Routing for UAS621
In the following questions, we would like to get your opinion on a number of issues that people are discussing in the US today.
ba001 (political party identity)
Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Democrat, Republican, Independent, or what?
1 Democrat
2 Republican
3 Independent
4 Other
if ba001 = 1 then
ba002a (strength Democrat)
Would you call yourself a strong, or not a very strong Democrat?
1 Strong
2 Not strong
elseif ba001 = 2 then
ba002b (strength Republican)
Would you call yourself a strong, or not a very strong Republican?
1 Strong
2 Not strong
ba002c (lean party)
Do you think of yourself as closer to the Democratic or Republican Party?
1 Democratic Party
2 Republican Party
End of if
ba003 (born-again or evangelical Christian)
Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not?
1 (YES) Yes
2 (NO) No
ba004 (how important religion)
How important is religion in your life?
1 Very important
2 Somewhat important
3 Not too important
4 Not at all important
if sizeof(set_order_A) = 0 then
set_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3))
set_order_A := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 4, 3 => 8, 4 => 12))
set_order_B := shuffleArray(array(1 => 2, 2 => 5, 3 => 9, 4 => 10))
set_order_C := shuffleArray(array(1 => 3, 2 => 6, 3 => 7, 4 => 11))
group_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4))
section_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3))
End of if
if section_order[1] = 1 then
if set_order[1] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au001a (most What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au001d (most Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au001h (most Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au001l (most Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au001b (most Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au001e (most Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au001i (most Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au001j (most Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au001c (most What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au001f (most Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au001g (most Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au001k (most What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[2] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au001a (most What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au001d (most Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au001h (most Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au001l (most Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au001b (most Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au001e (most Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au001i (most Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au001j (most Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au001c (most What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au001f (most Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au001g (most Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au001k (most What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[3] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au001a (most What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au001d (most Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au001h (most Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au001l (most Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au001b (most Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au001e (most Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au001i (most Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au001j (most Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au001c (most What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au001f (most Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au001g (most Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au001k (most What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
Next, we will ask you who should have the least decision-making power over the same set of issues.
if set_order[1] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au002a (least What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au002d (least Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au002h (least Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au002l (least Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au002b (least Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au002e (least Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au002i (least Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au002j (least Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au002c (least What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au002f (least Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au002g (least Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au002k (least What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[2] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au002a (least What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au002d (least Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au002h (least Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au002l (least Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au002b (least Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au002e (least Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au002i (least Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au002j (least Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au002c (least What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au002f (least Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au002g (least Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au002k (least What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[3] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au002a (least What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au002d (least Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au002h (least Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au002l (least Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au002b (least Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au002e (least Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au002i (least Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au002j (least Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au002c (least What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au002f (least Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au002g (least Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au002k (least What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
elseif section_order[1] = 2 then
if set_order[1] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
cn001a (The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.)
The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
cn001d (It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.)
It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
cn001h (Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.)
Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
cn001l (Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
cn001b (Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.)
Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
cn001e (On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.)
On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
cn001i (Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.)
Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
cn001j (Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.)
Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
cn001c (Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.)
Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
cn001f (Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy. )
Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
cn001g (Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.)
Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
cn001k (Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.)
Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[2] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
cn001a (The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.)
The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
cn001d (It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.)
It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
cn001h (Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.)
Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
cn001l (Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
cn001b (Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.)
Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
cn001e (On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.)
On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
cn001i (Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.)
Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
cn001j (Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.)
Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
cn001c (Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.)
Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
cn001f (Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy. )
Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
cn001g (Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.)
Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
cn001k (Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.)
Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[3] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
cn001a (The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.)
The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
cn001d (It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.)
It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
cn001h (Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.)
Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
cn001l (Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
cn001b (Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.)
Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
cn001e (On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.)
On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
cn001i (Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.)
Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
cn001j (Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.)
Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
cn001c (Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.)
Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
cn001f (Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy. )
Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
cn001g (Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.)
Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
cn001k (Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.)
Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
elseif section_order[1] = 3 then
if set_order[1] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
at001a (Actions should be taken to address climate change.)
Actions should be taken to address climate change.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
at001d (Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.)
Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
at001h (In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.)
In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
at001l (Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
at001b (Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.)
Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
at001e (People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.)
People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
at001i (Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.)
Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
at001j (Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.)
Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
at001c (Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.)
Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
at001f (A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.)
A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
at001g (Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.)
Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
at001k (Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.)
Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[2] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
at001a (Actions should be taken to address climate change.)
Actions should be taken to address climate change.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
at001d (Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.)
Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
at001h (In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.)
In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
at001l (Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
at001b (Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.)
Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
at001e (People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.)
People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
at001i (Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.)
Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
at001j (Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.)
Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
at001c (Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.)
Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
at001f (A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.)
A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
at001g (Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.)
Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
at001k (Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.)
Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[3] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
at001a (Actions should be taken to address climate change.)
Actions should be taken to address climate change.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
at001d (Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.)
Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
at001h (In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.)
In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
at001l (Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
at001b (Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.)
Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
at001e (People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.)
People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
at001i (Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.)
Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
at001j (Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.)
Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
at001c (Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.)
Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
at001f (A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.)
A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
at001g (Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.)
Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
at001k (Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.)
Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
End of if
if section_order[2] = 1 then
if set_order[1] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au001a (most What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au001d (most Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au001h (most Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au001l (most Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au001b (most Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au001e (most Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au001i (most Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au001j (most Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au001c (most What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au001f (most Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au001g (most Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au001k (most What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[2] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au001a (most What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au001d (most Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au001h (most Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au001l (most Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au001b (most Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au001e (most Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au001i (most Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au001j (most Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au001c (most What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au001f (most Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au001g (most Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au001k (most What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[3] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au001a (most What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au001d (most Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au001h (most Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au001l (most Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au001b (most Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au001e (most Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au001i (most Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au001j (most Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au001c (most What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au001f (most Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au001g (most Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au001k (most What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
Next, we will ask you who should have the least decision-making power over the same set of issues.
if set_order[1] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au002a (least What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au002d (least Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au002h (least Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au002l (least Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au002b (least Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au002e (least Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au002i (least Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au002j (least Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au002c (least What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au002f (least Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au002g (least Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au002k (least What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[2] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au002a (least What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au002d (least Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au002h (least Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au002l (least Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au002b (least Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au002e (least Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au002i (least Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au002j (least Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au002c (least What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au002f (least Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au002g (least Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au002k (least What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[3] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au002a (least What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au002d (least Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au002h (least Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au002l (least Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au002b (least Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au002e (least Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au002i (least Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au002j (least Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au002c (least What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au002f (least Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au002g (least Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au002k (least What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
elseif section_order[2] = 2 then
if set_order[1] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
cn001a (The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.)
The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
cn001d (It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.)
It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
cn001h (Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.)
Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
cn001l (Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
cn001b (Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.)
Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
cn001e (On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.)
On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
cn001i (Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.)
Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
cn001j (Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.)
Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
cn001c (Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.)
Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
cn001f (Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy. )
Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
cn001g (Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.)
Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
cn001k (Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.)
Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[2] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
cn001a (The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.)
The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
cn001d (It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.)
It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
cn001h (Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.)
Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
cn001l (Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
cn001b (Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.)
Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
cn001e (On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.)
On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
cn001i (Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.)
Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
cn001j (Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.)
Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
cn001c (Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.)
Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
cn001f (Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy. )
Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
cn001g (Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.)
Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
cn001k (Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.)
Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[3] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
cn001a (The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.)
The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
cn001d (It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.)
It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
cn001h (Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.)
Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
cn001l (Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
cn001b (Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.)
Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
cn001e (On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.)
On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
cn001i (Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.)
Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
cn001j (Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.)
Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
cn001c (Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.)
Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
cn001f (Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy. )
Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
cn001g (Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.)
Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
cn001k (Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.)
Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
elseif section_order[2] = 3 then
if set_order[1] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
at001a (Actions should be taken to address climate change.)
Actions should be taken to address climate change.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
at001d (Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.)
Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
at001h (In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.)
In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
at001l (Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
at001b (Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.)
Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
at001e (People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.)
People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
at001i (Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.)
Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
at001j (Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.)
Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
at001c (Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.)
Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
at001f (A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.)
A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
at001g (Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.)
Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
at001k (Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.)
Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[2] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
at001a (Actions should be taken to address climate change.)
Actions should be taken to address climate change.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
at001d (Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.)
Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
at001h (In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.)
In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
at001l (Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
at001b (Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.)
Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
at001e (People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.)
People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
at001i (Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.)
Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
at001j (Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.)
Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
at001c (Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.)
Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
at001f (A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.)
A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
at001g (Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.)
Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
at001k (Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.)
Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[3] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
at001a (Actions should be taken to address climate change.)
Actions should be taken to address climate change.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
at001d (Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.)
Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
at001h (In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.)
In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
at001l (Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
at001b (Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.)
Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
at001e (People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.)
People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
at001i (Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.)
Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
at001j (Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.)
Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
at001c (Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.)
Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
at001f (A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.)
A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
at001g (Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.)
Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
at001k (Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.)
Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
End of if
if section_order[3] = 1 then
if set_order[1] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au001a (most What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au001d (most Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au001h (most Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au001l (most Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au001b (most Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au001e (most Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au001i (most Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au001j (most Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au001c (most What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au001f (most Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au001g (most Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au001k (most What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[2] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au001a (most What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au001d (most Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au001h (most Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au001l (most Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au001b (most Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au001e (most Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au001i (most Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au001j (most Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au001c (most What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au001f (most Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au001g (most Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au001k (most What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[3] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au001a (most What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au001d (most Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au001h (most Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au001l (most Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au001b (most Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au001e (most Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au001i (most Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au001j (most Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have most authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have most authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au001c (most What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au001f (most Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au001g (most Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au001k (most What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
Next, we will ask you who should have the least decision-making power over the same set of issues.
if set_order[1] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au002a (least What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au002d (least Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au002h (least Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au002l (least Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au002b (least Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au002e (least Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au002i (least Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au002j (least Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au002c (least What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au002f (least Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au002g (least Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au002k (least What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[2] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au002a (least What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au002d (least Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au002h (least Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au002l (least Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au002b (least Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au002e (least Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au002i (least Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au002j (least Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au002c (least What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au002f (least Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au002g (least Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au002k (least What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[3] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
au002a (least What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change)
What actions, if any, are taken to address climate change
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
au002d (least Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty)
Whether young people who believe they may be transgender are allowed to take medication to block puberty
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
au002h (least Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children)
Whether to encourage one parent in two-parent households to stay home to care for young children
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
au002l (least Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society)
Whether public school students are taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
au002b (least Who is encouraged to get a booster COVID vaccine)
Who is encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
au002e (least Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports)
Whether people born male who take female hormones (transwomen) are barred from competing in women's sports
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
au002i (least Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry)
Whether to encourage single parents with children under age 18 to marry
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
au002j (least Whether children who attend public school stay home during a public health crisis)
Whether public school children stay home during a public health crisis
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
For each of the following issues, in your view, who should have least authority or decision-making power?
For each case, please check who should have least authority.
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
au002c (least What vaccines children take before attending public school)
What vaccines children take before attending public school
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
au002f (least Whether a pregnant woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months)
Whether a woman is allowed to end her pregnancy within the first three months
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
au002g (least Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so)
Whether adults who want to use hard drugs are prevented from doing so
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
au002k (least What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be freely available in K-8 public school libraries)
What books on sexuality, gender, and different family types will be available in public school libraries used by children in kindergarten through eighth grade
1 Elected officials and policymakers
2 Scientists, doctors, or other experts
3 Faith-based or religious communities
4 Individuals and families
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
elseif section_order[3] = 2 then
if set_order[1] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
cn001a (The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.)
The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
cn001d (It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.)
It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
cn001h (Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.)
Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
cn001l (Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
cn001b (Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.)
Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
cn001e (On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.)
On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
cn001i (Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.)
Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
cn001j (Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.)
Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
cn001c (Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.)
Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
cn001f (Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy. )
Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
cn001g (Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.)
Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
cn001k (Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.)
Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[2] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
cn001a (The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.)
The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
cn001d (It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.)
It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
cn001h (Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.)
Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
cn001l (Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
cn001b (Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.)
Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
cn001e (On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.)
On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
cn001i (Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.)
Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
cn001j (Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.)
Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
cn001c (Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.)
Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
cn001f (Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy. )
Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
cn001g (Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.)
Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
cn001k (Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.)
Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[3] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
cn001a (The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.)
The world's climate is warming in large part due to human activity.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
cn001d (It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.)
It is safe for young people aged 10 to 16 to take medication to block puberty.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
cn001h (Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.)
Young children in two-parent households tend to do better on cognitive tests when one parent stays home to care for them.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
cn001l (Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
cn001b (Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.)
Generally speaking, COVID vaccines safely decrease adults' risk of developing serious COVID.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
cn001e (On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.)
On average, athletes born male who take female hormones (transwomen) still have a competitive advantage over female athletes.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
cn001i (Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.)
Children raised by two married parents tend to complete more schooling than those raised by single or unmarried parents.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
cn001j (Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.)
Extended school closures during COVID-19 harmed children's learning without doing much to control the pandemic.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
As far as you know, how much do scientists, doctors, or other relevant experts agree or disagree that...
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
cn001c (Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.)
Generally speaking, childhood vaccines safely decrease children's risk of developing serious illness.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
cn001f (Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy. )
Generally speaking, women can safely take abortion pills during the first three months of a pregnancy.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
cn001g (Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.)
Overall, making hard drugs illegal leads to fewer overdoses and deaths.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
cn001k (Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.)
Children in kindergarten through eighth grade tend to fare better psychologically if they have access to library books about sexuality, gender, and different family types.
1 Complete, or near-complete, disagreement
2 Majority disagreement
3 Mixed views - neither agreement nor disagreement
4 Majority agreement
5 Complete, or near-complete, agreement
6 Don't know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
elseif section_order[3] = 3 then
if set_order[1] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
at001a (Actions should be taken to address climate change.)
Actions should be taken to address climate change.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
at001d (Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.)
Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
at001h (In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.)
In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
at001l (Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
at001b (Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.)
Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
at001e (People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.)
People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
at001i (Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.)
Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
at001j (Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.)
Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[1] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
at001c (Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.)
Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
at001f (A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.)
A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
at001g (Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.)
Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
at001k (Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.)
Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[2] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
at001a (Actions should be taken to address climate change.)
Actions should be taken to address climate change.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
at001d (Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.)
Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
at001h (In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.)
In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
at001l (Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
at001b (Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.)
Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
at001e (People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.)
People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
at001i (Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.)
Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
at001j (Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.)
Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[2] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
at001c (Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.)
Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
at001f (A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.)
A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
at001g (Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.)
Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
at001k (Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.)
Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
if set_order[3] = 1 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_A[cnt] = 1 then
at001a (Actions should be taken to address climate change.)
Actions should be taken to address climate change.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 4 then
at001d (Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.)
Young people who believe they may be transgender should be allowed to take medication to block puberty.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 8 then
at001h (In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.)
In two-parent households, one parent should be encouraged to stay home to care for children when they are young.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_A[cnt] = 12 then
at001l (Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.)
Public school students should be taught that racial inequality is embedded in American institutions and society.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 2 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_B[cnt] = 2 then
at001b (Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.)
Generally speaking, adults should be encouraged to get an updated COVID vaccine.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 5 then
at001e (People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.)
People born male who take female hormones (transwomen) should be barred from competing in women's sports.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 9 then
at001i (Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.)
Single parents with children under 18 should be encouraged to marry.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_B[cnt] = 10 then
at001j (Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.)
Public school children should stay home during a public health crisis.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
elseif set_order[3] = 3 then
Group of questions presented on the same screen
To what extent do you personally agree or disagree that:
Subgroup of questions
Loop from 1 to 4
if set_order_C[cnt] = 3 then
at001c (Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.)
Generally speaking, children should be vaccinated prior to attending public school.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 6 then
at001f (A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.)
A woman who wishes to end her pregnancy in the first three months should be allowed to do so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 7 then
at001g (Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.)
Adults who want to use hard drugs should be prevented from doing so.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
elseif set_order_C[cnt] = 11 then
at001k (Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.)
Books on sexuality, gender, and different family types should be available in kindergarten through eighth grade public school libraries.
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Slightly disagree
4 Neither agree nor disagree
5 Slightly agree
6 Agree
7 Strongly Agree
8 Don't Know
End of if
End of loop
End of subgroup of questions
End of group of questions
End of if
End of if
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments for us? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)
To protect your privacy, please do not write in any identifying information such as names or email addresses.
Thank you!