get tired when looking for information online
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001n (Sometimes I end up on websites without knowing how I got there)
Sometimes I end up on websites without knowing how I got there
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001o (I find the way in which many websites are designed confusing)
I find the way in which many websites are designed confusing
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001p (All the different website layouts make working with the internet difficult for me)
All the different website layouts make working with the internet difficult for me
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is "not at all true of me" and 5 is "very true of me", please rate the statements below.
Subgroup of questions
in001q (I should take a course on finding information online)
I should take a course on finding information online
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001r (Sometimes I find it hard to verify information I have retrieved online)
Sometimes I find it hard to verify information I have retrieved online
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001s (I know which information I should and shouldn’t share online)
I know which information I should and shouldn’t share online
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001t (I know when I should and shouldn’t share information online)
I know when I should and shouldn’t share information online
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001u (I am careful to make my comments and behaviors appropriate to the situation I find myself in online)
I am careful to make my comments and behaviors appropriate to the situation I find myself in online
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001v (I know how to change who I share content with (e.g. friends, friends of friends or public))
I know how to change who I share content with (e.g. friends, friends of friends or public)
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001w (I know how to remove friends from my contact lists)
I know how to remove friends from my contact lists
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001x (I feel comfortable deciding who to follow online (e.g. on services like X -formerly known as Twitter- or Instagram))
I feel comfortable deciding who to follow online (e.g. on services like X -formerly known as Twitter- or Instagram)
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is "not at all true of me" and 5 is "very true of me", please rate the statements below.
Subgroup of questions
in001y (I know how to create something new from existing online images, music or video)
I know how to create something new from existing online images, music or video
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001z (I know how to make basic changes to the content that others have produced)
I know how to make basic changes to the content that others have produced
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001aa (I know how to design a website)
I know how to design a website
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001bb (I know which different types of licenses apply to online content)
I know which different types of licenses apply to online content
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001cc (I would feel confident putting video content I have created online)
I would feel confident putting video content I have created online
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001dd (I know which apps/software are safe to download)
I know which apps/software are safe to download
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001ee (I am confident about writing a comment on a blog, website or forum)
I am confident about writing a comment on a blog, website or forum
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001ff (I would feel confident writing and commenting online)
I would feel confident writing and commenting online
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is "not at all true of me" and 5 is "very true of me", please rate the statements below.
Subgroup of questions
in001gg (I know how to install apps on a mobile device)
I know how to install apps on a mobile device
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001hh (I know how to download apps to my mobile device)
I know how to download apps to my mobile device
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
in001ii (I know how to keep track of the costs of mobile app use)
I know how to keep track of the costs of mobile app use
1 Not at all true of me
2 Not very true of me
3 Neither true nor untrue of me
4 Mostly true of me
5 Very true of me
6 Don't know
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
Group of questions presented on the same screen
How often do you conduct each of the following activities at home?
Subgroup of questions
in002a (Video-chat with friends or family members)
Video-chat with friends or family members
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002b (Video-conference with work colleagues)
Video-conference with work colleagues
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002c (Look-up information about Social Security )
Look-up information about Social Security
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002d (Look-up information about other government programs)
Look-up information about other government programs
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002e (Check account balances)
Check account balances
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002f (Manage bank accounts/Transfer money across bank-accounts)
Manage bank accounts/Transfer money across bank-accounts
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002g (Use email)
Use email
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002gNR16a (Use text (SMS) messaging)
Use text (SMS) messaging
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002gNR16b (Use WhatsApp)
Use WhatsApp
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002h (Transfer files with co-workers)
Transfer files with co-workers
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002i (Interact using social media platform (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc))
Interact using social media platform (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc)
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002j (Take online classes)
Take online classes
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002k (Shop online)
Shop online
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002l (Pay a bill online)
Pay a bill online
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002m (Fill an application online)
Fill an application online
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
in002n (Made a telemedicine (video) visit to a doctor or healthcare provider)
Made a telemedicine (video) visit to a doctor or healthcare provider
1 Never
2 Rarely
3 Sometimes
4 Often
5 Very often
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
if in002a in [2,3,4,5] OR in002b in [2,3,4,5] OR in002c in [2,3,4,5] OR in002d in [2,3,4,5] OR in002e in [2,3,4,5] OR in002f in [2,3,4,5] OR in002g in [2,3,4,5] OR in002gNR16a in [2,3,4,5] OR in002gNR16b in [2,3,4,5] OR in002h in [2,3,4,5] OR in002i in [2,3,4,5] OR in002j in [2,3,4,5] OR in002k in [2,3,4,5] OR in002l in [2,3,4,5] OR in002m in [2,3,4,5] OR in002n in [2,3,4,5] then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following activities, please tell us for how long you have been doing them?
Subgroup of questions
if in002a in [2,3,4,5] then
in003a (how long Video-chat with friends or family members)
Video-chat with friends or family members
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002b in [2,3,4,5] then
in003b (how long Video-conference with work colleagues)
Video-conference with work colleagues
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002c in [2,3,4,5] then
in003c (how long Look-up information about Social Security )
Look-up information about Social Security
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002d in [2,3,4,5] then
in003d (how long Look-up information about other government programs)
Look-up information about other government programs
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002e in [2,3,4,5] then
in003e (how long Check account balances)
Check account balances
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002f in [2,3,4,5] then
in003f (how long Manage bank accounts/Transfer money across bank-accounts)
Manage bank accounts/Transfer money across bank-accounts
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002g in [2,3,4,5] then
in003g (how long Use email)
Use email
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002gNR16a in [2,3,4,5] then
in003gNR16a (how long Use text (SMS) messaging)
Use text (SMS) messaging
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002gNR16b in [2,3,4,5] then
in003gNR16b (how long Use WhatsApp)
Use WhatsApp
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002h in [2,3,4,5] then
in003h (how long Transfer files with co-workers)
Transfer files with co-workers
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002i in [2,3,4,5] then
in003i (how long Interact using social media platform (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter -X-, etc))
Interact using social media platform (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc)
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002j in [2,3,4,5] then
in003j (how long Take online classes)
Take online classes
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002k in [2,3,4,5] then
in003k (how long Shop online)
Shop online
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002l in [2,3,4,5] then
in003l (how long Pay a bill online)
Pay a bill online
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002m in [2,3,4,5] then
in003m (how long Fill an application online)
Fill an application online
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
if in002n in [2,3,4,5] then
in003n (how long Made a telemedicine (video) visit to a doctor or healthcare provider)
Made a telemedicine (video) visit to a doctor or healthcare provider
1 I started less than a month ago
2 Between one and six months ago
3 Between six months and a year ago
4 More than a year ago
5 Not applicable
End of if
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)