Routing for UAS640
This survey focuses on how you feel about things going on in the country these days, and your opinions on different sources of information. In one section of the survey you will see a chart with survey results. The chart may show simulated data, or data from real surveys. We will then ask a few follow-up questions about the data and let you know which type of data you saw.
a001 (right or wrong track country)
Generally speaking, do you feel that the country is headed in the right direction, or is it off on the wrong track?
1 Right direction
2 Wrong track
The next questions ask you to rate your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the state of the nation on each of several topics, or to say if you don't have enough information about a particular topic to rate it.
a002 (How satisfied or dissatisfied with state of nation's economy)
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the state of the nation's economy?
1 Very satisfied
2 Somewhat satisfied
3 Somewhat dissatisfied
4 Very dissatisfied
5 Don't know, not sure
a004 (How satisfied or dissatisfied with availability of affordable health care)
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the availability of affordable health care?
1 Very satisfied
2 Somewhat satisfied
3 Somewhat dissatisfied
4 Very dissatisfied
5 Don't know, not sure
a003 (How satisfied or dissatisfied with Social Security and Medicare systems)
How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the Social Security and Medicare systems?
1 Very satisfied
2 Somewhat satisfied
3 Somewhat dissatisfied
4 Very dissatisfied
5 Don't know, not sure
if a005_randomizer = empty then
a005_randomizer := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
if a005_randomizer = 1 then
a005a (guess what percentage of American adults are satisfied)
Just your best guess, what percentage of American adults do you think are satisfied with the Social Security and Medicare systems?
a005b (guess what percentage of American adults are dissatisfied)
Just your best guess, what percentage of American adults do you think are dissatisfied with the Social Security and Medicare systems?
End of if
if a005_randomizer = 1 then
Please move the slider to choose a level of satisfaction.
Please use only whole numbers from 0 - 100 in the text box for the level of satisfaction.
Please move the slider to choose a level of satisfaction.
Please move the slider to choose a level of dissatisfaction.
Please use only whole numbers from 0 - 100 in the text box for the level of dissatisfaction.
Please move the slider to choose a level of dissatisfaction.
End of if
End of group of questions
News organizations often conduct polls to let readers or viewers know more about a topic or an election. For each of the following statements, please indicate which statement comes closest to how you feel about polls.
b001 (Polls are a good way to inform readers or viewers.)
Polls are a good way to inform readers or viewers.
1 Disagree strongly
2 Disagree somewhat
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree somewhat
5 Agree strongly
b002 (Polls are a good way for me to learn what other people are thinking.)
Polls are a good way for me to learn what other people are thinking.
1 Disagree strongly
2 Disagree somewhat
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree somewhat
5 Agree strongly
b003 (The predictions of pollsters add to the excitement of a political campaign.)
The predictions of pollsters add to the excitement of a political campaign.
1 Disagree strongly
2 Disagree somewhat
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree somewhat
5 Agree strongly
b004 (Public opinion polls make the country more democratic. )
Public opinion polls make the country more democratic.
1 Disagree strongly
2 Disagree somewhat
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree somewhat
5 Agree strongly
b005 (A poll is an opportunity for the silent majority to express their opinions.)
A poll is an opportunity for the silent majority to express their opinions.
1 Disagree strongly
2 Disagree somewhat
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree somewhat
5 Agree strongly
b006 (public opinion polls have too much or too little influence on Washington)
Do public opinion polls have too much or too little influence on Washington?
1 Have too much influence on Washington
2 Have too little influence on Washington
3 Have about the right amount of influence on Washington
b007 (think people in government pay too much, or too little attention to opinion polls when making new policies)
Do you think people in government pay too much, or too little attention to opinion polls when making new policies?
1 People in government pay too much attention to polls
2 People in government don’t pay enough attention to polls
3 People in government pay about the right amount attention to polls
b008 (extent think opinion polls useful for you to understand how public feels about important issues)
To what extent do you think opinion polls are useful for you to understand how the public feels about important issues?
1 Very useful
2 Somewhat useful
3 Not too useful
4 Not useful at all
b009 (how reliable are polls conducted in the United States)
In general, how reliable are polls conducted in the United States?
1 Not reliable at all
2 Slightly reliable
3 Somewhat reliable
4 Very reliable
5 Extremely reliable
In the next section, we are interested in what you think about polls and how different groups use them.
c001 (most accurate source of information for a Member of Congress to understand district opinion)
What is the most accurate source of information for a Member of Congress to use to understand their district's opinion on an issue?
1 The letters and emails written by the public to the member
2 The campaign contributions made to the member
3 A scientific opinion poll of the residents of their district
4 Town Hall meetings where the member meets with groups of residents in their district
c002 (most important for an accurate opinion poll)
Which of the following is most important for an accurate opinion poll?
1 A random sample
2 A very large number of respondents
3 A very short questionnaire
c003 (telephone survey response rates change)
Over the past two decades, telephone survey response rates have...
1 Increased
2 Stayed the same
3 Decreased
c004 (facts want to know to help evaluate quality of opinion poll)
Which of the following facts would you want to know to help you evaluate the quality of an opinion poll?
Check all that apply.
1 Which organization conducted the poll
2 The specific questions that were asked in the poll
3 What kind of sample was used for the poll
4 Don't know
c005 (timing conditions think give more accurate estimate of election outcome)
Which of the following timing conditions do you think would give a more accurate estimate of an election outcome, considering that all other factors are the same?
1 If the poll is conducted 2 days before the election
2 If the poll is conducted 2 weeks before the election
3 If the poll is conducted 2 months before the election
4 The timing of the poll would not make any difference under any circumstances as long as the sample is representative
if sizeof(d_order) = 0 then
d_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4))
End of if
Group of questions presented on the same screen
We would like to get your feelings toward some of the groups and institutions who are in the news these days. We will give you the name of one and we’d like you to rate it using something we call the feeling thermometer.
Ratings between 50 degrees and 100 degrees mean that you feel favorable and warm toward the group.
Ratings between 0 degrees and 50 degrees mean that you don’t feel favorable toward the group and that you don’t care too much for that group.
You would rate the group at the 50 degree mark if you don’t feel particularly warm or cold toward it.
Loop from 1 to 4
if d_order[cnt] = 1 then
d001 (feelings The Republican Party)
The Republican Party
Please move the slider to choose a rating for the Republican Party.
Please use only whole numbers from 0 - 100 in the text box for the Republican Party.
Please move the slider to choose a rating for the Republican Party.
elseif d_order[cnt] = 2 then
d002 (feelings The Democratic Party)
The Democratic Party
Please move the slider to choose a rating for the Democratic Party.
Please use only whole numbers from 0 - 100 in the text box for the Democratic Party.
Please move the slider to choose a rating for the Democratic Party.
elseif d_order[cnt] = 3 then
d003 (feelings The U.S. Congress)
The U.S. Congress
Please move the slider to choose a rating for the U.S. Congress.
Please use only whole numbers from 0 - 100 in the text box for the U.S. Congress.
Please move the slider to choose a rating for the U.S. Congress.
elseif d_order[cnt] = 4 then
d004 (feelings The U.S. Supreme Court)
The U.S. Supreme Court
Please move the slider to choose a rating for the U.S. Supreme Court.
Please use only whole numbers from 0 - 100 in the text box for the U.S. Supreme Court.
Please move the slider to choose a rating for the U.S. Supreme Court.
End of if
End of loop
End of group of questions
Next we have some questions about participating in surveys.
if sizeof (e_order) = 0 then
e_order := shuffleArray(array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9))
End of if
Loop from 1 to 9
if e_order[cnt] = 1 then
e001 (In general, I really enjoy responding to survey questionnaires through the mail or Internet)
In general, I really enjoy responding to survey questionnaires through the mail or Internet.
1 Totally disagree
7 Totally agree
elseif e_order[cnt] = 2 then
e002 (I really enjoy being interviewed for a survey over the telephone or in person)
I really enjoy being interviewed for a survey over the telephone or in person.
1 Totally disagree
7 Totally agree
elseif e_order[cnt] = 3 then
e003 (Surveys are interesting in themselves)
Surveys are interesting in themselves.
1 Totally disagree
7 Totally agree
elseif e_order[cnt] = 4 then
e004 (Surveys are important for society)
Surveys are important for society.
1 Totally disagree
7 Totally agree
elseif e_order[cnt] = 5 then
e005 (A lot can be learned from information collected through surveys)
A lot can be learned from information collected through surveys.
1 Totally disagree
7 Totally agree
elseif e_order[cnt] = 6 then
e006 (Completing surveys is a waste of time)
Completing surveys is a waste of time.
1 Totally disagree
7 Totally agree
elseif e_order[cnt] = 7 then
e007 (In general, I receive far too many requests to participate in surveys)
In general, I receive far too many requests to participate in surveys.
1 Totally disagree
7 Totally agree
elseif e_order[cnt] = 8 then
e008 (Opinion polls are an invasion of privacy)
Opinion polls are an invasion of privacy.
1 Totally disagree
7 Totally agree
elseif e_order[cnt] = 9 then
e009 (It is often exhausting to answer so many questions in a survey)
It is often exhausting to answer so many questions in a survey.
1 Totally disagree
7 Totally agree
End of if
End of loop
On the next screens are statements about how some people feel about their relationship to the government and politics. For each one, please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement.
f001 (People like me do not have much say in what the government does)
People like me do not have much say in what the government does.
1 Disagree strongly
2 Disagree somewhat
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree somewhat
5 Agree strongly
f002 (The system is stacked against people like me.)
The system is stacked against people like me.
1 Disagree strongly
2 Disagree somewhat
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree somewhat
5 Agree strongly
f003 (It doesn't really matter who you vote for because the rich control both political parties.)
It doesn't really matter who you vote for because the rich control both political parties.
1 Disagree strongly
2 Disagree somewhat
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree somewhat
5 Agree strongly
f004 (R views extremely liberal to extremely conservative)
We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and conservatives. Here is a seven-point scale on which the political views that people might hold are arranged from extremely liberal to extremely conservative. Where would you place yourself on this scale?
1 Extremely liberal
2 Liberal
3 Slightly liberal
4 Moderate; middle of the road
5 Slightly conservative
6 Conservative
7 Extremely conservative
affiliation_source := '1'
f005 (party affiliation)
Regardless of if or how you are registered to vote, are you more closely aligned with...
1 Democrats
2 Republicans
3 Independents (no political party)
4 Libertarians
5 Green party
6 Some other party
7 Not aligned with any political party
if f005 in [3,7] then
f006 (Party lean - asked of Independents and not aligned)
Generally speaking, do you lean more toward affiliating with Democrats or with Republicans?
1 Lean toward affiliating with Democrats
2 Lean toward affiliating with Republicans
3 Do not lean toward either party
End of if
if poll_randomizer = empty then
poll_randomizer := mt_rand(1,2)
End of if
if poll_randomizer = 1 then
Here are some results from a recent national poll.
According to a recent national poll, a majority of Americans are dissatisfied with Social Security and Medicare.
Here are some results from a recent national poll.
According to a recent national poll, a majority of Americans are satisfied with Social Security and Medicare.
End of if
st001 (how informative did find poll result)
How informative did you find this poll result?
1 Very informative
2 Somewhat informative
3 Not very informative
4 Not informative at all
st002 (how accurate poll result)
How accurately do you think the results of this poll represent public opinion on this issue in the United States?
1 Very accurately
2 Somewhat accurately
3 Not very accurately
4 Not accurately at all
st003 (how trustworthy find poll result)
How trustworthy do you think the results of this poll are?
1 Very trustworthy
2 Somewhat trustworthy
3 Not very trustworthy
4 Not trustworthy at all
Group of questions presented on the same screen
if debrief_version = 1 then
debrief (debrief)
Please ignore the poll results that you just saw. The graphic and text do not represent data collected by a polling firm, so they may or may not reflect actual public opinion on the topic.
We appreciate your participation in our research. The results of this study will be used to help us understand what information people pay most attention to when reading news stories about public opinion poll results.
If you are interested in reading about how people evaluate the content of polls, you can check out the following articles:
Kuru, Pasek & Traugott. 2017. "Motivated reasoning in the perceived credibility of public opinion polls." Public Opinion Quarterly, 81(2), 422–446.
Madson & Hillygus. 2020. "All the Best Polls Agree with Me: Bias in Evaluations of Political Polling." Political Behavior, 42(4), 1055–1072.
elseif debrief_version = 2 then
debrief2 (debrief version 2)
Please ignore the poll results that you just saw. In this survey, you are helping us learn about how people react to the kind of polling data that is commonly found in news reports. For that reason, we included a graphic and text that did not represent data collected by a polling firm. Instead, we showed a result where a majority of people either agreed or disagreed with people’s views.
We appreciate your participation in our research. The results of this study will be used to help us understand what information people pay most attention to when reading news stories about public opinion poll results.
If you are interested in reading about other research on how people evaluate the content of polls, you can check out the following articles:
Kuru, Pasek & Traugott. 2017. "Motivated reasoning in the perceived credibility of public opinion polls." Public Opinion Quarterly, 81(2), 422–446.
Madson & Hillygus. 2020. "All the Best Polls Agree with Me: Bias in Evaluations of Political Polling." Political Behavior, 42(4), 1055–1072.
debrief3 (debrief version 3)
Please ignore the poll results that you just saw. As we mentioned could happen in the introduction to the survey, the survey graphic and text you saw were simulated data. That means this was not data collected by us or a polling firm. Instead we made a chart that shows a close division of opinion about Medicare and Social Security. We carefully picked this topic because public opinion on it is closely divided, so the chart makes sense. However, we want you to know that the chart may or may not depict the actual level of public opinion on the topic at this time.
Using a simulated chart like this lets us measure responses to that specific division of opinion. It was necessary to use simulated data without labeling it that way, so we could learn which information people pay attention to when reading news stories about public opinion poll results.
Thank you very much for helping us with our research on this topic.
If you are interested in reading about other research on how people evaluate the content of polls, you can check out the following articles:
Kuru, Pasek & Traugott. 2017. "Motivated reasoning in the perceived credibility of public opinion polls." Public Opinion Quarterly, 81(2), 422–446.
Madson & Hillygus. 2020. "All the Best Polls Agree with Me: Bias in Evaluations of Political Polling." Political Behavior, 42(4), 1055–1072.
End of if
if debrief_version in [1,2] then
debrief_open (debrief)
We are testing this survey, and would appreciate your feedback. Please briefly tell us how you feel about being asked to answer questions about a poll result, then later finding out that it may or may not reflect actual public opinion on the topic. Thank you!STRING
debrief_open3 (debrief)
We are testing this survey and would appreciate any feedback you may have about participating in this research that used simulated poll results. Thank you!STRING
End of if
End of group of questions
Could you tell us how interesting or uninteresting you found the questions in this survey?
1 Very interesting
2 Interesting
3 Neither interesting nor uninteresting
4 Uninteresting
5 Very uninteresting
CS_003 (comments)
Do you have any other comments on the survey? Please type these in the box below. (If you have no comments, please click next to complete this survey.)